Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Hunter Herald December 2008

Hunter Herald
December 2008

Neil & Mike-Merry Merry Christmas to all of our wonderful family!!! I am in such a jovial mood!!!!! Great Great you know we have been dealing with the Jar/Iraq issue for a month and a half now. Monday Jarom is notified that he is going to Iraq and he needs to get all of his belongings into storage, make out a will and be ready to leave Sunday (12-14-08). They said he would get further orders Weds. He makes out his will does the Pwer of attorney thing and everything they ask to get ready. Hears nothing on Weds. Friday, after work they call him on his cell phone and say: "the navy has decided they don't need anyone from your ship", you may begin your Holiday leave!!!!!!!!! MIRACLE! it was a miracle. I am here to testify that faith, fasting, and prayer bring miracles. We are so grateful the Lord saw fit to grant us one. So Jarom comes Tuesday, Paij and her family, Thurs, and Haylee and her family Sat. I am so grateful that my children still think"there' no place like home for the holidays! So we've decked the halls, made everything chocolate we can think of , and will start wrapping presents soon.... I hope. It's even raining today so maybe our snowboarders will be able to hit the slopes. I so appreciate my dear son-in-laws and daughter-in-law who support all of our silly making all the boys/men sing Elvis's" I'LL have a blue Christmas!!! (it's Ryan favorite part!) Aren't we all so blessed to have these choice and wonderful families that give us the sweetest and most lovable grandchildren. I know you all will be blessed with great joy and peace this season because you love what Christmas represents and you bring the Christ Spirit into your homes by the lives that you lead. We love you all and will think of you all coming together as we are. Thank you, for all of your fasting and prayers in Jarom's behalf. We the Neil Hunter family are so thankful to be a part of the awesome Boyd and Gene Hunter family!!!! Good tidings we bring to you and your kin"! (Aunt Mike)

Trevor & Charmayne-
Haylee & Ryan-
Kalli & Terry-
Paij & Brent-

LaMont & Evy-
Chad & Nan-
Jaimyn & Paul-
Justin & Jana-
Melisa & Tye-

Layne & Frankie-

Rachel & Rob-Hello everyone, It has been so long since I wrote but we are all doing great here in California. Rob is working hard to finish our house so we can move in on December 20th. A little crazy with christmas but we have renters who are anxious to move into our mobil home. The boys are all doing supper in school. They are pretty much motivated to do their best. Cody is in 8th grade. He loves making thinks out of wood. He learns much from his grandpa. In January He should get his life rank in scouting and he is anxious to work on his eagle. I am so thankful for great scout leaders Alex is in 6th grade. Alex and Boyd both did soccer this year. They were both on great teams. I am glad it is over but next year Dale wants to play too. Boyd is in 3rd grade. He loves school and cub scouts. He also spends alot of time making thinsgs out of paper, tape, cardboard boxes, pretty much anything I'll let him use. Dale is in 1st grade. He loves to do puzzles, play on the computer and play with his oleder brothers. Elizabeth is 18 months old. She is officially in nursery. Rob is her teacher so it is and easy transition. She is busy learning and gorwing. It is fun to play dolls with her. Girls are alot of fun. It is a good thing because in April we will have another little girl. I was so excited to find out that Elizabeth will have a sister to grow up with. Well I guess that is all for our update. I hope everyone has a great Christmas. Love, the Fransen's

Seth & Rayanna-
Brandon & Laura-
Rebekah & Seth-
Caleb & Ashley-

Kara & Michael-Hello Family, We had a white christmas this year. It is beautiful but when I think of the song "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas" I dream more of a foggy or green one. I guess it is just what you grow up with that makes your dreams. We were going to go to Mikes' parents for the day but the snow storm kept us home. We did enjoy the quiet family time. Mike, Daniel and Joseph had a long day of Risk and the rest of the kids played with some of there new toys. In the early evening we went over to the church with a few friends and played with the Basketballs and had a long game of Volleyball. It felt good to burn off a bit of the Christmas snacks. We brought a few of those friends home with us and played Twisted Phase 10. I think that is going to be on my list for next year. We had a lot of fun. We missed having family around but if the weather is good enough we my have visitors for the New Year. We will just have to wait and see. Our ward party this year was a night in Bethleham. Mike was asked to be one of the wise men, and Joseph were Shepherds. We ate our dinners on the floor in the gym. I think the evening turned our very nice. Each of us were able to dress up in something. I hope our kids remember this activity as we make Christmas memories. We think of family often and hope each of you are doing well. It is so fun to read the updates in the Hunter Herald.
With love,
Kara, Mike and kids

Jeremy & Leslie-
Benjamin & Megan-
Mathew & Karali-

Calvin & Donna-
Damien & Kacey-

Meredith & Bill-Hello to our beloved family and friends! 2008 is quickly drawing to a close! We wanted to stop the momentum of our lives to acknowledge those who mean the most to us! We think of each one of you and know our lives are better because you are part of it. We know that miles and schedules keep us apart, but you are always close in our hearts. This year has been another eventful year for the Sutherlands, briefly,
First, we must acknowledge the service provided by Bill’s parents (Bill and Yvonne) for the missionary work in Cle Elum, Washington at the Ensign Ranch. I know that our lives were blessed because they were on the Lord’s errand. It brought joy to us to hear the peace and happiness in their voices. They are a tremendous example to us. We are glad they are home!
Bill has juggled so many tasks this year. We are so proud of his work at Caltrans and Shasta College, working with the 11 year old scouts, and mastering the Rubiks cube! For his 40th birthday, “Failure is Not an Option” from NASA was our theme. He underwent “astronaut training”, which included a test flight (a sight seeing tour in a Cessna), a space walk (Tour of river trail on Segways), a night of red carpet treatment on the town, and a surprise party where he was granted the title of “Astronaut Bill”.
Meredith spends her days reading and studying as a junior at Chico State. Her “spare” time is kids, family, carpooling, laundry, homework helper; cooking…you get the idea. She worked with the youth throughout most of the year and now serves in the nursery. Her daily run helps keep her sane. Now that we are on break, the kids report that the dinners are much better!
Anna graduated 8th grade and transitioned into high school smoothly.She was on the swim team during the fall, and participated in the Madrigal Dinner through music program. She is taller and more beautiful than ever. She likes attending early morning seminary. Her parents are proud of the beautiful young woman she is and the positive choices she makes.
Will is now in the 8th grade. He played all star baseball during the summer and soccer for the school team in the fall. He was invited to play on a competitive soccer team after a coach saw his skills with the school team. Will is energetic, witty, and smart.He plays the trumpet and marched in his 3rd parade with the school for the Holiday parade.
Thomas has become a unicycle rider! He also played on the school soccer team (with Will) and was later asked to play on the same competitive team. Thomas is currently on the 6th grade basketball team and was named team captain. He also held the role of Mike TeeVee in the spring play put on at the school, “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. He sang and danced on stage! Anna and Matthew were also part of the production. He is a good student and a confident young man!
Matthew held the role of Augustus Gloop in the same play. This character is known for his excessive eating, so Matthew was stuffed with pillows to create the look of this chubby character. He also played all star baseball this summer helping lead his team to a championship! Now in 4th grade, he has also learned to ride the unicycle!
A few highlights of 2008
Bill and Meredith – Hawaii
Meredith – Baseball Spring training Arizona
James and Ashleigh Sutherland wedding in May – Salt Lake City
Visit to Washington to see Bill and Yvonne – June
Lake of the Woods-Oregon
Cayle and Katie Hunter wedding - July
Disneyworld, Bahamas, and NASA – Florida
Bill Turned 40!!!! – November
We feel so blessed as we look back over another year of our lives. We look forward to the future with faith. We hope all is well with you and your beautiful families. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Abundant New Year!

Love, The Sutherlands

Bill, Meredith, Anna, Will, Thomas, and Matthew

Hillary & Jason-
The Rogerson Christmas was most enjoyable. It was spent with friends and family. Our kids each got something they really had their hearts set on which enhanced the magic of the day. As overwhelmed as we have been feeling as of late it was a precious break from the chaos. We miss all of you and hope all family far and near had a great Christmas and a happy new year.

