Sunday, December 31, 2006

Hunter Herald December 2006

The Hunter Herald

December 2006


Trevor & Charmayne-As we get ready for Christmas there are some interesting things going on. Charmayne got picked for a free, all expense paid trip to Miami Beach from Scion. It was a blast to see the unveiling of the new '08 models of the xB and xD. She stayed at the Loews hotel on South Beach and had many interesting experiences...Race got accepted to go to Italy/Greece with People to People student ambassadors. He will be fund raising since his parents can't afford to send him by themselves. Anyone interested in a donation, please contact us. Also, if you have any fund raising ideas that would be extremely helpful too. Everyone else is just hanging on for the ride.

Kalli & Terri-YEA!! Terry got a job in Chico! He's working for the Valley Yellow Pages selling ad space. We are on the prowl for a home in Gridley now. We're very excited. For TaVaci (Kalli's singing group), we have our big Christmas concert this week (19th) and we're really excited. The kids Mom, Charmayne and I teach are so cute and we love it. We're glad to be done with these songs though and to have a break for Christmas. We've had 9 performances this month all over town. We've been in the newspaper 3 times and won a trophy in the Parade. Cypress was in her first school show and was beaming on the front row! Tayla loves to be on the stage but often forgets what she's doing but she sure looks cute. Tyden still has red hair and is starting to run. Still not talking. We're excited everyone will be together for Christmas. We hope everyone has a very Merry one!! We love you! Terry, Kalli, Cypress, Tayla, and Tyden Hill

Paij & Brent-We are in our new house and love it. Hope that you all have a wonderful holiday season. Paij just got called to work with the cub scouts in our new ward. I recently went down to New Orleans to help with the continued Katrina rebuilding efforts. We are looking forward to coming out to CA for Christmas and New Years. Merry Christmas.

Paij & Brent



Rebekah & Seth- Not much happening in Bakersfield. We are all very excited to have a vacation. I am personally excited about Friday. My children have school but I do not. This will allow me the privilege of attending Elliana's Christmas party. I am very excited about this. We are not sure if we will be traveling anywhere for Christmas although we are planning to be at Matthew's reception and we hope to see many of your there. Merry Christmas!!! __, _. _, ___

Brandon & Laura-Well, I should have sent this for last month, but oh well. Being our first Hunter Herald submission, we have some catching up to do. Last May Brandon started working for L-3 Communications in Salt Lake City. It is a defense contractor that specializes in communications systems for the armed services. If you are ever approached by the CIA, don't panic, they may just be asking about Brandon so he can get his security clearance. His work is right by the airport; so if you ever need to be picked up, just let him know.

After several months in Utah, (since May) we finally purchased a home in Stansbury Park. It is about 2 miles from where Caleb and Ashley live. Feel free to stop by for a visit. (We can always use you to help unpack! :) ) The Jeremy Hunter construction company has been hired to finish the basement, so hopefully there will be plenty of room for visitors soon. (Come look at the finished results before you consider hiring him for your own basement.)

Laura is "enjoying" getting the new house set up, while Brandon is at work. She is doing a great job, and hasn't made Brandon move any pictures (yet).

The kids are all doing great. Kylene, Jarom and Dallin all go to the same school. Just down the street. If they walk extra slow, it takes almost a minute to get there. They are also excited about having a yard big enough to play in. (Once the sod has been in long enough).

Brandon ran his first and (well, we will see if it is the last) marathon in St George. He finished in a little under 4 hours. Seth actually ran the same race and finished 4 or 5 miles ahead of Brandon, but we won't go into that. He wasn't carrying as much weight as Brandon was.

Life for this branch of the Hunter Tree is going well. Hopefully all is well for the rest of you. Keep up the good work on the Hunter Herald submissions. Love, Brandon, Laura, Kylene, Jarom, Dallin and Brooke

Kara & Mike- Dear family, I just wanted to write a note to let you know how we are doing. So far we are having an exciting week. Tomorrow we are staring on our basement. It will be nice to walk down stairs and not see cement walls. I also look forward to having a place to store our food storage so it can be used. Food storage is great but when you can’t find what you know is there what good does it do? You end up going to the store to buy what is in your basement already.

We had the family of one of our CTR5 kids come over today. He is a fun kid but very energetic. His primary class has had more then one teacher not show up regularly. For some reason he has really taken to Mike. Mike is his home teacher so maybe seeing him in his home and also at church helps. We are hoping that having him come over to our house will get him even more comfortable and we can find more ways to help.

Adam had a rough day today. I hope he isn’t sick but he was sure fussy all day. As nice as is would be we really can’t go through life with out getting sick every once in a while. I will need to check maybe he has his two-year molars coming in. Speaking of teeth McKayla went to the dentist for the first time this past week. She did great! The dentist has only been in practice for 6 months so he takes a bit longer then I would like but all in all we can’t complain. McKayla will get her teeth cleaned again in a year. The rest of the kids have appointments over the next two weeks. I don’t think they will all fare as well as she did.

