Thursday, April 30, 2009

Hunter Herald April 2009

Hunter Herald
April 2009

Neil & Mike-
Trevor & Charmayne-
Haylee & Ryan-
Kalli & Terry-

Paij & Brent-April has been full of school for us. Brent recently took his National Board exams and I took my comprehensive exams and the Praxis II. I haven't got my Praxis scores back yet but we just found out that we both passed our big exams. We're relieved and grateful to have those over with. Brent starts his first externship in the VA hospital next week and I pretty much have the summer off, which I'm really looking forward to. Other than that, we had a great Easter, Morgan is doing great, and we couldn't be happier. We're only in Memphis for one more year so if anyone wants to come visit, start making your plans; we'd love to have you.
Love, Brent, Paij and Morgan Collins


LaMont & Evy-
Chad & Nan-
Jaimyn & Paul-
Justin & Jana-
Melisa & Tye-

Layne & Frankie-I have to admit our grandchildren are cute.
We got to see all of our children over Easter vacation (unfortunately more commonly called spring break, nowadays). It was good to see Lyle and Sheila. We stopped by Caswell State Park on our way home. It should be a great place for family reunion. We are looking forward to it. We hope to see ALL of you there.

Love, Layne & Frankie

Rachel & Rob-
Seth & Rayanna-
Brandon & Laura-
Rebekah & Seth-
Caleb & Ashley-

Kara & Michael-Our exciting news for this month is that both Adam (4) and Karalynn (5) have learned to ride their bikes with out training wheels. One of Adam's training wheels had broken and he asked me to take them off and next thing I know he is riding his bike down the street. Karalynn didn't want to be shown up by her younger brother so she convinced Joseph to take off her wheels. By Saturday morning they were both riding. We gave Mike a bike for his birthday at the end of March so now we can go on some family bike rides. We sure have a lot of fun.
We are looking forward to this summer and a trip to reunion. It will be nice to see those of you that can make it. We always enjoy the time we are able to spend with family.
Kara, Michael, Daniel, Joseph, McKayla, Karalynn, Adam and Emily

Jeremy & Leslie-
Benjamin & Megan-
Mathew & Karali-

Calvin & Donna-
Damien & Kacey-
Meredith & Bill-

Hillary & Jason-Sorry we haven't joined in the herald the last few months. Good news is that Hillary was able to quit one of her 3 jobs this last week and another one is coming to an end in the next two weeks :) Jason is busy finishing his Masters and applying for the CHP. He has made it through the first 3 rounds and just has to pass the background check. Our kids are getting bigger and bigger. Hunter is missing teeth all over, Ellie is really maturing socially, Reese is our little entertainer and Max is busy being all boy and making us all melt by repeating ANYTHING you say. We're enjoying all the crazy weather here- one day 90plus degrees the next cold and rainy. We're missing the family reunion and are very sad about it. So keep us posted in the herald!

Cayle & Katie-
Sarah & Ryan-
Natalie & Jared-

Sheila & Lyle-Hi family,

We are so excited about the Hunter Reunion. It will be so nice to see you all. Everyone is fine here. Tanner moved the other day, in with some friends. Leisha is running for Art City Royalty, so we're having fun with talent, clothes etc. Jenna and Bryce are in Arizona this week. Jenna has a baby blessing and Bryce and Jessie have a funeral. Lyle is trying to keep CFI afloat with the economy etc. Between work and church, we don't see each other much. The twins will be two on the 16th of June. We will have to have some birthday cake or something at the reunion. Adam and Moana are the cutest parents ever. Spencer and Shanille are working with wrestling. Quenton is doing really well. We had FHE at their house the other night. We each held a homing pigeon, and on the count of three we threw them up in the air and watched them fly their way back to Spencer's back yard. The kids also had a blast riding a miniature pony around the yard, then we roasted hotdogs and marshmallows.
We're all signing up for the Springville 5K the first Saturday in June. It's a family tradition. You don't have to run the whole way, just doing it together is a blast. The drawing for prizes afterward gets better and better every year!
Wendi and Aaron gave us their weight machine. It's home is downstairs with the treadmill. Its awesome! Now their trying to teach us what to do with it. You should have seen that Hunter competitiveness come out in Bryce and Adam when they were seeing who could do the most curls. I don't dare say who won. Wendi and Aaron will be moving to Alabama to finish up Aaron's medical school this Summer. We will miss them so much. It has been nice having them in south Salt Lake.
I hope we can all come to the reunion, but I know at least some of us will be there. We are looking forward to seeing you.
Love to all,

Sheila and family

Jenna & Kevin-We just got back from a fun trip to Arizona to see Kevin's family! We played with all of our old friends and had a blast! Now back to the grindstone! :) We are all happy and healthy... Excited for school to be out!!! :)
Love, Jenna and Family

Spencer & Shanille-
Wendi & Aaron-
Adam & Moana-
Bryce & Jessica-

Greg & Lisa-
Beau & Shannon-
Zachary & Kaylee-