Monday, December 31, 2007

Hunter Herald December 2007

Hunter Herald

December 2007

-NEIL & MIKE- I'm dreaming of a white Christmas!!! I envy you who will have one. There's nothing like it. However Jack Frost has been visiting regularly, and I love it. I pretend it's snow. We do have snowmen in the yard and fog so it definetly feels like Christmas time. I've discovered that you can put up the tree and the holly and the wreathes and the decorations everywhere, as some of us have a tendency to do!!!!! but when everyone comes home and the house is filled with all the family...then it's Christmas!!!! We had to kill the fatted calves, the darn things kept getting out and finally Neil said, "just shoot them", and so the butcher did. So if you're ever in these parts we could probably rustle you up some great hamburgers! I think Neil is finally starting to be on the mend, Hooray!! The kids teachers all decided that they needed a big project to complete before Christmas vacation so that's put a damper on the cookie baking and gift wrapping. They've got to get good grades on the projects to make up for the not so good ones so mom's helping out a little with some a lot with others! Tayla (Kalli's 4 year old) came over and took a look at my Nativity and pronounced that my baby Jesus wasn't as cute as hers! How grateful we are for the knowledge we treasure of his birth, his life and his death and resurrection. May we all remember the giving more then the getting. MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS to all.. both big and small. love aunt Mike

-Trevor & Charmayne-

-Haylee & Ryan-

-Kalli & Terry- Our store seems to be a big hit (for parents who needed a babysitter anyway :) ). We are pretty happy and always ordering more! For those that haven't heard, we're expecting number 4 the end of June. Life is good, the Savior lives, we love you all! Merry Christmas! Love, the Hills

(pictures, the mural on the front of our store, and the kids on Thanksgiving)

-Paij & Brent-

FC3 Hunter, Jarom
USS Germantown, OPS/OW FPO AP
San Diego, CA  96666-1730


Mission Address (needs 85 cent stamp):

Melnsila Iela 3-1

LV-1046 Riga


Merry Christmas to all- we love you and miss you! I think one of our happiest moments are when we get to gather with the Elders and Sister here in the Baltics. We had an open house here on Sat. and Sunday at the Church- I believe about 4-5 people came through- you can't discourage those missionaries! We think there are no greater people in the world than the Missionaries- we find that they remind us of each of our grand kids, nieces- nephews and how thankful and proud we are of each of them and you! Tanner we love you!!

No snow- not even too cold-Riga is beautiful in the winter- although a little snow would be ..."fabulous-darling"...!

We decorated a little tree (the last couple left here) yesterday in our apt. during family night- strung popcorn and sang a few carols it was great. We miss you, and beyond all else, are so grateful for the Gospel-all it means to us, to our family, to the Baltic people and the world. Everyone take care of each other! We love you and think of you.

Evy and Lamont

-Chad & Nan-

-Jaimyn & Paul-

-Molly & Aaron-Hi! It's so much fun to hear how everyone is every month. Thanks so much for this great newsletter! Our family is doing great here in Manteca! I can't believe Christmas is here in one week! Hunter, Tanner, Jake and Hailey are all super excited and make our home such a fun place to be! Aaron and I are having lots of fun getting presents bought and making our home Christmassy this time of year! The boys are all starting basketball here soon and Tanner's also doing another soccer league besides. They are all doing great in school and keep themselves busy with sports, choir, band, scouts, etc. Hailey is now 3 1/2 and she's full of life! She loves "her boys" and every day can't wait for them to get home from school. She loves horses, loves to sing her made up songs at the top of her lungs as she dances to them and loves babies of all kinds! Hailey misses her grandma and grandpa in "Latbia" ( she calls it) and loves when we can talk to them. Our kids are great!

Merry, Merry Christmas to you all! We miss you all and hope you have a wonderful Christmas time with all of your families!

-Justin & Jana-
-Melisa & Tye-


Life is good. We are trying to get everything ready for Christmas this week because we are going to Louisiana next Monday and are coming back Christmas Eve.

Enjoy your families. Merry Christmas

Love, Layne & Frankie

-Rachel & Rob- Merry Christmas to everyone. 
The Fransens are doing great. Robs still in nursery (He likes it there).
I am now the primary chorister. I love this calling but it is taking a
little bit to adjust and get used to all the kids. The boys are growing
and keep busy doing boy stuff like wrestling, yelling, creating
messes and just having fun. Elizabeth is 6 months old now and is
rolling all over. We have to keep everything picked up or it ends up
in her mouth. She knows how to cry loudly so her brothers come
running. They are learning a lot about babies. We will be spending
Christmas in Texas with Rob's family. We hope you have a great
Christmas and New Year. Love The Fransens
 -Seth and Rayanna-

-Brandon & Laura-

-Rebekah and Seth-Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from
Bakersfield, CA. The semester is about to end and Christmas
vacation is almost upon us. As the saying goes "It the most
wonderful time of the year!" May it be so for you also.
-Caleb & Ashley-Merry Christmas to everyone.  Here is a picture of our family.

Caleb & Ashley Hunter & Family

-Kara & Michael-

-Jeremy & Leslie-
-Benjamin & Megan- 
-Matthew & Karali-


-Damien & Kacey-

-Meredith & Bill-

-Hillary & Jason-


-Sarah & Ryan- 
-Natalie & Jared-

-SHEILA & LYLE-Hello all,
We hope you all have a Merry Christmas. We are missing all of you, and it is so nice to hear your news, good or bad. Thanks Jenna for keeping this going. It means so much and is a great history. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all,
love, The Mortimers

-Jenna & Kevin- Hi Family! We are so excited for Christmas! We are staying home for Christmas eve and Christmas morning and then leaving for Utah to spend time with the Mortimers. I can’t wait to see my children’s faces Christmas morning. It’s so fun being a mom! I love you all and love you! Have a very Merry Christmas!