Our weather is starting to cool down a bit. The kids don’t seem to mind too much. Daniel is able to remember to bring his jacket home from school because he gets too cold if he doesn’t wear it home. This is the solution I have been looking for. So far we have only seen the one day of snow. I have asked around and those who have been here a while say some years it snows and lot of other year it will hardly snow at all. I think if it is really cold there might as well be snow on the ground. (May be that is silly.)

Daniel has been working hard on his spelling words and was able to score 100% on his spelling test on Thursday. We are so proud of his hard work. Daniel finished his homework with little reminding or no reminding this past week. I would like every week to be like that. Now if Daniel and Joseph can do this every day we will have the homework monster tamed.

This morning I curled McKayla and Karalynn’s hair. They were really cute and so excited to go show dad. We took some pictures but Mike wasn’t able to send them through our email. We will try again. I was surprised how much older they looked with a few curls. Karalynn will be in sunbeams this next year and Mckayla in Kindergarten. It is hard to believe.

Mike is staying busy as ever at work. Verizon is getting ready to turn on EVDO in our area. There is a lot of equipment checking and adding to make sure we are compatible. (EVDO is DSL speed wireless Internet Salt Lake City is an area that already has it)

I am still unpacking and wondering what things I should just get rid of and what things I should find a home for. One day all things will have a place and hopefully be in it.

Well Joseph who should be asleep is at the stairs calling for me. He still has a hard time going to bed at night I guess some people are just that way. Take care. With Love, Kara and family

CALVIN & DONNA- Everyone will be home for Christmas. Yahoo! That's the report from Cal and Donna Hunter. Here’s the more detailed report from Calvin and Donna- First and foremost: NATALIE IS ENGAGED!! She is set to marry Jared Willis sometime in May, so keep the entire month open. Quick version of the proposal story: It was the day before her birthday and he brought her to the zoo. Apparently she's never been to a zoo before, so she was actually enjoying herself. When they went to the bear display she was shocked and dumbstruck when she saw her FAVORITE ANIMAL EVER: the Polar Bear. It's not just a favorite animal for her, it was a dream of hers to see one. She was completely mesmerized! After they stood their for a while watching the beautiful animal, he said something nice such as "I know it was a dream of yours to see a polar bear, and I hope I can make even more of your dreams come true.." etc. So that's our big excitement as of right now! Dad dominated the role of Santa in "Cascade Christmas", and if you missed's all on video. It could be yours for a reasonable yet hefty price. Makes a great Christmas present. Anyways, Mom, Alex, Sam, and Hillary were all heavily involved with the Madrigal dinner, which just ended. Luckily, the stress of Christmas has filled the void. Alex, Sam and I (Emma) are all in the middle of finals...which may be stressful, but you can't beat a short day of school. I'm working like a mule at JCPenney right now. I recently went from being a clothing folder to working the Catalog department. I get to deal with all of the people who need their orders by Christmas, or they need to return their item and re-order a different size, OR they have to make a payment on their JCPenney card, OR they just like to complain. I'm enjoying it, but I'll enjoy it more once the Christmas craziness is over (which will be a while. I can't even fathom all of the returns that will be made..). The other branches of the family will address themselves. We love you!

Ryan and Sarah McMullin: Merry Christmas, everyone! We're excited to be finishing finals this week and getting a brief vacation. On
Wednesday, we're driving out to California with Damion and Kasie where we'll stay for a week. The whole family will be there, so it should be lots of noisy fun. Things here are pretty much business as usual with lots of work and school to keep busy. BYU just posted a news article about my ethics case competition on their website, so feel free to check it out at Oh, just in case no one else from my family gets around to submitting a paragraph, Natalie got engaged this weekend! CONGRATULATIONS!!! She and Jared Willis will be getting married the weekend of May 10th (they're pretty sure) in Oakland, so keep your calendars clear. We hope everyone has a merry and bright holiday season.

SHEILA & LYLE- Hello Family! We’d like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! We wish we were closer and could do more things together! …Maybe in the next life. We are all doing well and hope you are too. Tanner and Leisha have been in Beauty and the Beast. We’ve enjoyed watching them. Lyle’s in the new office…WHEW!!! Tanner’s farewell is January 14th and he leaves January 17th!!! Layne and Frankie are in town! It’s been fun seeing them. Come Visit. Love you all! Sheila and Family

Jenna & Kevin- Hello everyone! Everything is GREAT here! We are all just excited for Christmas to be here! Kevin and I have locked the boys out of their bedrooms, so we can paint and decorate them for their Christmas present! It has been fun having them all sleep in the same room while they wait. Kevin just got called as the ward executive secretary in our new ward (our ward split,) and I am still primary president. Kaden is turning 10 on the 23rd. AAAAAHHHHHH!! He’s so huge and old!!!! J Love you all…MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! Jenna & Family

Adam & Moana-Aloha everybody! We have really exciting news!..... WE'RE HAVING TWINS! Don't know yet if it's boys or girls... We still can't believe it, we are soo happy! They're due in June/July 2007. Hope you all are having a wonderful Christmas season. It's snowing like crazy in UTAH!... so we will be heading down to Arizona for the Christmas break. Love you all!

GREG & LISA- Are in Idaho right now for Beau’s graduation! Congrats Beau!!!!