Cayle & Katie-
Sarah & Ryan-
Natalie & Jared-

Sheila & Lyle-
Dear family, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! We sure enjoyed everyone being home, except for Tanner, but he did call, and it was so nice to hear from him. We had the whitest Christmas ever. The skiing and sledding are good. Its been in the 20's for the last few weeks. The roads are a little slick, but not bad. We also celebrated a few birthdays in December, Lyle's Kaden's and Kevin's. How dare they have a December birthday. Anyway lots of cake is good for you right? Here's a cute quote not sure of the author. "You didn't choose your family, it is a gift from God, your family will bless your life, just as you bless their's". Well it something like that. You have blessed our lives. I am very proud of all of you. I hope you all have a "Happy New Year" Don't forget to come and see us if you get a chance. Just don't come the middle of January, we'll be in Peru!! woo hoo. love you all, The Mortimers

Lyle and Kevin... I think they're in love...

Jenna & Kevin-Hi Family! We had a fantastic Christmas with the Mortimers. It's been fun to be back home. We found a house to rent in Springville and are excited to move there in January! Kaden turned 12 on the 23rd and got to have Grandpa Mortimer give him his 12-year-old interview. How exciting and fun watching your kids grow up. We are all excited to have Tanner home in January!!!

We are REALLY enjoying the snow!!!!
Front to back: Hunter, friend, Quenton, Kaden, Lyle, Sage, Kellan

Spencer & Shanille-
Wendi & Aaron-
Adam & Moana-

There's no place like home for the Holidays!!!

Left to right or right to left. Jenna can't tell them apart: Kenneth, Chloe, Chandler

Bryce & Jessica-

Greg & Lisa-
Beau & Shannon-
Zachary & Kaylee-

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Hunter Herald November 2008

Hunter Herald
November 2008

Neil & Mike-
Trevor & Charmayne-
Haylee & Ryan-
Kalli & Terry-

Paij & Brent-All is well here in Mississippi. Another semester is coming to an end and we are very happy to be that much closer to graduating. For Thanksgiving, we went to visit Brent's brother and family in Pennsylvania and spent most of the time in Washington DC. That is such a cool city. This was my first time visiting and I think that place can invoke patriotism in anyone who visits. We loved all the monuments and free museums. We also visited Gettysburg and Hershey, PA for Chocolate World. It was a wonderful time and gratefully the weather cooperated nicely. However, we are happy to be home now and looking forward to our upcoming visit to CA for Christmas. Morgan is growing all the time and is sitting up and playing like crazy. We are hoping we can hold off any crawling until after Christmas but she has a mind of her own so only time will tell. Love you all. Happy Holidays!
Love, Paij, Brent and Morgan Collins
For pictures, visit (DC pic's coming soon if not up yet)


LaMont & Evy-Well, MERRY CHRISTMAS from the LaMont and Evy Hunter side of the earth.
This last month has brought much education and savoy to us. First of all, unlike we thought while going through it, there can be life after diverticulitis. We had thought it all ended right there. We were wrong and life does go on.
All of our kids are doing great. We had lots of fun watching volleyball games featuring Emma and Claudia. They are great players and always seem to be happy and set a great example on and off of the court.
Justin and Jana's little guy is doing some fascinating things like signing some 35 words,
blowing out candles, saying a few words, eating and swallowing, climbing on things and being a regular fun kid. It is great to see him smiling and progressing. The boys just finished flag football and Grandma and I weren't able to get to Reno to see them. Hope we can next year.
Paul and Jamyn and family are doing well. Maddi and Annie were in the Manteca Idle
competition where they did extremely well. They sing like a couple of meadow larks.
Aaron and Molly's boys are playing soccer and baseball still and having lots of fun with indoor soccer.
Tye and Melisa and their three magpies are doing well hope to see them before the end of the year. Their little on, Elise, has had to wear braces to help her hip sockets form correctly and is now out of them and loving life.
The old crows are doing well and feeling our ways through life. We cannot write a hundredth part of the things that have happened to so many people... We love you all and love it when you stop by to visit.
Love to all
LaMont and Evy

Chad & Nan-
Jaimyn & Paul-

Justin & Jana-It is fun to read how and what everyone is doing and up to. T he Reno Hunters are just great. The boys just finished football and played really well. Keathe is in the middle of our first run at home schooling. What a chore! She seems to have learned a ton though, and it gives her a huge taste of self initiative. Its going well. Tennyson is really improving and learning and growing. He can sign about 25 or 30 words!! very impressive. We are working on his verbal skills and he makes progress every week. He has been so healthy for almost a year now. We reaally grateful for that. Jana is still Primary Pres and whipping thos little Mormon kids into shape every Sunday. I am just working and trying to get a house built. It is actually moving along pretty fast. Take care!!

Love the Reno Hunters

Melisa & Tye-

Layne & Frankie-We had a great Thanksgiving.

Caleb - family and Kara - family came for a week. Seth - family and Rebekah - family came for a few days. Rachel - family came to visit each day but got to sleep in their own beds at night. It is very quiet here this morning. Layne is complaining because he has 12 more days of work before Christmas vacation. I will spend 12 twelve days looking for the things the little grandkids have put away for me :).

I hope everyone had as much fun as we had.

Rachel & Rob-
Seth & Rayanna-
Brandon & Laura-

Rebekah & Seth-
Hello from Bakersfield. This week we have finally left the 80 degree range. We actually hit 84 last week and broke a record of 82 set back in 1923. It has been nice. Our puppies are almost old enought to give away and we believe that their is a good home already selected for each. It has been really neat to have them. They are so cute and quiet. My children are, of course, begging to keep them but that is not going to happen. It is the most wonderful time of the year!!! Already!!! Wow time flies!!!

Gregory turns 12 on 12-31-08. Does this make me old? We planning on him being ordained during Christmas vacation.

Peyton is doing well and although he gave us a scare, losing 9% lung function in a matter of 3 months, he has now gained most of that function back and is striving to gain weight. He is so healthy, with so many odds against him, that one must realize that it is the priesthood blessings that keep him going.

Elliana is loving the puppies and enjoying learning to play the piano. She also complains of wanting a sister but none have been sent so she still complains.

Seth is trudging along at work and the bills are being paid. What a blessing at a time when so many are hurting.

I still teach and complain, though I really can't it is a good job for my family and covers medical. Other than teaching Gospel Doctorine which is totally intimidating for me, life is good. We are well fed, housed, and loved by the Lord. Please don't pass through Bakersfield without stopping by or saying, "Hello".

Caleb & Ashley-

Kara & Michael-I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We are enjoying visiting with my parents this year. For the past two years Mike has been on call for the Holiday so Caleb and Ashley have come up for the holiday. This year we get to enjoy spending time with them at my parents house. I guess it is the best of both worlds.
I was looking for an up date on Jarom and if the Lord has seen fit to keep him in America.
Well, I hope this letter finds your families doing well.

Jeremy & Leslie-
Benjamin & Megan-
Mathew & Karali-

Calvin & Donna-
Damien & Kacey-
Meredith & Bill-
Hillary & Jason-
Cayle & Katie-
Sarah & Ryan-
Natalie & Jared-

Sheila & Lyle-It is nice to have Jenna and Kevin back in the area. Our whole family except for Tanner (in Peru) and Aaron (on call doctor) were able to be at our thanksgiving dinner. It was nice to see all the uncles and aunts from the Mortimer side.

We sent out 9436 invitations to our warehouse sale and had a blast. That's all the homes in Springville and Mapleton and we had a great response. It's like a wedding reception we got to see so many friends.

We've sent out 6000 invitations to Provo and Spanish Fork for this weekend. It will be fun to see who responds.

We've been busy running, reading and responding to calls. Bryce nearly has our new website finished. You can go online and look at the beta site at If you'd like to sell books, please let Bryce know.

We're having fun.

