Thursday, May 31, 2007

Hunter Herald May 2007

The Hunter Herald

May 2007


-Trevor & Charmayne-

-Haylee & Ryan-

-Kalli & Terry- Terry has been in WY working for Ryan since the 14th of April, hopefully he'll be home by the end of the month. TaVaci (my singing group) is in the Parade this weekend and we have our final concert next week. It's been a great semester but Mom, Charmayne and I are glad to have the summer break. School is out in 3 weeks and we look forward to camping and playing with our paddle boat. Kalli joined weight watchers for the first official time and I've lost 10 lbs so far, YEA! Tyden is starting to associate words with their meaning and use them! It's about time. Cypress loves Kindergarten and is sad to see the year end. Tayla is excited to have Cypress home for the summer to play with, mom gets kind of boring.

-Paij & Brent- Brent leaves for OIS (Officer Indoctrination School) for the Navy on May 19th and I will be all alone unitl June 13th (which is when I leave for CA for a week) so I would love a phone call. I'm sure I'll be bored and lonely. 901-240-6266. I am staying busy however working with the bears and
wolves in cub scouts, teaching the young women, and organizing the relief society book club. I hope I won't have to fill in teaching Brent's deacon class. That could be awkward. All else is good with us here in good ol' "Missippi." Congrats on the weddings, babies, and graduations. Lots of love, Paij

-Jarom- Jarom is coming home from June 11-17th, yes for the REUNION!!  Maybe bringing a girlfriend too.  He's in

and out of port all month. He has a new email address it's

-LAMONT & EVY- If anyone has their current email

address, please let me know so I can send them the newsletter. Thanks! Jenna

Mission Address (needs 85 cent stamp):

Melnsila Iela 3-1

LV-1046 Riga

May 29th, 07
Let's have a big YAHOO from greater down town Riga. There are clear skies out there today folks. The sun is shining, not a cloud in sight. We had a light rain a couple of days ago the sun is shining, or did I mention that? Anyway, have you looked around our fair city and noticed the lilacs? More lilacs here than certainly the man at this microphone has seen in one place in his considerable life time. The grass is green and the sun is shining. Oh, sorry for the repetition. Have you taken advantage of the beautiful huge park system that this gorgeous city has to offer? Go for a walk in them. Go at night. Stay out til 11;00 o'clock or so because although the sun is still shining, it really isn't, SHINING if you know shat I mean. The weather man says that today there will be plenty of SUNSHINE. I take that to mean Nevada Desert Sunshine, Ghana, Africa sunshine like we have had the last two days. Soooooo, Behave children. Enjoy the day. Take an umbrella because the sun will be shining. Don't get yourselves too far from a shower, as you will need it!! After all folks, the sun is shining!
Hi to all. We have been hot and muggy here for a couple of days. 42 degrees yesterday and sloppy arm pit muggy. The nights are another story. We had family night last night and had a record croud. After everyone had left, we decided to go for a walk. It was cool and beautiful. The smell of lilacs was ever present in the park as we walked down the path. Then right in front of us we heard a hoot and a holler. Our YSA kids had left our place and had gone to the park and jumped on the trampolines that are set up there, (about 15 of them), and were just headed for the park fountain where they rolled up their pants and took to wading in the cool water. We watched awhile, then began to walk away when one of the kids,Sergei, said I must walk to the bus station can I walk with you? We said sure. This 20 yr. old man has been a member for 6 months and last Sunday was called to be in the Branch Presidency. He is getting ready to serve a mission, and was worried about wearing temple garments which he questioned us about as we walked. Great guy. We have been here nearly 5 months, and he has been to everything. He wouldn't dream of missing a church meeting because of how he feels in them. He won't let an activity go by without suggesting that someone give their testimony. He just loves to feel the spirit. In his broken English he says,"of course, because that feel is why I change my life". Sergei works at a regular construction job, grabs a bus to come to family night, that takes him one hour,then he walks about twenty minutes to our house, or the church. After the family night, he walks back 20 minutes to the bus, then another one hour bus ride, then walks for another hour to get home to a drunkard father who is constantly drinking.
Mother and father divorced,father living with a new girl friend. A common, but sick situation. I say common because 90% of the kids do the same thing, come home to a similar family situation, take the unseemly bus or train rides, and make great sacrifices for just a toehold, in the Lord's Kingdom. They all testify that they do it for the same reason. We have never felt like we felt when we first heard the Gospel. Nor can we get that feeling anywhere else, so we keep coming back. Great kids.
We had to travel up to Tallinn, Estonia this past week end. For those keeping track,that's the most North West city in our mission. We had a Super Saturday there with about 20 seminary kids and then a seminary graduation. There was a small lunch served, then we took off to Narva, Estonia which is the most North Eastern city in our mission. The Branch there is small, and there are no seminary or institute programs in place. We thought to set a spark under to new couple who have been called to serve in Narva. They are pretty sharp, so soon we hope to have some good programs in place up there. One of the Sisters in Narva has been ill with an oscillating temperature that comes for some reason in the afternoons. Her name is Sister Planinz from Red Bluff. She knows the Cal Hunter Clan. Do any of you remember her? I guess before her mission she taught sky diving lessons. We don't know her, but she seems like a great missionary.
We love you all, It amazing what blessings come when frst we decide to serve.
I will send two pictures if I can. One is just a picture I took in the Riga Park. The other is of our family night last night.
Oh ya, The other is of Mom and The most pain in the rump, but at the same time most stalwart young woman her . Augnesse

-Chad & Nan-

-Jaimyn & Paul-

-Molly & Aaron-
-Justin & Jana-

-Melissa & Ty-

-LAYNE & FRANKIE-Annabell Myrteen arrived at 9:49 on Monday, May 14. She weighed 8 lbs 14 oz
and is 20 inches long. Jacob and Lily are so excited to have a baby sister.