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Hunter Herald November 2006

The Hunter Herald

November 2006


Trevor & Charmayne-October was a busy month. Field trips to the pumpkin patch, 2 birthdays, an anniversary, the primary program, picture day and of course, Halloween. But we made it. Looking ahead, Nick's turning 8 and will have his baptism here in Gridley on December 2, 5pm. Dinner afterwards for any that want to come up for the joyous day. Or maybe before, haven't quite decided. Everyone is invited (RSVP).

Kalli & Terry- Tyden just turned 1 on Thursday and that day decided to walk more than one step at a time. He walks more and more everyday. Love ya, TKCTT Hill TO see more pictures visit our web-site

Paij & Brent-Paij and I are buying a home. We will move in the day before Thanksgiving. It is a 3b/2b/2 car garage home in Southaven, MS. We are very excited to get out of our apartment and into our home. Paij is enjoying her job and is having success in placing people with companies in the area. She just got a raise, which we were not expecting so soon. School is going well. Finals start in less than two weeks. My feelings about school might be different then. It is beautiful out here with all of the fall colors. A special congratulation to Tanner! We are very excited for you and your upcoming mission. We hope that all is well with everyone. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

The Collins Family



Rebekah & Seth-Well the weather has finally cooled down our high is only 75 today. We have been loving the lake. Gregory is quite the wake boarder. We are being tempted to purchase wet suits so that we can keep going out. We are so excited to go trick or treating, it will be our children's third time. Once trunk or treating at the church, safe Halloween at the museum and now tonight. At least this one we don't have to purchase candy we can just hand out the stuff we were given and don't care for. We are looking forward to the holidays, although we are not sure of our schedule yet. We are hoping to see most of you in Fowler for Matthew’s wedding reception.

CALVIN & DONNA-In the news from the Calvin Hunter household... there IS no news! This calmness and sameness makes for a happy life. Well there IS one thing. Damion and Casey are still pregnant. Meredith and Bill are not. Nor are Hillary and Jason (as far we know, anyway). Nor are Sarah and Ryan although Sarah won a big award (first place is big, right?) with her associate (not the Wal-mart variety) on business ethics. Prize included some cash and a payoff. KIDDING!!! (About the payoff- all the other stuff is real. Really!) Cayle is in Sacramento working for the Safeway warehouse as a quality control guy... and still dabbling in music. Natalie is in Sacramento working in another warehouse and chasing around with her RM boyfriend. Emma is still in college - and seems to enjoy the learning process. Alexandra is in High School and does not. Maybe she does. Not sure, really. Sam enjoys some stuff and not other stuff. He seemed to have liked being a ghoul in the haunted house this past weekend. Coffins - Screaming- the whole thing- and that was before you even bought your ticket! (Or WHILE paying for your ticket, actually. I think the sponsor was a medical insurance company... or an out of work Enron executive. Not certain. No... No it was sponsored by the band. That's right. The band. And those uniforms are EXPENSIVE!!!) Donna seems to be happy. Looks can be deceptive- but all seems to be well as we head into the Hallowthanksmas season. Bizzee- Bizze - Bizzee! in the Hizzee. Or some Snoop phrase. I am also doing well- but questioning the decision to accept a small part in a production of "A Cascade Christmas". Where Hillary and Sarah sang, remember? Me Saint Nick. Ho Ho ..... What? Anyway. Be good - Have Fun - and HAPPY HALLOWTHANKSMAS!!!

Hillary & Jason -A Happy Hello to all! The Rogerson's are doing very well in the fact that we're all happy and healthy. Jason is completing his first semester as a junior at Chico State and is ready for the next. He's also in the Young Men's presidency in our ward and is having great success in their duty to God program. Hillary is busy directing the high school’s madrigal dinner. It's a theatrical dinner where they're all dressed up in medieval garb speaking in English accents singing, dancing, musicians, a king and queen, jester and a play within the 5 course dinner! Her sister Alex is singing in it as a madrigal singer and her brother Sam is a part of the "royal brass”-playing playing trumpet. She encourages anyone within driving distance to make the trip to come enjoy the fruits of their labors! It's worth the drive and money. It's playing the first two weeks in December and if you are interested please give the Hunter household a call. (Cal and Donna) The three girls just had a blast being three little monkeys for Halloween and collecting all of their loot! They are all excited for Thanksgiving where we'll be making a trip out to Utah. We are taking the time to count all of our many blessings for they are numerous! Love to all! The Rogerson Family: Jason, Hillary, Hunter, Ellie and Reese

Ryan & Sarah McMullin- October turned out to be a busy season for us, with midterms and all. I (Sarah) was selected with another team member to represent BYU at an International Ethics Case Competition in Tuscon this month. I had a lot of fun on this all-expenses paid weekend, meeting competing teams from all across the country and even the world. After a lot of presenting and debating, my team won, beating out tough schools like Penn State, Rutgers, UT Austin, U of Florida and more. BYU is very proud as is the rest of my family. Next week the dean of the business school, Ned Hill, is taking my teammate and I out to lunch (spouses included) to celebrate our victory. Now it's time to catch back up on my schoolwork.