Love, Jenna and Family

-Spencer & Shanille-
-Wendi & Aaron- 

-Adam & Moana-Merry Christmas Everyone! We hope you all are having a wonderful holiday season! The boys are now eating solid foods and LOVE it! They are also learning how to crawl! It is amazing how many different things they do and how fast! We love it. There's nothing like being a Dad and Mom. We took the boys to see Santa...and as you can see in the picture Kenneth has a strong hold on his beard! Santa's eyes started watering! We couldn't get his fingers unstuck from his beard. Finally Santa had to pull his beard out with all his strength! It was so funny! We were all dying laughing. Life is Wonderful!!

Love you all...


-Bryce & Jessica- We can’t believe Christmas is already here. What a fun time it is to visit with family and friends.. We’re going to be going down to Arizona to visit Jessica’s grandparents and relatives. Then we’ll be coming back to Utah on the 26th to see the Mortimer Family.

I have been going to UVSC to get my private pilot’s license. I uploaded a little video on for the family to see. It’s me in the plane flying SOLO. It was a dream come true. Adam and Moana snuck to the airport and video taped me flying. What a wonderful surprise. Now I can show you!!!

Jessica is getting ready to go back to school. She’s debating between being a graphics artist and a cosmotologist. Cedar Fort is always looking for graphic designers so I’m hoping she chooses that one...

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Mission Address:

Elder Tanner Boyd Mortimer

Peru-Arequipa mission

Edificio El Peral

Avenida El Ejercito 710, Oficina-703

Cayma, Arequip

-Beau & Shannon-
-Zachary & Kaylee-

Friday, November 30, 2007

Hunter Herald November 2007

Hunter Herald

November 2007

-NEIL & MIKE- HI everyone,

We hope all of you had your fill of turkey, dressing and pumpkin pie because it will be another ...oh wait another 4 weeks and you'll get to have it again!! And it will still taste just as good, if you ask me. We were thankful to enjoy the feast with Greg's family and Trevor's gang and Kalli's. We have so much! I am so grateful. Thank you for all being such an important part of what makes my life wonderful! We were so grateful that Jar was able to escape the San Diego fires and come home on leave for 6 awesome days the end of October. Haylee and Paij made the sacrifice to come as well so we could all be together before Jarom was deployed to either the Gulf or Africa. We had some good quality time and even managed a day at Marine World. They give a terrific discount if you have enough people. Jarom was deployed on Nov. 5th. He hasn't reached any shore yet but he e-mailed on HIS Thanksgiving Day and it was still Weds. Here so he is somewhere far away. He can't tell us where he is going until he gets there. Neil has found a great way to loose weight!!! He has simply has another surgery. Every time he goes into the hospital he looses 15 lbs. So, he decided to do it again two weeks ago. Actually, he had prostate cancer and needed to get rid of that nasty stuff. So far he has been completely miserable and the fact that he indeed did loose another 15 pounds hasn't made it all worth it. Hopefully in another few weeks he can leave the couch and enter the real world again. Please mention him in your prayers, he would be very thankful. The Christmas music began to play the day after Thanksgiving at my children's enthusiastic request. With Kalli and Terry's new store opening and our performing group, "Tavici's" upcoming performances and work and life, I'm not sure how the decorating, cooking, shopping, and all the joys of Christmas will happen but I know they will, they always do and it will all be fun because Christmas brings its own special spirit. So we here at this Hunter home, send all of you at your Hunter homes our love and our best wishes for the holidays!!!! Love, Aunt Mike

-Trevor & Charmayne-

-Haylee & Ryan-

-Kalli & Terry-

-Paij & Brent- We have big news this month. First of all, WE’RE PREGNANT! I know for those of you who have lots of kids this may not be that big of a deal, but it’s a big deal to us. We are due May 25th, 2008 so about 14 weeks along right now (Pictures to come soon). I also got accepted into Grad School at the University of Memphis. It’s a Master’s of Education in the School Counseling Program and if everything goes as planned, I hope to start in Jan 2008 and finish in Dec of 2009. Brent is doing great in school and is happy to almost have 1 ½ years completed. I put him to work during his two days off for Thanksgiving. He put in new laminate floors and painted the living room. It looks beautiful! We are also heading down to Pensacola, FL for the actual Thanksgiving weekend. We leave as soon as I get off work to meet Sarah and Ryan McMullin down there to enjoy some R&R at the beach. I hope all is well and everyone has a wonderful holiday. Lots of Love, Paij and Brent.

FC3 Hunter, Jarom
USS Germantown, OPS/OW FPO AP
San Diego, CA  96666-1730


Mission Address (needs 85 cent stamp):

Melnsila Iela 3-1

LV-1046 Riga


Hi Everyone! Happy Thanksgiving from Latvia!!

We had snow a couple of days ago but now just cold but still great. We love it and we're so grateful to be here - The missionaries are the best! The YSA here want to be just like the Missionaries-dress like them, act like them, be spiritual- and fun and loving just like them and they all want to serve missions to make that happen. Can anything be better! We really do love our mission!

