The Hunter Herald
November 2006
Trevor & Charmayne-October was a busy month. Field trips to the pumpkin patch, 2 birthdays, an anniversary, the primary program, picture day and of course, Halloween. But we made it. Looking ahead, Nick's turning 8 and will have his baptism here in Gridley on December 2, 5pm. Dinner afterwards for any that want to come up for the joyous day. Or maybe before, haven't quite decided. Everyone is invited (RSVP).
Kalli & Terry- Tyden just turned 1 on Thursday and that day decided to walk more than one step at a time. He walks more and more everyday. Love ya, TKCTT Hill TO see more pictures visit our web-site
Paij & Brent-Paij and I are buying a home. We will move in the day before Thanksgiving. It is a 3b/2b/2 car garage home in Southaven, MS. We are very excited to get out of our apartment and into our home. Paij is enjoying her job and is having success in placing people with companies in the area. She just got a raise, which we were not expecting so soon. School is going well. Finals start in less than two weeks. My feelings about school might be different then. It is beautiful out here with all of the fall colors. A special congratulation to Tanner! We are very excited for you and your upcoming mission. We hope that all is well with everyone. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
The Collins Family
Rebekah & Seth-Well the weather has finally cooled down our high is only 75 today. We have been loving the lake. Gregory is quite the wake boarder. We are being tempted to purchase wet suits so that we can keep going out. We are so excited to go trick or treating, it will be our children's third time. Once trunk or treating at the church, safe Halloween at the museum and now tonight. At least this one we don't have to purchase candy we can just hand out the stuff we were given and don't care for. We are looking forward to the holidays, although we are not sure of our schedule yet. We are hoping to see most of you in Fowler for Matthew’s wedding reception.
CALVIN & DONNA-In the news from the Calvin Hunter household... there IS no news! This calmness and sameness makes for a happy life. Well there IS one thing. Damion and Casey are still pregnant. Meredith and Bill are not. Nor are Hillary and Jason (as far we know, anyway). Nor are Sarah and Ryan although Sarah won a big award (first place is big, right?) with her associate (not the Wal-mart variety) on business ethics. Prize included some cash and a payoff. KIDDING!!! (About the payoff- all the other stuff is real. Really!) Cayle is in Sacramento working for the Safeway warehouse as a quality control guy... and still dabbling in music. Natalie is in Sacramento working in another warehouse and chasing around with her RM boyfriend. Emma is still in college - and seems to enjoy the learning process. Alexandra is in High School and does not. Maybe she does. Not sure, really. Sam enjoys some stuff and not other stuff. He seemed to have liked being a ghoul in the haunted house this past weekend. Coffins - Screaming- the whole thing- and that was before you even bought your ticket! (Or WHILE paying for your ticket, actually. I think the sponsor was a medical insurance company... or an out of work Enron executive. Not certain. No... No it was sponsored by the band. That's right. The band. And those uniforms are EXPENSIVE!!!) Donna seems to be happy. Looks can be deceptive- but all seems to be well as we head into the Hallowthanksmas season. Bizzee- Bizze - Bizzee! in the Hizzee. Or some Snoop phrase. I am also doing well- but questioning the decision to accept a small part in a production of "A Cascade Christmas". Where Hillary and Sarah sang, remember? Me Saint Nick. Ho Ho ..... What? Anyway. Be good - Have Fun - and HAPPY HALLOWTHANKSMAS!!!
Hillary & Jason -A Happy Hello to all! The Rogerson's are doing very well in the fact that we're all happy and healthy. Jason is completing his first semester as a junior at Chico State and is ready for the next. He's also in the Young Men's presidency in our ward and is having great success in their duty to God program. Hillary is busy directing the high school’s madrigal dinner. It's a theatrical dinner where they're all dressed up in medieval garb speaking in English accents singing, dancing, musicians, a king and queen, jester and a play within the 5 course dinner! Her sister Alex is singing in it as a madrigal singer and her brother Sam is a part of the "royal brass”-playing playing trumpet. She encourages anyone within driving distance to make the trip to come enjoy the fruits of their labors! It's worth the drive and money. It's playing the first two weeks in December and if you are interested please give the Hunter household a call. (Cal and Donna) The three girls just had a blast being three little monkeys for Halloween and collecting all of their loot! They are all excited for Thanksgiving where we'll be making a trip out to Utah. We are taking the time to count all of our many blessings for they are numerous! Love to all! The Rogerson Family: Jason, Hillary, Hunter, Ellie and Reese
Ryan & Sarah McMullin- October turned out to be a busy season for us, with midterms and all. I (Sarah) was selected with another team member to represent BYU at an International Ethics Case Competition in Tuscon this month. I had a lot of fun on this all-expenses paid weekend, meeting competing teams from all across the country and even the world. After a lot of presenting and debating, my team won, beating out tough schools like Penn State, Rutgers, UT Austin, U of Florida and more. BYU is very proud as is the rest of my family. Next week the dean of the business school, Ned Hill, is taking my teammate and I out to lunch (spouses included) to celebrate our victory. Now it's time to catch back up on my schoolwork.
Jenna & Kevin-Hello everyone! It’s been a fun month with trick or treating and all! Halloween was a blast! We had a street party at our house. We had a Halloween party at a friend’s house a few days before and I won $40 for the funniest costume! (If you want to know what I was, I’ll tell you in private!) J Kellan (my youngest) turned 3 this month and just learned to ride a bicycle with no training wheels!!!! It’s about the cutest thing you ever saw! The boys are doing well in school. Parent/Teacher conferences were this month…They’re always fun! J Primary is growing. This week we will go from 4 nurseries to 8 nurseries. The bishop just announced that there are 200 children under 2 in our ward! I’m still loving primary and hope to stay in when the ward splits…It HAS to happen! J Love you all! Jenna
Adam & Moana- Adam & Moana went to mom and dad’s house to play games Sunday night. They brought the game “catch-phrase.” I don’t know if you’ve played this game or not, but you take turns giving clues and your team tries to guess the word you’re thinking of. Adam’s clue was, “This is…this is what… Moana...will have in 9 months.”