Jenna & Kevin-Hello everyone! It’s been a fun month with trick or treating and all! Halloween was a blast! We had a street party at our house. We had a Halloween party at a friend’s house a few days before and I won $40 for the funniest costume! (If you want to know what I was, I’ll tell you in private!) J Kellan (my youngest) turned 3 this month and just learned to ride a bicycle with no training wheels!!!! It’s about the cutest thing you ever saw! The boys are doing well in school. Parent/Teacher conferences were this month…They’re always fun! J Primary is growing. This week we will go from 4 nurseries to 8 nurseries. The bishop just announced that there are 200 children under 2 in our ward! I’m still loving primary and hope to stay in when the ward splits…It HAS to happen! J Love you all! Jenna

Adam & Moana- Adam & Moana went to mom and dad’s house to play games Sunday night. They brought the game “catch-phrase.” I don’t know if you’ve played this game or not, but you take turns giving clues and your team tries to guess the word you’re thinking of. Adam’s clue was, “This is…this is what… Moana...will have in 9 months.”


Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Hunter Herald October 2006

The Hunter Herald

October 2006

The more info sent…the better this newsletter will be!!!

NEIL & MIKE-I wanted to let everyone know that Jarom came home from the Persian Gulf on August 16th and we were there to see his ship come in and it was really quite a sight!!! We got to have a private tour of the ship later that day and it was amazing, both how big some things were and how small others were, like his bed (or rack as the Navy call it.) It reminded me of the OLD days when all 5 Hunter boys slept in one room and there were bunk beds 3 high on the wall! He recently took a little trip on the ship a few miles north to unload all of their ammo and while traveling they had bodies of veterans who had requested to be buried at sea. Jarom got to be one of 7 to do the 21-gun salute, 3 times. Tom is playing soccer, Rachel is playing volleyball, Brandie is discovering how fun early morning Seminary can be and Tena's in the 8th grade at a new Junior High. Neil's almost finished a loafing shed attached to his barn/shop and anticipating shoulder surgery soon. (He wished it were yesterday) I'm just trying to keep up, or is that keep sane! Love Aunt Mike

Trevor & Charmayne-We're all doing well here in Gridley. Trevor and I are plugging along.

Race survived science camp and seemed to have had a good time. He also was invited to be an ambassador to Italy and Greece next summer with the People to People program. Not sure how that will work if they don't let his mom go.

Nick is reading all the time, everywhere. He even got in trouble for reading and not doing his chores.

Kinny is so excited about his birthday this month. He can hardly stand it.

LAMONT & EVY- Congratulations Lamont & Evy on your mission call. They have been called to the Baltic Mission. They will be serving a CES mission in Latvia. Their departure date is January 8th! We look forward to hearing about their mission! They say everyone is doing well in their family. We hear Justin and Jana’s baby is still hanging in there. Remember to keep him in your prayers.

LAYNE & FRANKIE-Welcome to Madison Hunter born to Ashley and Caleb Hunter on September 2. She is quite beautiful. In fact, I visited all my kids and grandkids this month and strangely enough all of them are handsome and beautiful. Layne had to stay home this trip (he still teaches) so Rayanna and I brought him a birthday present – a motor less Jeep Wrangler. He needed a new project. Kara and Leslie are expecting next spring. Matthew has finally convinced Karali Soderquist (AKA Rali) to marry him. Many of you met her at the family reunion. December 15 in the Bountiful Temple 11:30 AM. A reception will be held in Kimberly ID 12-14-06 and in Selma CA 12-30-06. Please send-email all your addresses.

Rebekah and Seth- What's going on in your life? Not much teaching 7th history. Seth still service tech. Still in Bakersfield. How are your kids doing? Good Elliana broke her arm on friend’s stairs, good otherwise. How does your garden grow? Pretty good we have a decent size pumpkin, good bell peppers and large tomatoes bugs. What have you done this summer? Camping, sea world, knotts berry farm, san diego zoo, pirates dinner theater, water skiing, etc. The usual. Visited Utah. Peyton cannot be around the medically fragile. We were sad to miss reunion but did not want Benjamin’s baby to be ill. How's your church calling going? It is cub scouts so it is always an adventure. Anything else you can think of. I really like jelly belly's. Come visit we are not too far out of L.A. –Rebekah Lafoon p.s. Elliana gets her cast off in two weeks. The day fire in S Cal has rained ash down on us much like a light snow. The boys are enjoying school and Seth and I look forward to the end of the workday to play with our children.