We have two young couples that will be getting married in the spring, one couple- both served on missions-Canada and Russia, the other couple is one of our Seminary/ Institute teachers- a great young lady and the husband to be-also went on a mission to Russia. We are very happy for them! We can see that this upcoming generation is going to be so terrific with such stalwart parents-who have taught them- and are wonderful examples.

LaMont has been called to do some extra "Churchy duties" while we visit in other countries he will train the district Presidents in Welfare and whatever needs there are to do for the Mission Pres. He's been playing a little Volleyball and Basketball- the missionaries love him " he's all over the court and trash talking really gets us going." We love you and miss you all.

Evy and LaMont

We had Molly come over and stay with us a week. We loved having her here and showing her some of the places and people of the mission. We way appreciate Aaron and the kids for letting her come to the other side of the world to see us.

We hope a greatest of Thanksgivings to all. We are having Thanksgiving at the church with about 40 Elders and Sisters along with the three of four couples that are here. And in case we don't write to you again before Christmas, have the best one ever!

LaMont and Evy

-Chad & Nan-

-Jaimyn & Paul-

-Molly & Aaron-
-Justin & Jana-
-Melisa & Tye-

-LAYNE & FRANKIE-Calvin, I am glad you are writing for your family. Maybe, you could write for Greg's family too. Just call him for the info.
We are looking forward to Thanksgiving and visiting with family. I think I am finished shopping for groceries, just need to pick some tomatoes. Luckily we are in California where there are still lots of tomatoes ripening on the vines. It seems to be the only thing we have good luck growing. The rabbits, squirrels, and insects eat everything else.

I hope everyone has (had) a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

-Rachel & Rob- 

-Seth and Rayanna-

-Brandon & Laura-

-Rebekah and Seth-

-Caleb & Ashley-

-Kara & Michael-

-Jeremy & Leslie-
-Benjamin & Megan- 
-Matthew & Karali-


-Damien & Kacey-

-Meredith & Bill-

-Hillary & Jason- Everything is grand in the Rogerson home. Jason and Hillary just celebrated their 7th anniversary and it was wonderful! We look forward to many, many more anniversaries!

We also celebrated Thanksgiving with immediate family at my parents’ house this year. (Sorry for the confusion Gridley fams) it was small and quaint and was nice to visit with each other. We realized we have so much to be thankful for!

We just had our very first parent/teacher conference ever and it was great! When we walked in the teacher said, "well this should take a whole five minutes because she's such an outstanding student!" What parent wouldn't want to hear that! Needless to say, Hunter is thriving in kindergarten.

The biggest news is that our fourth Rogerson will be arriving in approximately three and a half weeks! We can't wait! In anticipation, Hillary has been de-cluttering all of the rooms and closets in the house. She's hoping to finish the garage before the little one comes but we'll see.

And Jenna- thanks so much for doing this every month. We love it!


-Sarah & Ryan- 
-Natalie & Jared-

-SHEILA & LYLE-Hi family, How are you? It's been busy around here this month. I enjoyed being at Wendi and Aaron's and their new little one Hayden. What a beautiful family they have. Little Anthony is adorable. I'm grandma Shinkle to him. I hated leaving Minnesota. Believe it or not it was warmer than Utah, which is unusual. When I got home the back yard was all set up with the Bryce Mortimer Spook Alley. We had quite a turn out of neighbors go through. We had 20 workers inside, with the chainsaw man the evil pirates, and Bryce's Jessica dressed in white, with her white face and black eyes following the people with a limp and her mouth ajar. It was, if I don't say myself, our best one ever.
I have my Visiting Teaching and Holliday Retreat on Saturday. It’s an all day thing with a luncheon and humanitarian, and Christmas gifts. We have had sixty-five sign up already. Its nuts.
Leisha is in three plays. Now that's nuts. She is in Secret garden at the High school. She is the princess in "Sleeping Beauty" in the community theater, I work with this group of sixty kids 8 to 18 one day a week, and in "Amahl and the Night Visitors," a stake production Lyle is in charge of.
We have all been worried about Neil. When it rains it pours. We'll keep praying for you and your family.
Tanner is doing great, but his "girlfriend" just got engaged, and not to him. There's just someone better right? We're looking forward to Wendi and Jenna and their families coming home for Christmas.
We hope to see some of you, our favorite people.
LaMont and Evy called this month and it was sure good to here from them.
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We went to Logan Utah and met with about 70 Mortimers at the church, then went to a movie after. I think the movie was Enchanted. (It was a toss up with that one and Dan in Real Life) It was really cute. I can't believe how fast Christmas has come around. Did it feel like November was so short to anyone else?
Happy Birthday Calvin!!!! You are always there for so many of us with your shoulder to cry on and wonderful advice. We are so blessed to have you in our family.
Neil, we have been so worried about the "patriarch" of the family. You are in our prayers everyday. Keep feeling better. It must be hard for you and your family. It seems like when it rains it pours. Keep the faith and you will be blessed. What would we do with out you? Thanks Neil for the great person you are. We love you.
We are looking forward to Christmas. All of our family will be in Utah. We are so excited to line the five new additions in our family up, and take lots of pictures.
We got Tanners Christmas off yesterday, and he seems to be doing well on the beach, in the middle of summer in Peru. We love you Tanner.
We love all of you. LaMont and Evy...Merry Christmas we are so proud of you and your family and the sacrifice you are making.
Faith, Service and Love,
The Mortimers

-Jenna & Kevin- Hi Family! We are all good in the Brooke Fam! We’re excited for thanksgiving… No school…college football…hanging out with family until the wee hours of morning playing “Settlers.” We are going up to Utah for Christmas! It will be fun to have all of the Mortimer family together! Life is good. Love you all! Jenna and Fam.