The naughty word "hate" has been voiced on both sides of the family because her labor was only 2 hours. Her doctor said the average labor is 6 hours so some poor woman is going to have to have a 10-hour labor.

We will be in Twin Falls on July 7 for Daniel Nichols' and Kaylee Hunter's baptism. On July 15, Annabell will be blessed in Pleasant Grove, UT. Our latest plans (which are subject to change daily) are to explore northern Idaho between the two occasions.

We are preparing for Rachel to have her baby a week early (which has never happened yet) so we can spend time with her before the family reunion. We hope to see all of you there. Frankie

-Rachel & Rob-

-Seth and Rayanna-

-Brandon & Laura-

-Rebekah and Seth-Well the end is here, we have only days before school is out!!! Funny most parents are disappointed when school gets out because they will have so many children at home yet I love it because I have time to focus on only my own.

When it came to Mothers Day I thought about a surprise visit to my Mother but she left the state. She must have got wind of my thoughts.

I hope that your Mothers Day was a great as mine. My children made me breakfast in bed, (Elliana made salad, Peyton made oatmeal, and Gregory made top ramen noodles), I was then told I could pick which sunday show we were going to watch during breakfast,Queen Ester or David & Goliath. I was then showered with great gifts homemade in each of their school classes. Bath salts, pictures, and I Love You's. It was great!

We are very excited to go the reunion and hope to see many of you there.

-Caleb & Ashley-
-Kara & Michael-Dear family, It has been a while since
I have written. Our family has seen many blessing and
miracles over the past few months. For those that do
not know but I am sure most do. I miscarried our 6th
baby in December. We had some complications that
our doctor was not capable of taking care of so luckily
I had been visiting my parents in California and the
doctors I went to there were great. All is well and I
still have 5 healthy kids to raise. Then at the end
of February, Joseph fell off the chin up bars after
school and broke his arm. Joseph and I stayed the
night at the hospital after his surgery to put four
pins in his arm. Luckily, we have great neighbors
that were able to care for our kids until help arrived.
His arm healed well and before we knew it, the cast
was off and we were going to physical therapy. He
soon regained most of his mobility. I guess Karalynn
decided she needed to add some excitement to our
boring life. On April 6th she was standing in our 2nd
story window above the driveway watching the
neighbors play ball and somehow fell out the window
and landed on the driveway. Grandpa and Grandma
Hunter must have been standing below protecting
her as she landed. Karalynn only had a broken wrist.
I know that she was protected and kept safe from harm
because of the prayers and blessings that were given
on her behalf. She is now running around like Karalynn
again. We are looking forward to summer vacation.
I am going to be running a 10K at the Goose Creek run
in Oakley for the 24th of July celebration. I thought it
would be fun to spend some time there. Who knows
maybe I will meet some extended family members there.
We are also looking forward to the family reunion. Daniel
and Kaylee (Seth and Rayanna’s) will be baptized on
July 7th in Twin Falls. I know Daniel is anxious and
excited for this big day. I had better not write too much
of no one will want to read my note. We do enjoy
getting the family updates.
With love, Michael and Kara
-Jeremy & Leslie-Leslie hunter gave birth to a
baby girl named Annabell Myrteen Hunter
8lbs 14oz on may 14 at 9:49 in the morning.
She is healthy and leslie is doing great.
Jacob and Lily are very pround of their little sister.
Jeremy is doing good, too.
-Benjamin & Meagan-
-Matthew & Karali-


-Damien & Kacey-

-Meredith & Bill-
-Hillary & Jason-
-Sarah & Ryan-Another busy month for the McMullin
house. In April, we took a trip with Kaiizen, a non-profit
organization, to do service projects at an orphanage in
Ensenada, Mexico. Gas was killer, but we had a great time
and met some wonderful people. A little over a week ago,
we drove to California for Natalie's wedding and got to see
both of our families. She looked beautiful, and the day
went off without a hitch. (For all you Californians, her
reception in Redding is on the 2nd.) This weekend, we're
off to New Mexico to bless a neice on the other side of the
family. Lots of driving, but it's been so fun to see family
so often. The rest of this summer is shaping up to be jam
packed with travel, school, work, graduation, and our big
move to Houston in August. Other than that, life is great.
Hope all are well.
-Natalie & Jared-Congratulations on your marriage!!!

-SHEILA & LYLE-How are you all? We are looking forward to the reunion in June. Adams wife Moana is six weeks away from delivery. She may not hold on that long, but so far so good. Congratulations Natalie. Leisha gets out of school on Friday. We enjoyed Hawaii. Tanner called on Mothers Day and is doing well. I think six baptisms so far. We are all so proud of him. All is well with us. We're working on the yard this year. Bryce, Adam and Spencer worked so hard and gave us a really good start. See you soon. Love, Sheila

-Jenna & Kevin- Hello all! We are doing great!
We are excited for school to be over for the summer.
We’re planning on lots of camping and boating trips
this summer. We are staying close to home though.
Tanner got to call for Mother’s day, but we didn’t
know so we missed it. He left a really cute message
though. We are all getting excited for a baby girl!
Kellan (3) puts his hands on my belly and says,
“Hello my little princess in there.” Needless to say,
she will be doted over by all!!!

Love you all, Jenna and Fam.
-Spencer & Shanille-
-Wendi & Aaron-
-Adam & Moana-
-Bryce & Jessica-
-Beau & Shannon-Congratulations to Beau and
Shannon on your marriage in beautiful Hawaii!!!
Can’t wait to meet you Shannon!
-Zachary & Kaylee-