The Hunter Herald
December 2006
Trevor & Charmayne-As we get ready for Christmas there are some interesting things going on. Charmayne got picked for a free, all expense paid trip to Miami Beach from Scion. It was a blast to see the unveiling of the new '08 models of the xB and xD. She stayed at the Loews hotel on South Beach and had many interesting experiences...Race got accepted to go to Italy/Greece with People to People student ambassadors. He will be fund raising since his parents can't afford to send him by themselves. Anyone interested in a donation, please contact us. Also, if you have any fund raising ideas that would be extremely helpful too. Everyone else is just hanging on for the ride.
Kalli & Terri-YEA!! Terry got a job in Chico! He's working for the Valley Yellow Pages selling ad space. We are on the prowl for a home in Gridley now. We're very excited. For TaVaci (Kalli's singing group), we have our big Christmas concert this week (19th) and we're really excited. The kids Mom, Charmayne and I teach are so cute and we love it. We're glad to be done with these songs though and to have a break for Christmas. We've had 9 performances this month all over town. We've been in the newspaper 3 times and won a trophy in the Parade. Cypress was in her first school show and was beaming on the front row! Tayla loves to be on the stage but often forgets what she's doing but she sure looks cute. Tyden still has red hair and is starting to run. Still not talking. We're excited everyone will be together for Christmas. We hope everyone has a very Merry one!! We love you! Terry, Kalli, Cypress, Tayla, and Tyden Hill
Paij & Brent-We are in our new house and love it. Hope that you all have a wonderful holiday season. Paij just got called to work with the cub scouts in our new ward. I recently went down to New Orleans to help with the continued Katrina rebuilding efforts. We are looking forward to coming out to CA for Christmas and New Years. Merry Christmas.
Paij & Brent
Rebekah & Seth- Not much happening in Bakersfield. We are all very excited to have a vacation. I am personally excited about Friday. My children have school but I do not. This will allow me the privilege of attending Elliana's Christmas party. I am very excited about this. We are not sure if we will be traveling anywhere for Christmas although we are planning to be at Matthew's reception and we hope to see many of your there. Merry Christmas!!! __, _. _, ___
Brandon & Laura-Well, I should have sent this for last month, but oh well. Being our first Hunter Herald submission, we have some catching up to do. Last May Brandon started working for L-3 Communications in Salt Lake City. It is a defense contractor that specializes in communications systems for the armed services. If you are ever approached by the CIA, don't panic, they may just be asking about Brandon so he can get his security clearance. His work is right by the airport; so if you ever need to be picked up, just let him know.
After several months in Utah, (since May) we finally purchased a home in Stansbury Park. It is about 2 miles from where Caleb and Ashley live. Feel free to stop by for a visit. (We can always use you to help unpack! :) ) The Jeremy Hunter construction company has been hired to finish the basement, so hopefully there will be plenty of room for visitors soon. (Come look at the finished results before you consider hiring him for your own basement.)
Laura is "enjoying" getting the new house set up, while Brandon is at work. She is doing a great job, and hasn't made Brandon move any pictures (yet).
The kids are all doing great. Kylene, Jarom and Dallin all go to the same school. Just down the street. If they walk extra slow, it takes almost a minute to get there. They are also excited about having a yard big enough to play in. (Once the sod has been in long enough).
Brandon ran his first and (well, we will see if it is the last) marathon in St George. He finished in a little under 4 hours. Seth actually ran the same race and finished 4 or 5 miles ahead of Brandon, but we won't go into that. He wasn't carrying as much weight as Brandon was.
Life for this branch of the Hunter Tree is going well. Hopefully all is well for the rest of you. Keep up the good work on the Hunter Herald submissions. Love, Brandon, Laura, Kylene, Jarom, Dallin and Brooke
We had the family of one of our CTR5 kids come over today. He is a fun kid but very energetic. His primary class has had more then one teacher not show up regularly. For some reason he has really taken to Mike. Mike is his home teacher so maybe seeing him in his home and also at church helps. We are hoping that having him come over to our house will get him even more comfortable and we can find more ways to help.
Adam had a rough day today. I hope he isn’t sick but he was sure fussy all day. As nice as is would be we really can’t go through life with out getting sick every once in a while. I will need to check maybe he has his two-year molars coming in. Speaking of teeth McKayla went to the dentist for the first time this past week. She did great! The dentist has only been in practice for 6 months so he takes a bit longer then I would like but all in all we can’t complain. McKayla will get her teeth cleaned again in a year. The rest of the kids have appointments over the next two weeks. I don’t think they will all fare as well as she did.
Our weather is starting to cool down a bit. The kids don’t seem to mind too much. Daniel is able to remember to bring his jacket home from school because he gets too cold if he doesn’t wear it home. This is the solution I have been looking for. So far we have only seen the one day of snow. I have asked around and those who have been here a while say some years it snows and lot of other year it will hardly snow at all. I think if it is really cold there might as well be snow on the ground. (May be that is silly.)