-Spencer & Shanille-Here is the elk taken by Brad Silcox
November 10, 2007 on the Manti,UT. Hunting unit. Brad
was guided by Vince Roberts, Kim Finch, Kent Sparky
And me Spencer Mortimer It all came together as planned
sweet and short getting out with this big boy even on
horses was hardcore sweat and tears we all made it in one
piece happy to have had this memorable hunting experience.
  -Wendi & Aaron- 
 Sweet baby Haden and big brother Anthony.

-Adam & Moana-The Adam Mortimer Family had a great Halloween and Thanksgiving! We had a lot of family in town from Hawaii and Nevada on Moana's side. The boys tried their first solid foods, Rice Cereal! They kind of liked it! Life is great, couldn't get any better! We love you all...

Happy Halloween! Our Little Peas in a Pod...

-Bryce & Jessica- 

Mission Address:

Elder Tanner Boyd Mortimer

Peru-Arequipa mission

Edificio El Peral

Avenida El Ejercito 710, Oficina-703

Cayma, Arequip

So changes where today.
I didn’t get changed. I wasn’t expecting to. The only change in our zone was a change of a zone leader because the other one went home. It was his time. It was sad. We have a new assistant in the office.
I gave a talk Sunday. I translated the story of the little red hen and then shared some scriptures about laziness and how when we work in the lord’s service we are laying up blessing in heaven for ourselves. It was pretty sweet.
I have some questions about home. How is my dog? Still alive. Is somebody playing with her? If not she should probably be takin´to another home or something. I feel bad that I have not been an awesome owner to her. I left for college for a year and then a mission for 2 more years. Poor thing. How is my guitar? Is it busted up? Is someone playing with it? If not it should NOT be taken to another home. Ha ha.
My companion and I right now are planning a talent show for 14th of December. I think I am going to play my guitar or something. If you guys know any cool Christmas song for guitar be sure to let me know.
Last p day we went to the beach. It was really really fun. I met a crazy lady that spoke Quechua on the beach. I made her sing and I played the guitar. It was really cool. I should send home the footage. The beach was really really fun. We threw mud at each other all day. My shower was so dirty. Oh man.

-Beau & Shannon-
-Zachary & Kaylee-

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Hunter Herald October 2007

Hunter Herald

October 2007

Happy Halloween!!!


-Trevor & Charmayne-

-Haylee & Ryan-

-Kalli & Terry-

-Paij & Brent-

FC3 Hunter, Jarom
USS Germantown, OPS/OW FPO AP
San Diego, CA  96666-1730


Mission Address (needs 85 cent stamp):

Melnsila Iela 3-1

LV-1046 Riga


Hello from the Baltics....

-The trees are wonderful colors- and the weather is getting colder and the days shorter- not too long from Christmas. We heard most of conference, loved to hear the great talks, a little in Russian and some in Latvian but then we did get some in English! How much we love to hear the music and the songs-thank you-Liesha it was wonderful we picked you out as three different people , but we knew you were adding to that beautiful choir and so although we weren't sure where you really were it was great! however, we talked to your Mom and we're getting a recording of conference so we can find you!

Last week we went to the Russian Branch for Sacrament meeting. LaMont bore his testimony and told them how much we loved them -he said whenever a new program or a change in policy is announced the Latvian people announce it over the pulpit and do what ever is asked -the Russians too- but along with that they have a PARTY! They do- they celebrate everything, great isn't it!
They really try to do everything asked of them. The Priesthood was sitting were they should be, to get ready to bless and pass the Sacrament (one of our Seminary teachers was passing) He and the other man passing were wearing suits, white shirt and tie. After the prayer was said they "ceremoniously" took off their jackets and laid them on the back of their chair. After the meeting LaMont said to Antoijn" why did you both take off your jackets, before passing the sacrament? He said, " our District President asked us to pass in white shirts and a tie- that's what we need to do." They truly are trying so hard to do things exactly the way they are told as far as the Gospel goes!! We really love them! We love being on a mission and are so thankful to be in the Baltics!!

-Chad & Nan-

-Jaimyn & Paul-

-Molly & Aaron-
-Justin & Jana-
-Melisa & Tye-

-LAYNE & FRANKIE-The months go by way too fast.

I have just been called to serve as the Young Women President. I am suppose to be released as a Primary teacher soon. Layne just finished his bluepring reading class, now he is teaching general metals. In our free time, we are meeting new doctors. The school district dropped Kaiser as an insurance.

Kara and Rebekah just attended their high school reunions in Fresno this past weekend so we got to visit with them and their families. Jeremy and Leslie dropped by on their way home from their vacation in Southern California to see Kara and family. Seth & Rayanna and Rachel & Rob also joined in the fun. Everyone attended our branch Halloween party. There were 31 children instead of 7 children playing games. We did give activities chairman a few days warning. If I would take pictures with the camera I carry, we might have lasting memories of these fun weekends.

-Rachel & Rob- Hello we are looking forward to Halloween.
Cody is going to be an army man, Alex a basketball, Boyd
a pirate, Dale a ghost and Elizabeth a cat. Elizabeth had her
4 month appointment and she was 17lbs 6 oz. She is a
big girl. Everyone else is doing great.