Caleb & Ashley-My wife and I had our 3rd child, 1st girl on Saturday 2 of Sept. at 11:28 in the morning. She was 7lbs 1oz and 19 inches long. Her name is Madison Frankie Hunter. We are excited and enjoying having a new baby in the home. -Caleb


Meredith & Bill-Here is a quick update on Bill and Meredith Sutherland and family. For starters Bill has had a rewarding a successful year! Cal trans has plenty of work, which is a blessing. Bill has been helping a friend find clients for his (the friends) new engineering business, and when Bill is available he does some of the work also. This summer Bill decided to pursue one of his career goals outside of design engineering and that is to teach. He applied at Shasta College for a part time position and they were thrilled with him and he breezed through the hiring process. He now teaches Engineer 1A. So far the work put into the first few classes was grueling. Now he is getting the hang of it and loves it. He has had several students tell him that his class is their favorite! Does that surprise anyone!? Bill is still serving in the bishopric, but the winds of change are blowing...he already has his "new" calling working with the 11 year old scouts. Now the rest of the family...Meredith is full time at the college studying to earn a bachelor's degree in liberal studies. She will pursue her multiple subject teaching credential. She still has about 3 1/2 years until it is all completed. She enjoys her classes. Meredith is the music coordinator for the ward (chorister). She loves this calling. If there were a degree offered for carpooling she would have a master's! The kids keep her running. Anna tried out for a division III traveling soccer team and made it. She has been playing with the team since July. She is an incredible athlete! Having 3 brothers has really toughened her up! The family has enjoyed traveling to the weekend tournaments. Anna is 12 and loves young women's. She is the secretary in her beehive class. Anna is also a very conscientious student and is in honors English and the GATE program. She also plays the clarinet in the school band and her teacher has asked her to play the drums in the jazz band for the second year. Will is 11. He has loved the camp outs, trips, activities and time with dad being an 11-year-old scout includes. Will tried out for the school soccer team. At our school, there is one soccer team it is coed 6th through 8th grade. Usually dominated by 8th graders. He was one of 2 sixth graders to make the 15-member team. He also plays for the soccer league in town. He scored 2 goals in last Saturday's game. He plays hard! Will played all - star baseball this summer, too. Will is an outstanding student. He keeps his grades high. He is too is in GATE. He is well liked by his teachers and classmates. Will started trumpet this week. So far mom makes him practice in the garage, but she did her a tune that resembled, "Hot Cross Buns". Maybe he will be able to play indoors soon. Will (and Anna) are also in the school choir. Thomas is 9 years old in 4th grade. He too, plays soccer for the Redding Youth Soccer League. He is the star defender on his team. His teacher informed mom that he is at the top of his class for schoolwork as well as behavior. He has taken up reading more than ever this year. He likes the children's classics of adventure stories like Robin Hood and Moby Dick. He is also learning to play a recorder (in prep for saxophone?) and has joined the beginning choir. He loves the choir, and will want me to play his songs at the piano so he can sing. Matthew is a tall second grader. (Tall for a Hunter or Sutherland). His teacher called the other day to let us know how skilled he is with math. She said he has extraordinary ability! Matthew also plays soccer. Surprisingly (to us), he is one of the tallest players on his team. He is an excellent player and gives his best every time!

Now that we've updated you (and bragged a little) we can't wait to read about all of you!

Love, Bill, Meredith Anna Will, Thomas and Matthew

The Sutherland's

Hillary & Jason-Our family is in the process of moving yet again. Jason is in his junior year at Chico State University as a business major and I'm in the musical Guys and Dolls as Sarah Brown. Hunter and Ellie just started pre-school and Reese will be turning 6 months old on the 20th of this month. We're in a whirlwind but lovin' life 24-7.

Sarah & Ryan-Well, we’re officially out of vacation mode and back into the full swing of school. Ryan is working like mad in his classes and doing very well. I’ve had fun this last week with the big BYU career fair, running around to all sorts of information sessions and loading up on free pens. The atmosphere around Provo is electric with the football conference games under way and BYU’s big win against TCU. We can’t wait to see a game when we go to homecoming at the end of October against UNLV. Other than that, we’re happy and healthy!

SHEILA & LYLE-Everyone seems to be fine. We see a lot of Jessica. (Bryce's girlfriend.) Tanner hasn't given up girls yet. I've told him he should go into training, but he doesn't see the need. We've been waiting a long time for his papers to be submitted so we can begin the waiting game. I think he is getting tired enough of the warehouse he's ready to go. I told him learning what you don't want to do for the rest of your life is an important lesson. I don't think he appreciated it. Tanner and Leisha are both in The Beauty and the Beast. Tanner is playing Gaston--typecasting, right? Leisha is playing 1st Violin in Utah County Youth Orchestra. It should be a good experience for her.
Bryce is in training, too, but we're not sure what yet. Sheila finally got another counselor in Relief Society (after two and a half months). Hopefully that will relieve a little stress on her part. Not much news here, except worrying about the building. Hopefully we'll be in it in 3 weeks. I know, I've been saying that for 9 weeks already, but what can I say? I think I'll go fishing this weekend. Love, Lyle

How is everyone? I hope your fall is more predictable than ours has been. You know rain, in the 50's, threatening to snow. OK it's in the 70's, but it has rained a lot. The Cooper in me keeps trying to come out. I'm trying to think of news. We loved the BYU game. Moana and Adam always come through with tickets. We are all working some at the office. We have a new game coming out, Celestial Companion. I'm finding out just how much I don't know about my companion. Look for it in Deseret Book, and other fine other LDS bookstores. (hint, hint) Leisha made it in the Utah Valley Youth Symphony, Orchestra. A little challenging, but that’s good for her. Bryce has organized a singing group that meets on Mondays and Thursdays. My favorite time of the day is when they are singing. They’re good. The new building is still NOT finished. We're looking forward to the day. Life is the best when I hear from you, my family. I love you all! Sheila

Jenna & Kevin-Hello family! It’s been a fun month. The fastest month I’ve ever had! We’ve been great! We just watched Kevin’s brother’s 3 boys for 4 days. We took them all ice-skating last night and had a blast! Even Kellan (2) went and loved it!