Jenna & Kevin-We are all moved back to Utah. It's good to be back. The kids are adjusting well and LOVE their new school! We had a fun Thanksgiving with the whole Mortimer clan. It was fun to see some cousins we haven't seen for a while. I have barely even started Christmas shopping, so this is going to be fun!
I'm thankful for my family!!!
Love, Jenna and Fam.

Spencer & Shanille-
Wendi & Aaron-

Adam & Moana-We had a fun and busy month. We got to go to Hawaii for the twins Great-Great Grandmother's 100th Birthday party! It was wonderful. We had a great Thanksgiving with all the family and are now getting ready for Christmas! We love you all and wish you the best!

The twins with their 100-year-old Great-Great Grandmother!

Bryce & Jessica-It’s all happening too fast! We have now moved. We are living in Mapleton. It’s only about 5 minutes away from Mom and Dad’s house in Springville. We’re renting from Jessica’s grandparents. They live on a 7 acre lot right up close to Maple Mountain. They have chickens, and cows, and a horse, so it’s been fun living on a “farm.”

Bryce is still working on his Pilot’s license. He flies today at UVU with his instructor. He has flown solo a couple times, and looks forward to getting his license.

Jessica is working on starting school again at BYU. She still doesn’t know exactly what she wants to major in.

Overall, we are doing well. We just got our new callings in sunbeams and really enjoy having snack and game time during church! :)

Tanner- Tanner REALLY needs some REAL letters before he gets home! It would be a fantastic FHE!!!!! Love, Jenna
Mission Address:
Elder Tanner Boyd Mortimer
Casilla 1884
Arequipa Peru

Hey family,
Well this week was good. We went to zone conference. It was really neat. We learned about growing our faith. I am sorry in my sentences or structured a little weird I am just forgetting English a little. So I am not trunky but do you all know that I only have 7 weeks left. Next week starts my last change in the mission. I am really set on being an example to the missionaries on how to finish you mission. I have known to many missionaries that trunk out the last few weeks of there mission. My companion and I are really working hard. Here at the beach during summer it is a little hard to touch the hearts of people but we can be there friends. Something I have learned during the mission is you can teach and teach and teach a person but the things they are REALLY going to learn come from the spirit. So I have found that one of the best ways to teach something about something is bare your testimony to them and let the spirit do the teaching. As missionaries we just get people in an environment where the spirit is strong and the spirit teaches them what they need to know. So when my missionaries ask me how can I MAKE people do what is right or at least have the desire to change. Well you can’t MAKE them do what is right but if you can get them to feel the sincere love that you have for them, if I’m explaining well. Get them to feel that you’re sad because you know that they are missing out on blessings. That’s when they’ll want to change there life. Because they will want those blessings, they will want the atonement of Christ to clean their life too. That’s what will get them to change.
The gospel is really beautiful. After a mission of studying of the gospel I am just now learning how to apply it all. You could say I am a slow learner but I like to think that is very complex.

okay well i think that is all

Greg & Lisa-
Beau & Shannon-
Zachary & Kaylee-

Monday, October 27, 2008

Hunter Herald October 2008

Hunter Herald October 2008

Neil & Mike-
Trevor & Charmayne-
Haylee & Ryan-
Kalli & Terry-
Paij & Brent-

LaMont & Evy-
Chad & Nan-
Jaimyn & Paul-
Justin & Jana-

Melisa & Tye-Hi everyone!! It's 9:30pm on Halloween night...Did I cut it close or what?! Anyway...Just wanted to let everyone know about the new addition to our family. We had a baby girl (yes another one...that makes three!!) on September 5th. She is already 8 weeks old today!. She was 7.6 lbs, and 18 inches long according to the hospital. Four days later at her Dr. appointment she was 21 inches long, so who really knows. Her name is Elise. She was named after our great grandmother on our moms side. She is just a sweetheart. Everyone says she looks like her older sisters, which by the way, can't get enough of her.

Allie our 6 year old just started Kindergarten, and loves every second of it. She turned 6 on October 21st, so she is an old Kindergartener...Nevada's birthday deadline is Sept. 30th, so she missed the deadline last year. She loves to play soccer and loves being a big sister! Ashlan is 4 1/2. I love having her home with me while Allie is at school. She keeps me company and is such a good helper. She loves to draw, color and write, and do anything that has to do with art. Tye and I are trying to get used to being outnumbered by three kids, and trying to have fun with it all. Tye quotes Pres. Monson's talk from this past conference when things are getting out of hand. He says...I'm just trying to "enjoy the journey"!

Anyway...We love you all! Thanks for the fun news!

Layne & Frankie- Hi,
Our kitchen, family room, and living is almost finished. We have decided to wait till after the holidays to carpet. Maybe it will be a secret who spills on it first.

We attended our first political rally yesterday at Fresno City Hall. There was about 1000 people there in support of Proposition 8, (Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California). We listened to several ministers of various churches and the LDS bishop who is in charge of our area, Congressman Radonovich and Fresno Mayor Alan Autry. If all of the California voters were like those in the Central Valley, there would be no problem passing the proposition. About 90% of those I have called are voting 'yes', Democrats and Republicans alike.

Please fast and pray with us on November 2.

Layne and Frankie

Rachel & Rob-
Seth & Rayanna-
Brandon & Laura-

Rebekah & Seth- Our puppy had puppies. They are tiny like baby rabbits.

I got to run in the volkslav (marine style 10K mud run and obstacle course) and it was so much fun. I get to teach Gospel Doctrine now, along with emergency preparedness specialist and it is so exciting (groan). Oh well you win some you lose so. I guess I am just grateful that I can be of service.

The children are doing very well in school and get their chores done at home, mostly. Peyton has spent a little more time at the doctors then we like but is doing well overall. Actually we are all doing well and looking forward to the holidays.

Caleb & Ashley-

Kara & Michael-Hello Family
Halloween is almost here. Can you believe how fast the year is flying by? We had our ward party this past week. This was the first year I didn't have to buy or make a single new Halloween costume. We had enough stuff in the Halloween boxes to dress up all the kids. It is great to have collected so much junk. (I think I will have to do a little dejunking after Halloween.) We are planning to go to a friends punpkin patch for family home evening and pick out our pumpkin today. The kids are really looking forward to the fun.
Life is plugging a long. I am staying busy with Cub scouts. Joseph just earned his wolf and 4 arrow points. He is really motivated. Daniel is working on earning a few more arrow points. It helps to be a leader to understand how the program works. Mike is now out of primary for a time. He has been in primary since we moved into the ward. He is enjoying getting to know a few more people in the ward. He really liked serving in primary and misses it but I am sure they will have him back in there subbing before too long.
We think of family often and hope you are receiving the blessings your famly needs.
Kara, Mike and family

Jeremy & Leslie-
Benjamin & Megan-
Mathew & Karali-

Calvin & Donna-
Damien & Kacey-
Meredith & Bill-
Hillary & Jason-
Cayle & Katie-

Sarah & Ryan-Hey, everyone! Hope you all had a great Halloween and have fabulous plans for the upcoming holiday season. We're in the middle of a busy semester and SO looking forward to being back in California for Christmas. Ryan's new job is going really well, and we're loving that he has better insurance than at his old job. Good timing when you're having a baby! Speaking of, on the 30th we went in for our 18 week anatomy ultrasound, and everything looked whole and healthy. Baby and Mom are growing at just the right rate. The baby was squirming like crazy, so the tech had a tough time getting a lot of clear pictures as she chased the little monkey around with the ultrasound wand, but we managed to get a few good ones and posted them on our blog. Check them out at So, in all we're doing really well! Hope you are all as well.

Natalie & Jared-

Sheila & Lyle-
Jenna & Kevin-We're on the countdown. 12 days until we move to Utah! We are so sad to leave the best neighborhood we've ever lived in, but totally excited to live by my family!!! We had our traditional chili cook-off at our house! It is always a lot of fun hanging out with family and neighbors.

