Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Hunter Herald July 2007

Hunter Herald

July 2007

Write a letter to our missionaries and serviceman!!!


-Trevor & Charmayne-

-Haylee & Ryan-

-Kalli & Terry-

-Paij & Brent- Things are smooth sailing at this point for us. Brent has returned from Officer Indoctrination School in RI and from Penn going to visit his brother so I'm very happy to have my husband home. We are both just working this summer and he will start his second year of Optometry school in the fall. Other than it being ridiculously humid out here in Mississippi, life is good. Fell free to come visit any time. All our love, the Collins

-Jarom-  (Has Jarom’s address changed?)
FC3 Hunter, Jarom
USS Germantown, OPS/OW FPO AP
San Diego, CA  96666-1730


Mission Address (needs 85 cent stamp):

Melnsila Iela 3-1

LV-1046 Riga


Hello -Hunters- big and small,

We love you and are glad to hear about all the good news-babies, weddings, receptions, operations gone well, broken bones mending, kids doing great things, missionaries safe, - Sheila, Hope your hip pain has slowed down and that you are doing better-sounds very painful, We're thinking of you!

The mission is great, last night we took a short cruise on the DaugvavaRiver with the other senior missionaries-very peaceful and really lovely. (Old town is along the left Bank and of course the skyline - with all the Church towers- castle, old walls make it unbelievably beautiful.) We have our 4 dayYouth and 4 day YSA conference in a couple of weeks- everything in 5 different languages- LaMont is amazing, we still have a lot of "tweaking" but, with all your help and suggestions- that we keep asking for- I think it will happen and be great!

We think things are good at home- our kids are amazing- we'll have to fight our way back into the family loop - they are doing so well! I know we couldn't be here without the support and help of everyone there. We love you and think of you! The Gospel in the lives of these young people are the hope and future of everything good and happy and true here in the Baltics. How much we love and respect them for their stalwart spirits, and their want to do and be faithful! LaMont would want me to tell you we saw a moose (in the wild) in Lithuania!!! And The BLUE cows- only place in the world- they do have!!! We love you, Sister and Elder Hunter (Evy and La Mont)

-Chad & Nan-

-Jaimyn & Paul-

-Molly & Aaron-
-Justin & Jana-
-Melisa & Tye-

-LAYNE & FRANKIE-We have had a fun summer thus far. Layne has enjoyed fishing. We are looking forward to Kaylee's baptism and the arrival of her new brother. We have been praying that Megan won't have her baby soon. She has been on bed rest for weeks. So far, so good.

-Rachel & Rob-The Fransen family is doing great. 
As you probably heard. On June 9th we had a daughter.
She was 9lbs 4oz. We named her Elizabeth May. After
her Grandma Fransen and Great Grandma Starkweather.
We love having a girl in the house. I love dressing her
up and having pink things. The boys are so helpful
and love their sister. They even want to change diapers.
She is seven weeks old now and weighs over 14 lbs.
We are all getting stronger arms carrying her around.
We are all enjoying summer break. Cody starts Jr. High
this year. Alex will be in 5th grade and Boyd will be in
2nd. My little boy Dale will start kindergarten. I'm not
really ready for that but I am sure Elizabeth will keep me
busy. Rob is still working in the nursery he likes it. I am
the Young Women Secretary. We are sad about my
parents not being in the ward anymore but at least they
are still near by. We are sorry we missed everyone at
reunion. We plan on being there next year.

-Seth and Rayanna-

-Brandon & Laura-

-Rebekah and Seth-We are having a great summer.  We had
a lovely block party for the 4th and traveled around for the
next two weeks. Regrettably, our tri-stake pioneer day has
been cancelled due to city scheduling conflicts, so we will
want to hear all about yours.

Have a great rest of the summer!!!
-Caleb & Ashley-
-Kara & Michael- 
-Jeremy & Leslie-
 -Benjamin & Megan-
-Matthew & Karali-


-Damien & Kacey-

-Meredith & Bill-

-Hillary & Jason- Howdy all Hunter families! We're sweating away here in Redding but it hasn't been nearly as bad as other summers. No new news to report other than Hillary is scheduled to get her braces off July 23rd and can't wait! We've been anxiously awaiting the arrival of the Harry Potter book (we're fanatics) and are really nervous we won't be able to finish it before someone spoils it for us! This will all be old news by the time this is posted but oh well. That's just how exciting our lives are right now! Love to all!!