-Seth and Rayanna-

-Brandon & Laura-All is well for Brandon and Laura and Kids. We are enjoying life here in Utah. The weather has been great. Kylene is taking piano, Jarom has been in soccer, Dallin is looking forward to playing next year. Brandon is assistant coach for Jarom's team (most of the fun, with few responsibilities), Laura is enjoying having time at home with Brooke and Brooke is enjoying life as a toddler. Laura and Brandon are Webelos leaders.

Keep up the good work Jenna!


-Rebekah and Seth-Wow, October already, soon it will be Christmas. Things are going well here in Bakersfield. Peyton recently visited Valley Children’s in Fresno, he goes every couple of months, and we found out that he had gained 3 lbs 6oz and grew 1 inch taller. This is great news! At the last visit he had lost weight. The thing is that if he can get up to & maintain his height & weight at the 50th percentile it can add up to 10 years to his life. With him being as healthy as he is we are looking at 30 years and if his weight goes up we are looking at more like 40 years. Now you can see why we are so excited.

Peyton is trying to figure out the guitar. We have a couple of beginning books and I told him that if he practices and figures out the basic book I would pay for lessons. He has E, G, & F figured out. The book is pretty simple, so far. I blame his desire to learn the guitar on the whole family; he saw Beau play at reunion & has wanted to play ever since.

Gregory is working on the Trombone and Piano. He actually practices both before and after school. I hope that he continues to enjoy music as the years pass.

Elliana is just starting piano. She is actually splitting lesson time with a girl from church. They are both 6 & the teacher feels that 20 minutes is long enough for that young an age. Elliana LOVES to play. It seems that she is constantly playing the piano.

The mornings are very musical in that after Gregory is done with piano and Peyton with his breathing treatments; you came hear the melodious sound of Elliana on Piano, Gregory on Trombone & Peyton on Guitar all at once & all playing different songs.

We hope that this next holiday season will allow us to visit with at least some of you.

-Caleb & Ashley-

-Kara & Michael-

-Jeremy & Leslie-
-Benjamin & Megan- 
-Matthew & Karali-

-CALVIN & DONNA- All right. I know I am not supposed to write for my family. So once again... This is NOT something you heard from me.

But we had mice eat into our food storage. Then they moved into the whole house... sleeping in the bed, watching TV - saying family prayers with us - teaching the cats to play dead and ignore them... Some even took the missionary discussions! (No baptisms yet, but we're hoping!!!)

I was all right with it until there were two of them surfing the internet on my laptop, and they were slow, because they refused to use the computer mouse out of respect for their kind!

THAT was the last straw!!! so we've been entertaining exterminators and mouse trainers lately. Of course this little thing was more than a minor disruption to our basement, wherein many valuable family memories are (were) stored. All mingled with little mouse surprises. It was a horrid mess... and Donna has been doing yeoman's work sorting through things - and trying to get our lives back to normal.

Let's see... Oh sad news. Sam has discovered girls. I had hoped he would somehow spare us the whole teen-aged hormone thing. Oh well. Makes me appreciate the younger grandchildren all the more! Sam is still playing trumpet - marching in the Shasta High School marching band (like he would march in the what - SITTING band?)... They just had a haunted house fund raiser and Sammy was the cutest ghoul there (according to some girl named Nicole or something like that). I asked him how the spook alley went. He didn't know what I was talking about. I said you know- where you scare people and all that? Oh... The Haunted HOUSE. (Except it was in a mall - in an unused store - so really the haunted STORE, but try to convince HIM of that).

I guess spooky isn't a real word since the great hit by the group "Classics Four".

Alexandra is Laurel president and preparing for the elaborate "madrigal dinner" that the school puts on every year. It's awesome. Really. She's just the best. And she walks Sophie the wonder dog every day.

Donna the beloved is still the Primary president, and extremely busy. (We had a rodent problem, you know. By the way... anyone want some wheat with some extra dark kernels? It's priced right!)

Yucch. Now THAT'S scary.

Happy Hallowthanksmas everybody!!!

-Damien & Kacey-

-Meredith & Bill-

-Hillary & Jason- Hello all Hunters! The Rogerson family has been busy and loving it! We just attended our first official school Harvest festival at Hunter's school. We had so much fun but the highlight was definately the pony rides! Reese, at 19 months, is getting bigger every day and is talking so much. She'll repeat ALMOST anything you say and can count to five! (She tries for ten but... not quite!) Ellie just had her fourth birthday on Oct. 20th! She is loving it! She had a fun party with mostly family and got enough headbands to wear a different one every day for a month! (It's her current obsession). She is also recognizing all of her letters upper and lower case and her numbers! Hunter is five and a half and LOVING school. She's the only one in her class in the accelerated reader program and is reading at the second grade level! She just had a field trip to a local pumpkin patch that Hillary was able to join and it was so much fun. She got to pick her own pumpkin! Hillary just completed the primary program as the chorister and is SO glad it's over! The primary is HUGE and sounded really good. Hillary will also officially be in her eighth month on the 30th of October. Can't wait to see what it is! Jason is SOOOO close to his Bachelors. (yes- we took the long route). His grade point average is just under 4.0 (it bugs him to no end!) and he'll be down to only 6 classes! Then..... on to the MBA! We're excited for Halloween! Hope all of you are well and as HAPPY as we are!!!!