Spencer & Shanille-
Wendi & Aaron-

Adam & Moana-Happy Fall time everyone! All the leaves are changing color and it's getting really cold, so we decided to take a little trip down to Las Vegas. We had a blast and ended up leaving with more money in our wallet. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, right?? We had a fun Halloween with the family. Sheila made the traditional chili and cornbread for dinner. All the kids were dressed up so cute in their costumes. We are all doing great and can't wait for Kevin and Jenna's family to join us here in Utah next week! We're very excited! We wish you all the best. Much Love....A.M.K.C.

Bryce & Jessica-

Tanner- Tanner REALLY needs some REAL letters before he gets home! It would be a fantastic FHE!!!!! Love, Jenna
Mission Address:
Elder Tanner Boyd Mortimer
Casilla 1884
Arequipa Peru

Greg & Lisa-
Beau & Shannon-
Zachary & Kaylee-

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Hunter Herald September 2008

Hunter Herald
September 2008

NEIL & MIKE- Dear Family,
I'm not sure what happened to July and August. I know July was spent in sweat and tears repairing, remodeling and repainting...getting ready for the BIG EVENT in August. August was spent waiting for the EVENT, enjoying the EVENT, and cleaning up after the EVENT!!! Haylee and Ry came with their new "Bodie" and of course Dylan and Lexi, Paij and Brent came with their new "Morgan" and Kalli and Terry had their new "Kasen" blessed in our back yard surrounded by about 75 family members. It was a glorious event if you were the parents or the grandparents! (Actually Kalli and Terry ended up blessing Kasen a week earlier because Terry had to go to Arkansas and work) It was actually a week long EVENT and so fun if you're the grandma (that's me!) So we didn't want Sept. to be too boring so we planned a 2500 mile trip which included Aunt Klyda's funeral in Oakley, Ida. A cruise to Mexico and visiting Jarom in San Diego. Our NANNY, Kalli took excellent care of our 4 kids, 93-year-old grandma and 4 cows and 8 goats! (For 10 looong days) Now that we're back, our next SEVERAL Sats. will be spent at the Soccer field cheering on Tayla, Cypress, Nick, Kinny and Tom, none of which are on the same team. By the time we go home our chairs are surrounded by water bottles, peanut shells and candy wrappers... I mean apple cores! I'm sure many of you out there are familiar with the drill. School did start somewhere in the middle of this and finds me driving 3 happy teen-age girls to Seminary. Of course some mornings aren't as happy as others, but they do have good attitudes and rarely complain about the wee hours and most of the time, by the time we get there, they have both eyes open. (I don't) I love the newsletter, thanks again to Jenna for your efforts! We're excited to hear the news from you!!! Congrats to Melissa and Ty on their new little girl!!!! Love, Aunt Mike

Trevor & Charmayne-
Haylee & Ryan-
Kalli & Terry-
Paij & Brent- To keep up to date with us and to see 4 month pictures of Morgan, visit our blog.
Lots of Love, Paij


Chad & Nan-
Jaimyn & Paul-
Molly & Aaron-
Justin & Jana-
Melisa & Tye-

It is hard to believe that summer is over and Layne has been back to school for over a month.
We worked hard and played hard. The remodeling in our kitchen is not quite finished and I can still imagine sailing around the San Juan Islands. I wouldn't want to sail across the ocean but if there is scenery to look at and explore, it is fun. Of course, Layne enjoyed the fishing and eating crab.

We were glad that we were finally able to meet up with Lamont and Evelyn even though we had to drive all the way to Idaho to see them. That is why family reunions are so great. I don't want to wait for funerals to see everyone.

Frankie and Layne

Rachel & Rob-
Seth and Rayanna-
Brandon & Laura-
Rebekah and Seth-Not much has changed in Bakersfield. School Work Play!
Caleb & Ashley-

Kara & Michael-Hello family,
We are doing good and keeping busy.

It nice to see a few family members at Aunt Klydas funeral.
I also enjoyed hearing a little more about what a neat lady she was.
The school year is well underway. So far my kids come home and do their homework.
What more could a mom ask for. It has taken a few of them far too long in my book to
get to this point but now that we are here it is wonderful. I can enjoy sitting a helping
them when they need help. It is great.
Adam and Karalynn are in a preschool group that 4 of us trade teaching.
Karalynn is going to another preschool but she just wants to do home school.
I don't mind it is fun to watch her learn and grow.
Daniel earned his Bear in August and Joseph will earn his wolf this month.
They are both enjoying scouts.
We hope your families are doing well.
Kara, Michael and kids

Jeremy & Leslie-
Benjamin & Megan-
Matthew & Karali-

So Jenna sends the plea for newsletter fodder with the concern that last month's edition was "a little skinny". I'm thinking - "Cool! At least something in my life is slimming down!" I'm not.

I am however conducting a scientific survey that questions whether radiation makes you fat.
The doctor says "only if you irradiate ice cream" which of course I do not consume. (Seriously. No. SERIOUSLY).

So once again, as Layne told me a few months ago... "The doctor is a liar".

My attempt at burning out of control cells in the prostate gland with inter modulated radiation therapy seems to be going along just swimmingly. No hair loss - all major organ groups functioning pretty well... Insurance is sending payments to the provider so I can keep going in every day. Yaay! Some days I like being me!

Donna has been busily going through every room in the house. Last night she took out the two boxes of unsorted photos, and started dealing up like a casino employee. Nine kids and nine grandkids - 38 years worth of pics and she's almost done. Girl got skills!

Emma went to Chico to record a tune she'd written with Cayle and it is marvelous. Van lost a starter there. No. She didn't replace it, but she DID GET it replaced. Niiice! Girl got skills. We went to Cayle's house last Sunday evening for his birthday. Fun time!!

Alexandra is still in Page, Arizona earning dough for college at BYUI. She got skills 2!

Sam is anxious for the semester to end so he can climb his way back into band and other fun stuff. He's been running the audio console for me on Friday nights when I'm doing the play-by-play for the football games... and on Saturdays has been coming along with me to serve as a "spotter"... pointing out the players who are involved in the plays. He's good. Boyee got skills! Or is it "He got skills, boyee"! Either way, I guess. Not really up on my dated street grammar!

You can listen to my morning show (Cal and Bob on the radio) at ... we upload most shoes to the podcast section... and the college games are broadcast live on on Saturday afternoons. This week (Conference weekend) we're in Merced. Game time 3:00 pacific.

Otherwise, fairly routine. I hear rumor I'm being bumped from counselor 2 to 1 in the Bishopric - Donna is still doing marvelously in Primary President thanks largely to more than adequate bishopric supervision!!! Sam is the assistant to the assistant in the Priest's quorum.

Hope you're living large. I know I am!!!

Damien & Kacey-
Meredith & Bill-
Hillary & Jason-September news already? Sheesh! Time is FLYING! Well Ellie and Hunter are enjoying kindergarten and first grade respectively and Hillary is enjoying volunteering time in their classrooms 3x a week. Hunter is officially a big kid having lost TWO teeth and is loving her new lisp. Max on the other hand is growing teeth four at a time so he's a real peach right now! He makes up for his fussiness with cuteness. All the girls have been enrolled in gymnastics. Reese and Hunter being fearless have taken to it right away but we could not be more proud of Ellie who is scared to death of it but pushes herself without being coaxed to conquer her fears. It's been frustrating but very rewarding. We recently enjoyed a trip to Chico to visit Cayle and his wife Katie for his 31st birthday and they are adorable. We'll try to come up with something more interesting for October news... Love to all!

Cayle & Katie
Sarah & Ryan-
September has certainly been a crazy month for us and all of the Gulf Coast. We survived Hurricane Ike with no damage, but we were certainly among the lucky few. We stayed hunkered down in our apartment through the storm, as advised, and woke up to find six inches of standing water in the parking lot, and siding ripped off several units, fences blown over everywhere, and several huge trees split in half or even uprooted.

We were also extremely fortunate in that we had electricity the whole time. Buildings to the right and left of us were without power for over a week, but we were very blessed and safe. We learned a lot about emergency preparedness and were so grateful for all the lessons on food storage! All of the grocery stores were closed and without power for a week, but we still had plenty to eat.