Spencer & Shanille-Hi everyone, Sorry we missed last month, but we're so boring that we could probably miss 6 months and not skip a beat. To prove how boring we are; the weather here is finally starting to cool off, with temps in the mid to high 90's. Ha, but seriously, we do have a few items of business to report. I better say this first or the wife will get mad at me, we are expecting our fourth. No, we are not trying to single handedly populate the western hemisphere. Oops! There are some crazy people in our ward that seem to think that I am responsible enough to be the scoutmaster for the 12-16 year olds. So that should keep me pretty busy. We will soon be moving into a home, but we will still be renting. The housing market is crashing at such a rapid rate, that by Christmas they should be free, and so we wait. Quenton is loving kindergarten, and t-ball. Wrestling will start in a couple of months. Sage enjoys preschool. She is extremely independent. i.e. SASSY! Emeri has 2 teeth, and loves to show them off. She constantly smiles, she crawls, sits up, pulls herself up to her feet, cries, eats, poops and pees. I wasn't able to make it fishing with Greg and everyone this summer, but hopefully some year. I think Uncle Greg must need to re prioritize his priorities, or at least remember to invite me. If my long lost cousin Cayle reads these things, I think I've been trying to get a hold of him for about 5 years. Well that's enough from the Spencer Mortimer family, or I guess I could talk more about the weather, but I won't. Love you all!

Leisha-hello EVERYONE! How are you all! I’m doing great!! I’ve been keeping myself busy! I just tried out for the Utah valley youth symphony orchestra and I made it!! I had a really accomplished feeling when made it! I think I’ve worked up to this! Yeah!! We’ve only had 2 practices and they've been great so far! I’m also in beauty and the beast the musical with Tanner. Tanner is Gaston! WOW!! Haha I’m just in the chorus! It’s been fun! I also am doing violin lessons, which are also going great! School has been going very well! I’m in a brand new one! It’s really nice! I’ve enjoyed every minute of my life! And I’m looking forward to some more happy memorable memories! Thanks so much love you all! Leisha! **


Saturday, September 30, 2006

Hunter Herald September 2006

The Hunter Herald

This is the 2nd edition of the Hunter Herald. I hope you are enjoying it! You can let me know you like it by sending info!!! You can send info if you are related to Boyd and Gene Hunter in any way! (Children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc.)

Send news, photos, special dates, whatever! Enjoy!


Trevor & Charmayne-Well I'm kinda busy but thought if I don't just send something then we’ll be left out. So...

We survived the county fair. Already getting calls from people who saw us there.

We got a personal phone call invitation to Hot Import Nights in San Francisco on Sept. 23. They want our team to come. (Yeah!) So we have 4 other cars that will be coming with us. This weekend in Oroville (about 12 miles up the road) they are having a big 4x4 show. We are going to have a booth and bring the Sami. Maybe we’ll get a trophy.

Race is adjusting to middle school. He has never had so much homework. He even had some this Labor Day weekend.

Nick just finished his 3rd Harry Potter book and asking for the next. He is looking forward to his baptism in Nov. Kinny is actually more excited than Nick.

Kinny loves 1st grade. The 2nd day of school he fell asleep on the bus ride home. His brothers just left him. Good thing the bus driver was aware. He walked down the aisle and woke him up. He seems to be doing better this week.

We spent 3 days remodeling our chicken coupe. We have 14 hens and 1 rooster. Also, our 7th litter of kittens, (3rd litter in the house) in 2 years, was just born on Monday. They are 4 cute little things in our living room. The mother was from the first litter in the house. Fortunately, we are down to only 5 actual cats (kittens not included) and 3 are on their way out. There aren't any mouse or rat they are worth feeding!!!

Looks like we might be heading back to SEMA this Nov. in Las Vegas. More details to follow...

Kalli & Terry-Terry is just finishing his internship with the Sacramento River Cats and is looking for a Marketing job in the Gridley area. He has now officially graduated from BYU-Idaho. Kalli has started a children's singing group called TaVaci and has about 30 kids enrolled. It's very fun. Cypress is almost 5 and starts Kindergarten on Tuesday (August 28). She just got her hair permed again and new clothes to start off right! Tayla turned 3 this week and thinks she's the star of TaVaci. She's a drama queen! Tyden is 10 months and standing alone. He's going to take off walking any minute.