-Sarah & Ryan- 
-Natalie & Jared-

-Emma- Since nobody in our family has sent news in for the past century, I'll fill you in on our uneventful century. We're all pretty much doing the same things (work, school, etc..), and we're all plenty happy! Alex just turned 18 which is creepy, and we threw her a "Pickleman" themed birthday party. For those of you who don't know, Pickleman is a comic that Alex draws on occasion that used to frighten me. Is it sad that I can't think of anything else to report? Love you all! Emma



Wendi had her baby, mom went to visit.
Jenna blessed her baby.
Jenna had her baby, mom went to visit.
Spencer blessed their baby.
Adam and Moana blessed twins. Didn’t have to travel.
Bryce and Jessica still doing great.
Tanner doing fine in spite of parasites. He’s on the beach instead of 13,000 feet elevation.
Leisha still playing violin.
Lyle still not getting rich.
Not much else.

-Jenna & Kevin- Hey Family! We are all doing great. Kaden gets his cast off this Friday and he can barely wait! We are all getting excited for Halloween! We had a neighborhood pumpkin carving Family Night at our house Monday. On Halloween we will hold our 3rd annual neighborhood Chili cook-off! We’ve been down here in AZ for 5 years now! I can’t believe how quickly time flies! The boys all wrote Chloe love letters for her baby book and I took pictures of them. (see below! J) They are so sweet and love her so much! Love you all! Jenna

-Spencer & Shanille-

-Wendi & Aaron- Haden Aaron Shinkle was born on October 18. He was 8lbs and 19 ¾ inches long. Anthony loves him! He is fascinated with his cry and his little body.


-Adam & Moana-Aloha Everybody! We've had an exciting month watching the boys grow up! They both learned how to suck their thumbs at the same time, and a few weeks later they both laughed out loud on the same day! Twins or what?! We are having a blast, life couldn't get any better than this. Adam got promoted at his job and now he's a Financial Coach! He just loves it. He actually is coaching someone right now in Gridley CA. who knows Greg and Lisa! Small world. We're so excited for Halloween! We carved pumpkins last night for F.H.E. at Lyle and Sheila's. We carved two ghosts into our pumpkin! Love you all...Have a great month.

Adam, Moana, Kenneth & Chandler

-Bryce & Jessica- If you’re wanting to snuggle close to someone this Halloween,
the Mortimer Haunted House is the place to be. It’s held in Lyle and Sheila
Mortimer’s yard, at 1790 South 400 East in Springville. It’s one night only. Bring
your friends, family, and enemies. Starts 7pm-11pm. There is a suggested $2
donation, (not required). Takes about 20mins to go through the haunted house.
I’m warning you, it will be scary. The Mortimer Family ALWAYS goes all out.
Please pass this on to people who may want a fun scare this Wednesday
!!!!!! (I thought this would be fun to look back and remember the awesome
Spook Alleys we did! Hope you have fun guys! Love, Jenna)

Mission Address:

Elder Tanner Boyd Mortimer

Peru-Arequipa mission

Edificio El Peral

Avenida El Ejercito 710, Oficina-703

Cayma, Arequip

-Beau & Shannon-
-Zachary & Kaylee-

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Hunter Herald September 2007

Hunter Herald

September 2007

-NEIL & MIKE- School started on a pretty scary note for some at our house. Tom's now in Junior High and that's stressful but he's also changed the school he would have gone to with his old friends. I'm hoping that's a good thing! Rachel also changed schools even though she's in 8th grade. Tena started high school and seminary. Brandie's excited not to be the only one up at 5:30am. Mom's excited about driving them at 6:15 am...NOT. Neil is really excited because he no longer has to leave the couch either morning or afternoon as they can ride the bus now! Okay, okay, just a joke, he does leave the couch quite frequently.... get a drink, answer the phone, get the mail. But that will soon be over. It's been 5 weeks since his surgery and so I'm thinking he's got another 3 and then... well let's just say the "honey do list" is...growing! September has not only brought school but soccer. Between Trevor’s Nick, Kalli's Cypress, and our Tom we’re pretty much at the soccer field from the time it starts until it's finished. It looks like we've arrived with our 72-hour kit because you all know how many snacks and drinks it takes to get 16 people to sit through 3 games that are never at the same time. It's a real hoot to watch and we love it! Neil and I did manage a 5 day get-away to Mississippi to see how southern fried chicken tastes. It was Paij's birthday, it was Labor Day weekend, and we had a babysitter!!!! Kalli and Terry really know how to keep 4 teen-agers in line not to mention a 92-year-old paralyzed grandma, and we are mighty grateful. It doesn't get much better then that. Paij treated me to the musical "the Lion King" and Brent treated Neil to a baseball game. Besides having finger-lickin’ good barbecue, Sam's finest chicken, cruising along the mighty Mississippi, and going to a Rodeo, Paij and I re-decorated and the boys did some plumbing. It may be awhile before they invite us back since we spent all their money and slept in their bed. Jar's out to sea again. He's supposed to come home the end of October and then leave for the Gulf Nov. 4th.

Thank you all for contributing to the newsletter.... those of you who aren't... and you know who you are!!!!! We REALLY want to hear about your family too! Love Aunt Mike

-Trevor & Charmayne-

-Haylee & Ryan-

-Kalli & Terry- We are going to a bike trade show in Las Vegas this week and staying with Melissa and Ty, we're really excited! The kids are excited too because they get to stay with Grandma and Grandpa. Cypress is playing soccer and they lost the first game then tied and then finally won this week. She also had her birthday and is now 6! Tayla is having lots of fun playing with the neighbors and doing TaVaci with mom. Tyden is talking more and more and growing taller daily it seems. We are really appreciating the cool weather and rain! Hope all are well!!
Love, Terry and Kalli

-Paij & Brent-

FC3 Hunter, Jarom
USS Germantown, OPS/OW FPO AP
San Diego, CA  96666-1730


Mission Address (needs 85 cent stamp):

Melnsila Iela 3-1

LV-1046 Riga


Hi family. Here in Riga, Latvia the weather is very nice, just starting to get colder. No snow yet, but the leaves are starting to change in the parks. That extra blanket on our bed feels good instead of being a nuisance.