In more fun news, we're pregnant! 14 weeks as of right now and just starting to get fat (both of us.)
Official due date March 28th, 2009. Check out our blog for ultrasound and post-Ike pics.

Happy October, everyone!

Natalie & Jared-

Hi Family, I hope you are all well! We are all healthy and happy in Utah. Just FYI...
LaMont, Evy, Neil, Mike, Lyle and I went to Oakley Idaho to Aunt Klyda's funeral. Lyle and I were so happy to have Gladys and Mary (Price) ride up with us. We did a lot of laughing, crying and just enjoying a walk down memory lane. I loved every minute of it! It was also wonderful to see Mont and Evy after their mission, and Mike and Neil as well. Aunt Klyda's funeral was very nice. She was such a special aunt to all of us. I was always her "little Sheila," (even when I wasn't so little), and I will miss those sweet moments we occasionally shared, mostly on the phone in her later years. I called her only days before she died to see how she was doing. It was good to hear her voice. You could almost see her smiling through the phone. Klyda was buried quite close to her best friend and sister Alta in the Oakley cemetery. It was also very nice to see so many cousins and other Oakley friends at her funeral. Many had to tell me who they were, but I could always tell that I had "seen that face somewhere before." When we went out to the Oakley cemetery, I felt overwhelming love for my roots. What is it about that old place? Not much to look at, and you wonder if the folk around there could spare a little water. For the first time I took a good look around and saw the beautiful mountains and the quaint little town of Oakley Idaho and I realized what a special place on earth it is. We are so blessed to have so many loved ones of the Cooper and Hunter families buried there. Grandma and Grandpa Hunter and Grandma and Grandpa Cooper, not to mention countless others. Even Layne and Frankie’s little girl is buried there. How old would she have been? Anyway, I am so proud of my family. All of you! You are what make my life worth living.
I love you all,

Jenna & Kevin-
Hi Family! We are all happy and healthy notwithstanding a major slow down at work and the need to put our house up for sale and move back to Utah! (Okay…so we ARE happy about that!) We just went on a fun cruise to Baja Mexico, with friends and family, which we LOVED. (Even with the 3 days it took AFTER the cruise to get RID of our sea legs!!!)

Love you all! Check out the fun pics of the cruise on our blog!
Love you all, Jenna

Spencer & Shanille-
Wendi & Aaron-
Adam & Moana-
Bryce & Jessica-
Where did the summer go? I’m glad we had the family reunion because
that’s about all Jessica and I have done. I did go to Lake Powell with Young Men’s and
Dad this summer for a week. That was a blast. It was fun getting pulled on the water
weenies and playing war!!

Jessica is getting ready to go back to BYU this Spring Semester. We’re excited for her.
I’m continuing to work on my pilot’s license, and launch our website business.
We hope everyone is doing well!

Mission Address:
Elder Tanner Boyd Mortimer
Peru-Arequipa mission
Edificio El Peral
Avenida El Ejercito 710, Oficina-703
Cayma, Arequip

Beau & Shannon-
Zachary & Kaylee-

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hunter Herald August 2008

Hunter Herald
August 2008

Trevor & Charmayne- Well, August sure was fun for our family. We all went to Bakersfield with Trevor for his training week. The boys and I did some school shopping and hanging with Rebecca and her boys while Trevor was in school. We spent a lot of time in the pool and just hanging out. The boys spent some time in the workout room as well. I wasn't sure what the draw there was but they seemed to enjoy it. We got a chance to see Seth's new house and all the improvements they are making to it. They are sure gonna had will be getting a breathing machine soon for his sleep apnea. Then there was the week long party to celebrate our 3 new babies. It was quite fun juggling them all around. Seemed like when it was mealtime, we all had our hands full. The babies were great and seemed to be enjoying the attention mostly. Now school has started and Race is taking Algebra 2 at the high school. Then I have to bring him back to his middle school. Looks like I'll be doing the same thing with Nick in 2 years. He's in 5th grade now taking 7th grade math. Next year he'll take Algebra 1. He earned 100% on the Math Star Testing last year. He was advanced level in language arts as well. This was Kinny's first year to be tested and he received advanced level in math and language also. He was so very excited to have scores like his brother’s. Nick and Kinny are both doing soccer. Of course, they are not on the same team nor do they practice on the same day. I just hope we can make it through the next 2 months and still like it. We had some changes to our scouting program and now we all go on the same night. Kinny will be starting with me next month. Nick is leaving me to join Webelos with Terry, and Race is 1st class.
So, hope everyone is having a great school year and good luck...

Haylee & Ryan-
Kalli & Terry-
Paij & Brent-Things are going well here in the Collins Clan. Brent and I both finished another semester of school (summer) with good grades and are happy to being that much closer to finishing. We also had a wonderful trip to CA this last week. We went to my best friend from high school's wedding in Monterey and the weather couldn't have been nicer (please remind me why I live in Mississippi). I'm sure it's been mentioned that we blessed Morgan along with Haylee's Bode and pretended with Kalli's Kasen. It was a wonderful trip and we're a little sad to be back home. Morgan is growing like a weed but mostly only up not out. I'm sure we're going to have to get used to that. She is so much fun. Love you guys.
Paij, Brent and Morgan


Chad & Nan-
Jaimyn & Paul-
Molly & Aaron-
Justin & Jana-
Melisa & Tye-

Rachel & Rob-Hello Everyone, Things are going good in this part of California. It is a little hot 106 today but I am sure those in Arizona don't think we have much to complain about. The kids are back in school and the house is quiet with just Elizabeth and I home. Alex and Boyd are doing soccer this year. Cody is doing tennis. All three of them just started piano up again with a new teacher so I am driving around a lot. Our house is getting sheet rock put up next week so it is moving along nicely. Our other house in Fresno fell out of escrow again so it still hasn't sold. We may decide to keep it as a rental. Well that is about all that is happening here. Oh I forgot our dog Lady Australian Shepard just had 8 puppies. That’s all for this month.
The Fransen's

Seth and Rayanna-
Brandon & Laura-
Rebekah and Seth-Well school has started again and the rhythm of it has ensued.
Gregory is so excited to have joined drum line this year. I swear if that boy could he
would learn every instrument invented. He is dedicated to each and practices daily
so his band teacher is very happy. His father, on the other hand, is weary of 2-3
hours of trumpet, saxophone, trombone and piano. At least the drums are staying
at school. He does get and hour of them each morning during zero period.

Peyton is doing well so far. He and Elliana still get to go to the same school and he
does good waking her to class. He still loves guitar and would like the
Black Widow, in addition to his 2 acoustic ones. I don't know much about the electric
guitar so if there are any suggestions about quality or the right ones to buy feel free to let me know.

Elliana gets to recite her first poem today. Each week they will recite various poems.
She was a bit nervous but has practiced and had the poem down perfect. So, we said
prayers and figured what more can you do? Other than the poems she is enjoying school.

My classes are so far so good.
Seth is still trudging along at his job also.
We did get to visit with Trevor and Charmayne's family earlier this month. I had a good
time. Hopefully we will be able to visit with more of you in such and enjoyable manner.
Oh, by the way if you own a watercraft never invite Trevor on it because one that has
NEVER had a problem will suddenly not work. :)

Caleb & Ashley-
Kara & Michael-
Jeremy & Leslie-
Benjamin & Megan-
Matthew & Karali-

Damien & Kacey-
Meredith & Bill-
Hillary & Jason-
Cayle & Katie-
Sarah & Ryan-Hope everyone had a great Labor Day! We spent it cleaning
house and shampooing the carpet so we could have a clean house to start the
semester. Not a lot of fun, but we're glad we took the time while we still had a
little. School has started in full swing and Ryan is starting a new job with
National Oilwell Varco this month, which we're excited about. Guess we'll
update next month on how that goes! Congrats to the Mike and Neil family on
all three grandbabies being in Gridley at once for a giant baby blessing.
Must have been so much fun! Wishing you all a fun and rewarding new school year.