Daniel has been working hard on his spelling words and was able to score 100% on his spelling test on Thursday. We are so proud of his hard work. Daniel finished his homework with little reminding or no reminding this past week. I would like every week to be like that. Now if Daniel and Joseph can do this every day we will have the homework monster tamed.
This morning I curled McKayla and Karalynn’s hair. They were really cute and so excited to go show dad. We took some pictures but Mike wasn’t able to send them through our email. We will try again. I was surprised how much older they looked with a few curls. Karalynn will be in sunbeams this next year and Mckayla in Kindergarten. It is hard to believe.
Mike is staying busy as ever at work. Verizon is getting ready to turn on EVDO in our area. There is a lot of equipment checking and adding to make sure we are compatible. (EVDO is DSL speed wireless Internet Salt Lake City is an area that already has it)
I am still unpacking and wondering what things I should just get rid of and what things I should find a home for. One day all things will have a place and hopefully be in it.
Well Joseph who should be asleep is at the stairs calling for me. He still has a hard time going to bed at night I guess some people are just that way. Take care. With Love, Kara and family
CALVIN & DONNA- Everyone will be home for Christmas. Yahoo! That's the report from Cal and Donna Hunter. Here’s the more detailed report from Calvin and Donna- First and foremost: NATALIE IS ENGAGED!! She is set to marry Jared Willis sometime in May, so keep the entire month open. Quick version of the proposal story: It was the day before her birthday and he brought her to the zoo. Apparently she's never been to a zoo before, so she was actually enjoying herself. When they went to the bear display she was shocked and dumbstruck when she saw her FAVORITE ANIMAL EVER: the Polar Bear. It's not just a favorite animal for her, it was a dream of hers to see one. She was completely mesmerized! After they stood their for a while watching the beautiful animal, he said something nice such as "I know it was a dream of yours to see a polar bear, and I hope I can make even more of your dreams come true.." etc. So that's our big excitement as of right now! Dad dominated the role of Santa in "Cascade Christmas", and if you missed's all on video. It could be yours for a reasonable yet hefty price. Makes a great Christmas present. Anyways, Mom, Alex, Sam, and Hillary were all heavily involved with the Madrigal dinner, which just ended. Luckily, the stress of Christmas has filled the void. Alex, Sam and I (Emma) are all in the middle of finals...which may be stressful, but you can't beat a short day of school. I'm working like a mule at JCPenney right now. I recently went from being a clothing folder to working the Catalog department. I get to deal with all of the people who need their orders by Christmas, or they need to return their item and re-order a different size, OR they have to make a payment on their JCPenney card, OR they just like to complain. I'm enjoying it, but I'll enjoy it more once the Christmas craziness is over (which will be a while. I can't even fathom all of the returns that will be made..). The other branches of the family will address themselves. We love you!
Ryan and Sarah McMullin: Merry Christmas, everyone! We're excited to be finishing finals this week and getting a brief vacation. On
Wednesday, we're driving out to California with Damion and Kasie where we'll stay for a week. The whole family will be there, so it should be lots of noisy fun. Things here are pretty much business as usual with lots of work and school to keep busy. BYU just posted a news article about my ethics case competition on their website, so feel free to check it out at Oh, just in case no one else from my family gets around to submitting a paragraph, Natalie got engaged this weekend! CONGRATULATIONS!!! She and Jared Willis will be getting married the weekend of May 10th (they're pretty sure) in Oakland, so keep your calendars clear. We hope everyone has a merry and bright holiday season.
SHEILA & LYLE- Hello Family! We’d like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! We wish we were closer and could do more things together! …Maybe in the next life. We are all doing well and hope you are too. Tanner and Leisha have been in Beauty and the Beast. We’ve enjoyed watching them. Lyle’s in the new office…WHEW!!! Tanner’s farewell is January 14th and he leaves January 17th!!! Layne and Frankie are in town! It’s been fun seeing them. Come Visit. Love you all! Sheila and Family
Jenna & Kevin- Hello everyone! Everything is GREAT here! We are all just excited for Christmas to be here! Kevin and I have locked the boys out of their bedrooms, so we can paint and decorate them for their Christmas present! It has been fun having them all sleep in the same room while they wait. Kevin just got called as the ward executive secretary in our new ward (our ward split,) and I am still primary president. Kaden is turning 10 on the 23rd. AAAAAHHHHHH!! He’s so huge and old!!!! J Love you all…MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! Jenna & Family
Adam & Moana-Aloha everybody! We have really exciting news!..... WE'RE HAVING TWINS! Don't know yet if it's boys or girls... We still can't believe it, we are soo happy! They're due in June/July 2007. Hope you all are having a wonderful Christmas season. It's snowing like crazy in UTAH!... so we will be heading down to Arizona for the Christmas break. Love you all!
GREG & LISA- Are in Idaho right now for Beau’s graduation! Congrats Beau!!!!