Our family nights are going good, the Elders and Sister are bringing investigators into our home so they can hear the lesson and be with some of the youth who have already made the choice to be members. Our biggest decision about family night is what kind of refreshments to serve. The youth here are very health minded and don't like it if it's "not health". There goes all the stuff we like.

We took the Mission President and his wife to the National Ballet of Latvia the other night and saw Cinderella. We spent $40 on a ticket but forgot that maybe Cinderella's Stepmother may be a Madam of a Brothel with scantily clad stepdaughters instead of the mother of two uglies. We listened to the fantastic orchestra warm up and looked around at the gold overlay on the walls of the opera house, watched the people come in ready for a great show. The curtain opened and Cinderella came out for her opening introductory scene, which was very nice. As the next scene opened, we stood up and walked out. We had no idea that Cinderella wouldn't be the traditional, well, Cinderella.

On the street where we live as we look out our 4th story window, we can see the Albert hotel. It is right across the street and is used by some of the teams that come to Latvia to play. Aunt Evy stuck her head out the window this morning after seeing a basketball team clad in Blue, and yelled, "Hey, who do you play for"? One of the players yelled back up,"Poland". On the other side of the street is live music that plays most evenings until later into the night. Kind of a Soul Music that you would hear in the states, so most nights we spend with our windows open to catch the vibes while we swing across the kitchen floor then back again dancing cheek to cheek.

We have been very busy assigning 11 new seminary teachers and institute teachers and getting them trained.

We talked two weeks in a row in sacrament meetings. Most of our time is in the preparation. The doing isn't usually a big deal. We love ya all. Missions are the greatest. As Feris Buhler said," If you have the means, I highly suggest picking one up".

LaMont and Evy

-Chad & Nan-

-Jaimyn & Paul-

-Molly & Aaron-
-Justin & Jana-
-Melisa & Tye-

-LAYNE & FRANKIE-We are still alive. Life is great. The Church is true.

-Rachel & Rob-The year is flying by.  Cody is doing great in Junior
High this year. He enjoys his wood shop class. He is a first class
in scouts and working diligently towards getting star. I am so
thankful for good scout leaders. Alex is getting his bear at the next
pack meeting. He is adjusting to 5th grade. He is not sure he likes
the added responsibility. Boyd is in second grade and doing great.
He loves school and loves reading. Dale started kindergarten and
is really doing great. I was worried but he is having no problems.
Elizabeth is growing like a weed. She laughs and babbles.
Everyone stops what they are doing just to watch her. The boys
always want me to get out the camcorder or camera. We are
enjoying Seth and Rayanna living in Bakersfield. We get to see
them much more often. Well that's it for the Fransens.

-Seth and Rayanna-

-Brandon & Laura-

-Rebekah and Seth-

Hello everybody! I turn 32 this Month (September)! But my
husband turns 30, somehow 32 is not so bad when a person
can "welcome" their spouse to 30. Is that evil?

So school is underway and I am still recruiting for people to
live in Bakersfield. The truth is that I am planning on running
for mayor and I figure I need to get the entire family here in
order to have a shot, I figure family bribes have got to be
cheaper that random voters. Not really.

Nothing too exciting is happening here, though Seth &
Rayanna got to talk on Sunday. It is really odd to have
family members talk about your family at church. It is strange
to say oh yea I remember that or to have your children ask if
that really happened and was that at Grandpa's house? I
would think that most of you have already experienced that
sort of thing but it was new to me.

If any body has Beau's address my son Peyton would really
like to write and say Hello. He still remembers Beau singing
and playing the guitar at reunion a few years back.

As always if you get bored of where you are living Bakerfield
has lots of houses and jobs. If you drive the southern route
stop by on your way through Bakersfield.

-Caleb & Ashley-Hello Everyone,

It looks like my wife is expecting our fourth child in May.
We are excited. I will be done with my MBA program by
then and will hopefully get to help out more. I am currently
taking 13.5 credits at night while working my normal
Engineering job. This means that I don't get to see my
family often enough. Elijah is going to preschool three
times a week. Hyrum is now potty trained, and Madison is
trying to walk now. It is all fun at our house. The door is
always open to anyone who wants to visit the Tooele, Utah
area and see where the Hunter's originally settled before
moving on to Idaho. We love you all.

Caleb, Ashley, Elijah, Hyrum, Madison

-Kara & Michael-I like the changing seasons. The leaves are changing colors and my kids keep asking when it is going to snow. I think they have forgotten how cold the snow is and that it is no fun shoveling the driveway. We are planning a trip to California in late October. We want to get a few days of warmth before winter sets in. There really isn't much new. Just school and I have started sewing again. I made a few fleece jackets for McKayla, Karalynn and Adam. McKayla and Karalynn are great encouragement they tell me it "looks beautiful" and they smile when it is done. It doesn't matter what it really looks like to them at least for now it is beautiful.