Natalie & Jared-

SHEILA & LYLE-Hi family,
The Mortimer's are getting use to school starting and life being a little more predictable. It's tough you more late nights and serendipity moments like a midnight run to Wal-Mart It seems there is always something going on. Lyle is much less visible in the home, but is anxiously engaged in a good cause around the neighborhood, and sitting behind a desk at church and work. Leisha is taking violin and piano lessons, and has tried out for two plays, "Thoroughly Modern Millie", and "Arabian Nights". (No news yet on either one.) She has said good bye to several young men going on missions, (she says there all just friends) and is enthralled with book four of the "vampire series." "Breaking Dawn". Come on people, you know what I'm talking about. I'm a little bummed because McCain forgot about Romney, boo hoo. The things candidates do for a vote. We love meeting on Monday nights with our married kids for FHE. We have dinner, a lesson and this week we did a service project at Spencer's and Shanille's new home, we painted several rooms. Tanner is doing well. Several of us have our tickets for Peru to pick him up in January. Woo Hoo. We love you all and hope all is well.

Jenna & Kevin-
Hi Family! Kellan and Gavin started soccer yesterday! Kellan made 2 goals and Gavin got to be goalie! Their games were at the same time at different fields, so we got split up. Kaden’s band teacher asked him to switch from alto sax to tenor sax and he is already caught up with the class. I’m thrilled because it’s the school’s sax, so no more rentals!!! We’re going on our first cruise in a couple weeks. All of the boys brought their mid-term grades home this week. They are all doing fantastic and I love their teachers! We’re just plugging on. Work is slow for Kevin. We’re hoping the building industry doesn’t take too long to turn around.
Love, Jenna and fam.

Spencer & Shanille-
Wendi & Aaron-
Adam & Moana-
Bryce & Jessica-

hi family,
I had an AWESOME week. Let me just tell you. Wow.... okay so first and
foremost important. I involuntarily participated in the running of the bulls.
I did another division this week. (As a zone leader you do divisions kinda a lot).
His name is Elder Laidlaw from Colorado. He is a convert; he’s 23 and has
4 months in the mission. He already knows Spanish really well. He is funny.
I like him. He has a super strong testimony. And was Methodist before he
converted. But anyway about the bull. I was walking down the street headed
to the church to do some tour contacting and my comp elder laidlaw said
OH that’s a bull. And he said it so surprisingly cavalier that I wasn’t immediately
alarmed but when I looked down the road there was a huge bull half a block
away running full speed in our direction. I was like a deer caught in the headlights.
I didn’t know if I should run, for fear that is might chase us, or to stay where I was.
But a man in front of me just started to take off running so we followed suit.
We where running so fast and my blood was pumping so hard that we where
surely carried on angels wings to escape or beastly demise. Yeah but come to
find out later the bull escaped from a bull fighting ring in the jungle or something.
But we are okay... :)

The next thing that happened this week that was really interesting was my English
classes I told you all about last week. I guess my flyers paid off because this last
week a little over 40 people came with more coming this week. I was so surprised
they just kept showing up. I was happy that I came prepared. and I was lucky to
still be on divisions with elder laidlaw because it would have been really hard to teach
all 40 of them by myself. It was really cooooool. Seriously one of the most special
activities of my mission. And this week when 50 or 60 come I plan on watching a
church movie in English with Spanish subtitles. Sweet huh?
And third thing interesting this week is my tours of the chapel are coming along
quite nicely. We met a really really interesting couple. Strict Catholics that I think
we are going to baptize but they don’t live in my area. I contacted them but had to
give the reference to some other missionaries in my district. I talked to them today
about them and they told me that the whole family is awesome and THANK YOU
SO MUCH for the reference. I was really happy.

Beau & Shannon-
Zachary & Kaylee-

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Hunter Herald July 2008

Hunter Herald
July 2008

-Trevor & Charmayne-
-Haylee & Ryan-

-Kalli & Terry- July flew by! We are enjoying time with dad home and Kasen here. We had a great time at Cayle and Katie's wedding and boy did they look happy! It was great to see my kids playing so well with Hillary's (see pic). We look forward to the last month of summer with the fair, Paij and Haylee coming to visit, a three baby family blessing, Tayla's b-day, and what ever else comes along. Hope you're all as happy and healthy as we are! Love you!

-Paij & Brent-

-LAMONT & EVY-Hi Hunter Family;
Being on a mission is great. Being home from a mission is also great but probably the harder thing to do. We are home and having fun trying different things to bring in a few shekels here and there.

We got home just a few days after family reunion, and now we had promised Jamyn we would watch her kids while they went on an Alaska Cruise so we weren't able to get to Cayle's wedding. So again we missed the family get together. What you would think is that... but it's not true. We love you all and are sorry we couldn't get to the wedding.

Evy and I are back in seminary. We don't know what class we teach yet but are grateful to be back in the early morning classroom. We really enjoy it. This will be our 13th year of teaching seminary.

I'm back to playing racquetball but it dogs me. Either I am old or way out of shape. We play every Saturday morning if any of you are passing through stop by and shoot a game.

Congratulations on your new calling Uncle Lyle. You will be a great Bishop. The ward members are lucky to have you there.

Love to all. See you soon we hope.
LaMont and Evy

-Chad & Nan-
-Jaimyn & Paul-
-Molly & Aaron-
-Justin & Jana-
-Melisa & Tye-

-LAYNE & FRANKIE-I can't remember if I wrote a note before we left. We enjoyed Utah. The weather was great. Sheila is a wonderful cook.

We toured the Twin Falls Temple. Today Joseph is going to be baptized. We leave for Seattle on Monday.

Layne & Frankie

-Rachel & Rob- Hello Everyone, Summer is going good. Our house is moving along at a good pace. We are all enjoying the time off school. We don't do much but swim, clean house and drive each other crazy but it is fun. I hope everyone else is doing great.

The Fransen's

-Seth and Rayanna-
-Brandon & Laura-
-Rebekah and Seth-Happy rest of the Summer!!!
-Caleb & Ashley-
-Kara & Michael-Dear Family,
We have been busy here with the temple open house. We have had days that we have served as Ushers and security. It has been fun to see all the people that are coming to see the temple. There is a buzz in the newspaper about the few protesters. I think if nothing else they are bringing more people to the temple because people want to know what all the hype is about.
A few weeks ago as I served for security with the temple open house I was again reminded about how small the world is. I was sitting in the office (classroom in the new stake center) visiting with my neighbors father. I knew they had lived in the Bay area for a while before moving here to Twin Falls so I asked a few questions. You know the do you know….. question. Well come to find out Grant Maughan (the man I was talking to) married Lynn Butler. Lynn ’s family was in the ward in Hayward with the Hunters’ from Oakley. I spoke with Lynn and she wanted to know how all the Aunts and Uncle were doing. She remembered that Uncle Neil and her pretty much had a standing date every weekend. Grandma Hunter was also Lynn ’s Young Woman’s leader. She could not say enough good things about grandma. Lynn said Grandma was here favorite leader and as she has served in young woman’s she has often thought about Grandma. The longer I am here in Twin Falls I am finding more people with little connections to the Hunter family.
The Open house continues though August 16, 2008 so if there is any family that would like to come we always have space for visitors and few extra places at the dinner table.
The summer is winding down. I go to a water aerobics class in the early morning and this morning it was cold and dark when I arrived. I thought to my self “ahhh” winter is coming and I can’t do anything about it. I guess I will just have to enjoy the warm afternoons for a little longer and bundle up a little more in the morning.

Take care,
Kara Nichols and famliy

-Jeremy & Leslie-Hi!
Jeremy and Leslie have moved and bought a house in provo utah the new address is 565 N 2740 W Provo, Utah 84601. Leslie is also expecting a new baby to join the family due January 14th 2009. We are currently installing a horseshoe pit in the back yard of our new house so watch out for family reunion time (hopefully we can make it next year.)