-Cayle-I don't have any news! I'm the most boring person EVER! haha. All I do is play music in my band at night and work at the corporate offices for Safeway during the day. No wife, no kids, no girlfriend, no special events. OH! You can write this in the Herald: Our cousin/nephew Cayle continues to be a totally boring loser that never has any cool news to report to us or anyone else. He now has three YOUNGER sisters that are married and doing well, and he has no prospects to join their ranks any time soon. haha.

Love the newsletter though! It's the best! Love you guys!

-Sarah & Ryan- Ryan and Sarah McMullin:  Life in Provo
is getting pretty hectic right about now. Our big move is
in less than 30 days, and we are really starting to realize
that we've got to become Texans. Some of Ryan's cousins
recently moved to Houston as well, so we're glad we will
have some family close by. Law School starts the 20th of
August, so there's no turning back now. (Sorry, Uncle Neil.)
For all Utahns, a big chunk of the family will be coming
out to Provo for BYU graduation August 16th and 17th,
so be sure to keep in contact. (Maybe we should plan
something, Aunt Sheila.) Hope all are enjoying their
-Natalie & Jared-

-SHEILA & LYLE- Hello everyone, How are you all? The Mortimers are busy working on LDS Book Sellers Convention, the back yard, and what ever else happens day to day. We're looking forward to seeing Calvin and kids Aug. 1. Jenna is threatening to have Chloe Shae any time soon so Sheila is looking forward to that Arizona sunshine. The twins were blessed last Sunday. Kenneth and Chandler are seven and a half pounds each. Wendi, Aaron and Anthony are in Florida until the middle of September. Her boy is due in October. It was Jessica’s birthday July 24th. Bryce took her to Park City with their new bikes. Spencer and Shanille were fishing the other day and Shanille's mom broke her heel really bad. Tanner is still in Juliaca, Peru. It seems he always has a baptism coming up. Leisha just returned from girls camp and EFY. She’s had a great summer. Come see us once in awhile.

We love you all,

The Mortimers

-Jenna & Kevin- Hi Family! We’re having a great summer! The boys are dying to find out who their new teachers in school will be! I got released from being Primary President and although there were tears, I am so excited to have a little extra time to prepare for baby. Gavin (7) got to spend a week up in Utah with Grandma and Grandpa Mortimer! He was VERY excited to let everyone know that he caught 2 fish and Grandpa didn’t catch any. J He also LOVED playing with his Utah cousins. The rest of us are just going to the movies and swimming a lot! Anything to stay out of the heat! 4th of July was 118 degrees!

-Spencer & Shanille-
-Wendi & Aaron- 

-Adam & Moana-

Hello Everyone! We had a great month of July with our family of 4 now! The boys have already gained about 2 pounds. Kenneth has caught up to Chandler and they both weigh the same now! We had their baby blessings on Sunday the 22nd of July. It was wonderful. Adam did a great job...double time! Here's their baby announcement picture. Hope everyone is doing well and happy! Love you all!

Adam, Moana, Kenneth & Chandler

-Bryce & Jessica- It’s Jessica’s birthday this 24th. We’re
going to Park City to go bike riding, and swimming, and
shopping at the outlets. (I’m not excited about that, but I
know Jessica will be.) Keep this on low profile because
Jessica doesn’t know we’re doing this. Also, there’s a
huge zip line we’re going to ride. You can see it here.

Anyway, we’re hanging in there. I’ve made my own online
bookstore. I’ve gotten two orders so far. Not bad considering
I haven’t finished the links and the home page isn’t done.

We love you all!


Mission Address:

Elder Tanner Boyd Mortimer

Peru-Arequipa mission

Edificio El Peral

Avenida El Ejercito 710, Oficina-703

Cayma, Arequip

-Beau & Shannon-
-Zachary & Kaylee-