Paij and Brent-Paij and I arrived safely here in Memphis, TN. We relocated to Memphis so that I could attend optometry school. We are settled into our apartment and adjusting to the humidity and the southern accents. We have realized that successfully communicating with the local fast food workers through the drive up window is something we will not master in the next four years. We are pleasantly surprised to not have been the victims of any violent crimes yet. Paij is looking around and interviewing for jobs, a task that she ranks as being about as enjoyable as having your teeth pulled. We had a mishap with our vehicle wanting to occupy the same space as another vehicle yesterday that resulted in some alterations in the cosmetic appearance of our new Corolla. Aside from that everything is going very well and we are happy to be here in Memphis. We hope that all is well with you all. The Collins Fam



CALVIN & DONNA-PLEASE STOP THE PRESSES! I have learned tonight (and have photographic evidence to document my claim) that there is a M A J O R development in the Calvin and Donna Hunter household. This should come as no surprise to each of you who knows the constant ebb and flow of drama, that surrounds our home.

The bis story will reveal itself soon enough. IN the meantime, here are some sidebar reports.

1- Emma is going to college. Hardle breaking news. But this is. EMMA has her driver's license! Passed the test and everything. The relieved examiner stepped from the car, wiped his brow with an old diaper (which we claim was NOT ours... if it is, I mean how old IS it, with Sam being 14 years old and all...) but the good news is if the Papmers brand product WAS ours, it was all dry and everything from being in the car for so long. Anyway... he signed the paper and informed Emma she must request a different examiner if she ever needs to take a test. He then called his insurance company and increased his "Bad Other Drriver" coverage, cried, sucked his thumb and turned in his retirement papers. I think it went well!

Yet this is NOT the big story.

2- In other news of the never-mundane- Sam auditioned and made it into the High School Jazz band as a freshman. Not so much the singer, Sam loves to play the trumpet. When he practices, our new small dog/burglar alarm, "Sophie" sings along. I only wish we had another child to bang on the drums while Sam is rehearsing. Trumpet tones, Singing (NOT howling, mind you- this is a "singing" dog who can apparently croon "Moon River by Henry Mancini if we could only find her key which is definitely NOT "B" flat)... and maybe a drummer. What a nice little Jazz combo you have there, sir. Oh yes, add in baby Reese (Hill and Jay's 3rd) whom we are watching from time to time (that's dawn to dusk) ((just kidding - they're NEVER here by dusk)) (((Just kidding again))) and the act has some possibilities. In fact a few come to mind right now...

STILL not the BIG story.

Cayle is looking to make some major changes in his life. Like moving to Antarctica and becoming a member of Sam's "Dog and Baby Show" combo. (I hear they need a drummer). Doesn't have the answers yet. Still may be looking in the wrong places. Just my opinion.

Meredith and LaMont share a birthday as you know. Happy September 7th to each.

But here it is. Look at the picture if you don't believe me.

Donna has a NEW clothes iron! NOT just an iron, but a SHARK! It tears through those tedious ironing jobs with steam, heat and pressure leaving no shredded clothing behind.

Damion and Casey are still expecting a child soon.

Donna and I are not.

If we were, that would be lmost as big a story as the flat-iron. With all the accompanying steam, heat and pressure.

Please save this for a future edition of the newsletter. Personally I thnk it deserves an "EXTRA" edition. But on reflection... I'm going to go look for my wife.

Sarah & Ryan- We started our vacation this summer by visiting our families in Redding. Sarah stayed and pressure washed her parents’ floor while I flew back to Provo to start school at UVSC. Sarah drove down to L.A. and had the amazing experience of seeing a filming of the Dr. Phil show. She says it has changed her life . Later, her and I met in Arizona and are hanging out with Kevin and Jenna and are going to see the musical Wicked. After all this travel and excitement we’ll be ready to get back to Provo and continue with our schooling. Sarah was recently accepted to the Marriott School of Management at BYU and is excited to start her senior year of college.

SHEILA & LYLE- We saw Calvin and Donna and Sam a couple of weeks ago when they came to record the FAIR conference. We hustled like crazy to get ready for convention. Jenna came to see and help us the same week as convention.
We didn't win BEST BOOTH even though we had the best booth, because the voting was rigged. It's all politics. What a rip-off!!

We had 3 contacts from Bryce's mission come see us this week. It was a lot of fun listening to British accents and getting to know three lovely people. We took them to church. (First time they'd been to all three meetings, witnessed ordinations and setting aparts and participated in the classes.) We went boating, hiking, shopping and miniature golfing. Nice to have an excuse to do things. Tanner is still waiting for a mission call. Bryce is still waiting for a wedding call (or something???). Leisha is still looking for straight A's (she started school this week.) Sheila is still waiting to be released from RS President. Lyle is just waiting. (Oh, one thing is waiting for the building to be done. Getting so antsy and anxious life is unbearable.) Miss you all. Wish you were here. (It is ever so much better than there.) Love you always. Lyle

How are the Hunters? I am hoping someone has to come to Utah soon. We would love to see you spend some time at the Mortimer Hotel. We have had some visitors from England (Bryce's mission) staying with us. They aren't members, but attended all three meetings on Sunday. They have been delightful. They and in California for a week, then will return to Utah in a week or so, for a few more days. Jenna surprised me last Sunday by flying in for Book Sellers Convention, and for a haircut. It was great to see her. She came alone, so we missed the grandkids and Kevin, but it was nice having her to ourselves. Paij called on her way to TN. We miss her and Brent. Our whole ward just loved them. Good luck you guys. Keep us posted. Wendi and Aaron are in Florida for a while. Little Anthony has been running a fever. Tanner is still working on Mission papers. Wait did Lyle already write all of this. Anyway I miss you all. Love you tons, Sheila