-Benjamin & Megan-
-Matthew & Karali-

-CALVIN & DONNA- I've always felt well about having my children drive. UNTIL NOW! I am sending this message to you to offer fair warning that Alexandra has a driver's license! THIS IS A PUBLIC RECORD FACT, SO YOU CAN VERIFY THIS CLAIM IF YOU WISH.
Why am I alarmed? No reason. But please, if you are traveling in Southern Utah or Northern Arizona in the next three months STAY OFF THE HIGHWAYS or find a professional (like a laid off Greyhound driver, or maybe a postal worker who already drives on the wrong side of the street, like Alexandra does) to shuttle you around. I wonder if we lived in Australia if Al would drive on the right side of the road, just to be a contrarian? Hmmm.

Northern Arizona because Al has gotten a full time job in Page AZ working for a former Redding couple who has moved there to teach school. They have a new baby and Al has a job to earn money to get her through BYU IDAHO, where she will go in the winter semester.

Thanks to each of you who were able to take the time to come up to Cayle's wedding. It was a lovely ceremony... well attended, and Neil will now have to put his eyeballs back in their sockets. He can explain why they were on his cheeks, if he wishes to do so. at some future date. Suffice it to say he was impressed with the loveliness of the Redding home where the wedding was conducted, all the the lovely shrubbery, etc. that was there.

I'm headed out to Utah soon for the annual FAIR conference that studies anti-LDS doctrines, their origins and the truth as we currently understand it. Very interesting stuff. I'm just the audio tech and recordist... but I get in free and learn a great deal every year.

Donna is up to much of the same. Sewed I think 27 wedding related items like dresses and so forth. Five dresses came out of it, I believe. But to hear her tell it she sewed enough (and ripped out enough seams) to have made a couple of dozen dresses!

Emma is still working in the Penny's catalog and Optical departments and attending a light school schedule.

Sam is enjoying his summer... working a little and playing a lot.

Sophie the wonderdog is well.

All the family was here for the wedding., All nine kids - all nine grandkids. Awesome. A sweet moment.

All is well.

-Damien & Kacey-
-Meredith & Bill-

-Hillary & Jason- July has been busy! Rogersons have been trying to stay cool in the heat- kids are always in swimsuits and ragamuffin but it's summer! They did manage to clean up and get dressed for Cayle's wedding. They looked like 3 little angel girls and my boy Max was wearing pants that were too small so we tried to pull them off as shorts... yeah. The wedding was beautiful! Katie is a supermodel of a bride and Cayle is the luckiest man on earth! She's as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. Cayle looked so handsome and happy. I think Katie lucked out too:) My bro happens to be pretty amazing. Thank you to all the family who came- It was wonderful to see you and share the evening with you. I wish I had been able to spend more time with you. And Race- I'm still waiting for you to text me! Love to all!

-Cayle & Katie-

-Sarah & Ryan- Ryan and Sarah McMullin: We just got back from Cayle's wedding, which was beautiful and SO much fun! It was great to see those of you who could come. As for us here in Houston, it's just a busy summer of work. Ryan's busy with Pointe Pest Control, and I'm interning at the Department of Homeland Security in the Immigration and Customs Enforcement division. The work is fascinating, and I get to meet all sorts of interesting characters. Just one more month, and it's back to school in the fall. Hope everyone is well and enjoying their summers!

-Natalie & Jared-


-Jenna & Kevin-We just went to meet the teacher night. School starts on Monday the 4th of August. The summer flew by! I’m trying to get geared up for structured life again. Gavin will get baptized next Saturday! I’m giving more budgeting classes for the stake. They are thinking of doing the class monthly. I don’t know if I can think of that many things to say. :) Kevin’s work has really slowed down, so he is working hard on getting more work. We had a blast visiting the family in Utah! We are all happy and healthy! I hope you all are, too! Love, Jenna and Family

-Spencer & Shanille-
-Wendi & Aaron-
-Adam & Moana- We had a fun month full of family reunions and parties. Our twin boys Kenneth & Chandler are both walking now! Luckily they still stick together and aren't running in separate directions (not yet at least!) For the 4th of July we went to the Stadium of Fire and saw the Blue Man Group and Miley Cyrus perform. Lyle's company had a party and we got to go horseback riding. We went to Lyle's family reunion and had a blast there. We also went to a natural spring swimming pool. It was freezing cold but so fun! Last week we saw Abba live in concert. Chandler's first big word at the concert, believe it or not was.... FERNANDO! No joke! Love you all, come visit us anytime!

Adam, Moana, Kenneth & Chandler

-Bryce & Jessica-
Mission Address:
Elder Tanner Boyd Mortimer
Peru-Arequipa mission
Edificio El Peral
Avenida El Ejercito 710, Oficina-703
Cayma, Arequip

-Beau & Shannon-
-Zachary & Kaylee-

Monday, June 30, 2008

Hunter Reunion Photos 2008 (more)

Uncle Calvin sent more pics of the Hunter Reunion. Enjoy!

Cody Fransen

Kellan and Chloe Brooke

Lyle and Sheila Mortimer Family

Layne and Frankie Family

Calvin and Donna Family


Hunter Herald June 2008

Hunter Herald
June 2008

-Trevor & Charmayne Hunter-
-Haylee & Ryan Davis-
-Kalli & Terry Hill- Hill number 4 is here! Check out our new blog page to see pics and learn all the info.
Love you all, Terry,
Kalli, Cypress, Tayla, Tyden and Kasen

Let me know if you have problems getting it! 530-797-9033
-Paij & Brent Collins- We don't have very exciting news but are happy to contribute. It's amazing how once you have a child, everything revolves around that child. Morgan is so much fun and we are loving being parents. She has started to get chubby cheeks and we love it. School is going well for both Brent and I. We were sad to miss the reunion. Congrats Cayle on the upcoming wedding. We wish you the best. Love, Paij, Brent and Morgan Collins

-Jarom Hunter-


-Chad & Nan Hunter-
-Jaimyn & Paul Banks-
-Molly & Aaron Peterson-
-Justin & Jana-

-Melisa & Tye Hanseen-Hi everyone!! It's the Hanseens in Las Vegas...still waiting for visitors. It's been a long time since I have written into the Hunter Herald, but I read it every month. I love to hear from everyone!! We were sad we couldn't make it to the reunion. It looks and sounds like it was a great time. Hopefully next year we'll make it. Well, since I wrote last (About a year ago) Tye started a new job (same stuff different firm), I'm 6 1/2 months pregnant with our third girl!! (I couldn't be happier about having another girl. All girls would be great with me!) I'm due September 12th. Allie (our oldest girl...5 years old) Loves to play soccer, and scored 10 goals in her last soccer game of the season. She'll be starting kindergarten in August. She also loves to read!! Ashlan (our second girl...4 years old) loves to do ballet, and the only thing she wants is to be "on the stage". She has a personality all her own...well I guess she's a lot like Tye too. We're leaving tonight for California to hear my mom and dad’s home coming talks. We are so excited to see them!! Well that’s about as exciting as we get. Thanks to all who keep writing into the Herald, and thanks to Jenna for keeping it going. We love you all. Hanseens

-LAYNE & FRANKIE HUNTER-Family reunion was great fun. Thanks to all who made it successful.

Layne and I are preparing for girl's camp. We leave on 7-7.

We are really sad that we will not be able to attend Cayle's wedding. We have a Joseph's baptism in Twin Falls and a sailing-fishing trip in Washington already planned. We will be away from the Branch for 2 Sundays and that is 2 too many according to Layne.