Take care

Kara Mike and family

-Jeremy & Leslie-
-Benjamin & Megan- This month we have been trying to
adjust to life with 2 kids. I don't know how all of you do it!
It is definitely the hardest and most rewarding job in the
world! Little Ben is starting to get used to his new brother.
Yesterday he tried to help me change Ethan's diaper. So
he's not the best baby bum wiper but it was still cute!
This morning Ethan started to cry and Little Ben went over
and gave him a kiss and started to rub his belly. It was the
sweetest thing I had ever seen! Little Ben is also finally
learning to communicate. In the last week and a half he
has learned to shakes his head "no," signs "all done" and
"more." It makes life much easier when I know what he
wants so I hope it continues. Ethan is growing and becoming
more alert. Benjamin is teaching at Independence High
School. He says it is difficult but he enjoys it.
-Matthew & Karali-


-Damien & Kacey-

-Meredith & Bill-

-Hillary & Jason-

-Cayle- Hey everyone! By the time you read this I will be officially old. I turn 30 on the 27th and I'm celebrating by playing a rock show with my favorite band of ALL time. They are called Helmet, and I'm sure none of you have ever heard of them, but when I was 16 they got me in to music so DROP IT! ha. There will be a lot of family and friends there, which is all I want, so it should be a birthday to remember. Other than that I'm the most boring man on earth. LOVE YOU ALL!

p.s. send all of you generous cash presents and iphones to Cayle Hunter 935 56th st. #7 Sacramento CA 95819 okthanksbye.

~Cayle Hunter~

-Sarah & Ryan- 
-Natalie & Jared-

-SHEILA & LYLE- Hi family,
We hope all is well with you. Can you believe we have snow on the tops of the mountains in Utah? We're not sure we're ready for winter. We are in the process of fixing up the back yard and stuccoing the house, so we're in quite a mess.
We have been having family home evening as a family on Mondays, with the married kids and their families. Shanille gave the best lesson on repentance last week, and this week it's Adam and Moana's turn. We're looking forward to hearing their lesson as well.
Since Bryce's mission, we have had a few wonderful families come and visit us from England. One guy came with his two seventeen year old grandchildren. He was a smoker, drinker etc. We had a wonderful time while they were here. We played hard on the boat. lazer tagging and hikes. We snuck a few things in about the Word of Wisdom as opportunity allowed. Anyway, long story short, he called Saturday night and said he was getting baptized at the end of the month. He said he knew he wanted to, it was just a matter of when. We were so happy for him. The gospel is wonderful, and we are thankful for it.
We love all you guys. LaMont and Evy, if you get this, we love and miss you and hope you are having a wonderful mission. Tanner, Elder Mortimer, We are so proud of you. Keep up the good work. Lyle and I are so thankful for our family and new grandchildren this year. Wendi is due any day now, Jenna's will be blessed on the 30th of this month.
We love and miss you all. Come see us once in awhile.
The Lyle Mortimers

-Jenna & Kevin- Hello Family! It has been a little crazy since Chloe was born! I went to the ER a couple times with kidney stones. They finally went in and lazered them and we found out there were at least 9! 2 of which were huge! Needless to say I am feeling MUCH better! In the middle of my hospital trips, Kaden broke his arm riding home from school! Kevin says that he is feeling pretty comfortable in the emergency room lately! J Everyone is happy and healthy now!!! Chloe is so much fun! She is already smiling a ton! Bows and bracelets are coming out of our ears!!! Like my mom said, we are blessing her this weekend. Kevin’s mom crocheted the most beautiful blessing dress! I hope to have beautiful pictures to put in the next newsletter!

Love you all! Jenna and Fam.

-Spencer & Shanille-Hello Everyone,

Well it has been a busy month. Quenton is playing
soccer and he is getting really good at it. He has scored
a few points, but most of all he is a great goalie. He got
100% on his very first spelling test, even the bonus words.
All that studying paid off. He turned 7 on the 21st. We went to boondocks fun center.
It was fun. He is going to be in the school choir, even though he doesn't think he
wants to. He also got the swimming sickness this month Cryptosparidium.
That was gross and he lost 2 pounds that he can't afford to lose. Sage is
going to preschool 4 days a week. She loves it. And I love her there. The
donkey at her animal school is going to have a baby
any day and she
can hardly wait. She also plays soccer
and she rocks at it. She scored 5 points in
one game and got $5 from dad. She was
pretty proud. Emeri is finally getting enough
hair that we can do piggy tails. It’s so cute.
She still is hardly talking but maybe that is
a good thing. Talmage is 6 months old and starting to get up on his
hands and knees and scoot. He can get around. He got blessed on the
2nd. He is getting fat. Spencer and I went to Park City for our 8th
anniversary. It was a good time. We are all happy and healthy.
Love Spencer and Shanille

-Wendi & Aaron- 

-Adam & Moana-Aloha, Aloha! Life is great! Fall is here and it's getting colder! We are so excited to dress up the boys for Halloween. What we really want to do is: Adam dress up as "Green Grass" you know spike and spray paint his hair green! Moana dress up as "Little Bo-peep", and the boys as the "Two Lost Sheep!" ha ha ha. Now you all know the most exciting news in our life at the moment! It's crazy how things you thought never could be so exciting are now!!! We can't wait 'til Halloween!

Love you all.........Adam, Moana & Da Boys

-Bryce & Jessica- 

Mission Address:

Elder Tanner Boyd Mortimer

Peru-Arequipa mission

Edificio El Peral

Avenida El Ejercito 710, Oficina-703

Cayma, Arequip

-Beau & Shannon-
-Zachary & Kaylee-