-Rachel & Rob Fransen- It is so easy to keep putting off writing about the month but time keeps marching on so I guess it is now or never. We had a wonderful time at reunion. After reunion we went to visit a friend in the Paradise area and found out her house had burned down with the fires in the area. It was very sobering and a reminder of what is important. She was very upbeat and thankful that she had some time to gather pictures and such before they were evacuated. Some advice she gave is have important documents in a small box with a handle not in a huge file cabinet that you have to go through to get stuff out of. Have a list of things that are most important because your mind doesn't think straight when trying to figure out what to take and what to leave. Most importantly don't think you are coming back. Her renters took hardly anything because they were not really concerned and now they have lost everything.
Now on a better note we are all healthy and enjoying the summer. We are getting ready for a trip to Texas. It is fun to see Rob's Family. Our house is moving along. The roof should be done this week. Well I better get packing for Texas.
The Fransens
-Seth and Rayanna Hunter-
-Brandon & Laura Hunter-
-Rebekah and Seth Laffoon- Not much to report from the Laffoon family. Summer is here and we very much enjoy it.
-Caleb & Ashley Hunter-
-Kara & Michael Nichols-
-Jeremy & Leslie Hunter-
-Benjamin & Megan Hunter-
-Matthew & Karali Hunter-

-CALVIN & DONNA HUNTER- Here's the latest news from Calvin and Donna Hunter.

1- Donna is now as old as I. She turned 55 June 2nd. Looks like she's about 35. I make up for it, though, by looking about 80.

Oh all right. 85!

Alexandra is a high school graduate... Yes. She made it! Our last, Sam will be a junior next year? Is that right? and a European traveler. Now she's a BYU Idaho admittee... Man oh Man!! No wonder I look 80, Oh all right. 85!

Sam and Al went to the Medford, Oregon Temple Saturday May 30, to do baptisms. Sam bore his Testimony that Sunday. Very cool. Alexandra spoke the next Sunday. (Bummer, having Dad in the Bishopric, and tracking youth speaking assignments)!

Cayle is still getting married toward the end of July. We're all atwitter about that here, you know. Graduation, advancement in school, Alexandra takes her school choir trip to Europe, Independence Day and the big, humongous Redding fireworks display... (the best in all the land- look it up!)... and then a wedding. Woo Hoo. My summer is set! Except for these forest fires. (Sniff...sniff. "He can find a fire, before he spots the flame... that's why they call him Smokey, that is how he got his name..." Where is that da*** bear when we need him??

Speaking of fireworks... I was judging a "Star Spangled Banner" contest, to see who would sing the anthem at the opening of a smaller community's (Anderson, CA) fireworks display. (Since postponed - smoke and fires, no bear in the woods, blah blah blah)

You know... it's still the most beautiful song in the world. Country scoop singers... Hip Hoppers performing vocal aerobics with every long note... Middle aged crooners who want to pay tribute to the troops... no matter who sings it... or how... It's beautiful!

No... it's nothing in comparison to the great hymns. How can you beat "I KNow That My Redeemer Lives?" But you get the idea.

The dog is well. One of our cats came in the house recently (not really our cats- we're their adoptive family- their choice, not ours)... and Alexandra picked up the cat and the foulest smelling goo came out. I thought it had a gut infection or something and was prepared to send it to the fuzzy gates. It was an infected sore on the leg that whooshed open sending out the malodorous ooze. It was so bad (and I am not making this up) it actually made Donna (remember, the mother of nine kids- whatever it may be she has seen it and smelled it) to actually dry heave!

Like they say in the credit card commercials. Priceless!

The wounds cleaned up well, and the aforementioned kitty is alive and well.

So is Donna.

The hallway by the bathroom, where this all happened, may never be the same. And neither will we.

Thanks to all for a precious reunion experience.


-Damien & Kacey Hunter-
-Meredith & Bill Sutherland-
-Hillary & Jason Rogerson- Hello, hello! Happy Summer to all of you! We're so sad we missed the Hunter family reunion but heard nothing but glowing reports of it. Thank you Uncle Neil and Aunt Mike (and I'm sure Kalli and Charmayne were heavily involved as well!) Anyway the Rogerson summer has been packed but not with anything too terribly note worthy. Hillary is working as a waitress at a new restaurant in town owned by a Gold Medal chef. It's very unique and DELICIOUS! She is also running a theater academy for the next three weeks and it's going VERY well so far with a lot of community support. Jason will be done with his Bachelors THIS MONTH!!!! He's already transitioned into his master's program and is doing very well. We also got a new scooter to run around on to help save gas money! Max is six months and started crawling last week. Reese is a big helper and Ellie and Hunter are already counting down days to the first day of school. We had a neat experience with one of our close friends getting baptized recently and all and all the Rogersons are HAPPY :) Congratulations to Kalli on little Kasen. He's adorable! Love to all!
-Cayle Hunter-
-Sarah & Ryan McMullin- Happy 4th of July everyone!! I'm finally
heading back to Houston on the 5th and ready to start my internship
with the Department of Homeland Security there. I'm sad to be heading
back away from family but SO glad to be going home! We'll both be in
Redding at the end of July for Cayle's wedding, so we hope to see you
all there. For more details on what we've been up to, check out our

-Natalie & Jared Willis-


The family at the "fun run!" One of our favorite family traditions!

-Jenna & Kevin Brooke- Hi Family! We had such a good time at the family reunion! It was so good to see so many of you! Thank you Aunt Mike and Family!!! Our family is just enjoying the summer! Can you believe school starts in just over a month! We had a family home evening last night about how neat it is to be able to be in a quorum. Kaden is getting excited to be 12 and in Young Mens! It's crazy watching your babies grow bigger than you! :) Well, I love you family! Love, Jenna and Fam

-Spencer & Shanille Mortimer-
-Wendi & Aaron Shinkle-

-Adam & Moana Mortimer-Aloha Family! Summer is a hot one this year. Pushing around a double stroller makes it even hotter! Adam's job has been going great. He got promoted in the company last week and now will be coaching the David Bach Finance program. He's really excited. Moana's exciting news was Adam taking her shopping! There's just something about going shopping. I don't know why I love it so much, I'm a girl. And now for the grand finale..... Kenneth and Chandler won the Provo BABY CONTEST!!! They were entered in the twin division and got 1st place! They won a lot of prizes and will be in the grand 4th of July parade! We're decorating the double stroller and walking in the Hot Summer Heat....
Love you all,

-Bryce & Jessica Mortimer- It’s time to write already?!? Jessica and I had a lot of fun at the Hunter Reunion. It was fun seeing so many people there, especially Jarom and his girl friend. We enjoyed being able to play on the water, Snype hunt, paint faces, attend the talent show, and be with great company. If you weren’t there, we hope to see you next year! Aunt Mike and Uncle Neil and family did a fantastic job with the reunion. Thank you!!!

-Tanner Mortimer- Hey, This week was good. Last week my awesome comp left me. But good news, I’m a dad. My son came Wednesday. It’s fun to train. It’s hard to believe that I was ever that new... I only have 6 months left. Huh.. Sweet huh? I am pretty excited about it. I am pretty excited to forge my own path in the world.
What else. So Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday I had to look for temp comps and I pretty much lost those days to work. It sucked pretty bad. But I did play a pretty sweet prank on my comp when he finally did get here. I played the same trick my comp in the mtc played on his greeny. We went to a member’s home and taught the word of wisdom than afterwards he brought out some bear bottles filled with pop and said drink these and I’ll get baptized. So I slurped down my Inca kola in the bahama bottle and just looked at the look on my comps face. It was pretty funny. For how brown he is he turned really red.
My district is good. I am really happy that I know Spanish. I was just talking with a taxi driver this morning for the whole ride and I thought to myself wow I am fluent. It’s pretty cool.
We are working hard on getting a bunch of new investigators. My comp has trouble teaching. He gets really, really nervous. He has only been a member two years. But he is cool. A little quiet. But I guess all greenys are. He’s from Piura, Peru and 20 years old. All his family was baptized two years ago with him.
Well I think that is all I can write for today. But I love you all and I am always thinking about you. I can’t wait until we are all together in Peru throwing rocks at stray dogs and giving diseased monkeys high fives.
Love ya! Tanner
Mission Address:
Elder Tanner Boyd Mortimer
Peru-Arequipa mission
Edificio El Peral
Avenida El Ejercito 710, Oficina-703
Cayma, Arequip

-Beau & Shannon Hunter-
-Zachary & Kaylee Hunter-
-Shae Hunter-