Jenna & Kevin-Hello again all! Life is just movin’ on! The boys are loving school. Kaden (9) tests at the “genius” level for math…go figure. J Hunter (8) is working hard for straight A’s. Gavin (6) is working hard at reading. Kellan (2) THINKS he’s in school and tells anyone who will listen. We are at about 280 kids in the primary now! I’m serving as the primary president. We have our program at the end of the month. After the children, there are 4 rows left in the chapel. It’s kind of humorous. We just had Sarah and Ryan over for the weekend. We REALLY enjoyed having them. This is Kevin and Spencer’s “busy” month at work. They have been working late nights and weekends. Well, that’s all for now! Love you all!!!! Jenna and Family

Adam & Moana-Aloha everyone! Adam just started his fall term at UVSC. He is now officially in the upper division of the school of business! He signs up for graduation in November! We can't believe he almost graduates! We went to a really fun luau at the Tahitian Noni gardens! Jenna and Adam wore matching outfits! It was Adam's birthday on the 16th of August. He got a remote control bird! He's so excited to fly it that he hasn't yet because he's scared it will crash! We also had a fun time at Toucano's with everyone for his birthday dinner. Last weekend we went boating with the family at Deer Creek. Moana did a 360 on the kneeboard for the first time! Braxton, Loraine's (Shanille’s sister) son, taught her how. We just got called to be Nursery Leaders in our ward! We are in charge of 25 little ones, they are all so cute! We love it. Lyle thinks it's a hint to get the show on the road! ;) Love you all!

Adam & Moana

Tanner-still looking forward to putting my papers in. I am working hard for dad. Convention went well. I loved having Jenna over for that week. She was so much fun. Some of Bryce's friends from England came and stayed the weekend. Their accents are really funny. I cant wait until we move into the new building it is getting hectic at the old one and we will have air conditioning. I am dying. Yep so that is pretty much it for me love you all Tanner


Thursday, August 31, 2006

Hunter Herald August 2006

The Hunter Herald

This is the first edition of the Hunter Herald. I hope this will be a fun way to let everyone know what is going on in our everyday lives. This will also be the start of our Hunter Family History. Send news, photos, whatever! Enjoy!

NEIL & MIKE-Congratulations Kalli. She’s teaching a class like sunshine generation and we hear she’s doing GREAT!

Trevor and Charmayne-We love it here in Gridley. We've made lots of friends. The boys are doing great in school.

Kinny loves school and was counting down the days till he became a first grader. He is so excited to be going a full day with his brothers. He has picked up reading very well. He does a great job with the little Dick and Jane books.

Nick will be in GATE next year for the 3rd grade. He has read Harry Potter 4, and is almost done with #5. I promised him if he read all the books at home I would take him to the library. He's doing a great job so far.

Race was promoted half way through this school year. He will be in 6th grade and taking freshman algebra this next year. He finished in 2nd place of his GATE group this year. (Missed 1st by one point and third place was 75points behind the two of them.) He was on the basketball team this year and seems to really like it.

All three boys were in track. Although it rained most of track season they seemed to have fun anyway.

Trev and I are looking into going back to school. Maybe, maybe not! We'll see what happens. Business is picking up and we have the county fair coming up in August. I just finished repainting the kitchen. Now it's just curtains and getting everything back in there. I'm looking forward to getting back to normal. We've been eating in the family room for 3 months.
Well that's probably good for now.


LAMONT & EVY- We are glad to hear Justin’s baby is doing better.

LAYNE & FRANKIE-Hi, Layne and I just got home from stake girl's camp. Jarom Hunter (Brandon's) was just baptized.
Layne has had several successful fishing trips and plans to do more fishing this summer. He is now remodeling a bathroom for someone in our ward, will paint a dental office, and make repairs & re-roof our tax man's office.

We still plan to check out the camp that our stake (& 4 other stakes) just purchased. The camp is one of his responsibilities as a high councilor. I am still Stake YW President so I have an interest in the camp also. Layne also leads religious services once a month at Avenal state prison.

Rayanna, Ashley, and grandkids are here visiting. Kara & Mike are planning to move to Twin Falls area soon. Wesley (Seth's) will be ordained a deacon next month.


CALVIN & DONNA-Damion and Kasie were here over the 4th of July weekend…They are doing will and are progressing well in their married life. So that means everyone but Cayle was up to Redding and Whiskytown Lake over the 4th. Donna’s sister Renee’ and their family came along also. We swam- we watched the big fireworks display- we had a hoot of a good time.

Emma is back from New York and doing well. She’s getting ready for Shasta College. Sam and Alexandra are finishing summer School. They decided to take math classes to het a head start on next year. Sam will be a Freshman and Sl a Junior. Our last high schoolers. Can the empty nest be that far away?

We’re loving being so close to Hillary and Jason and their beautiful babies… and Meredith and Bill’s four. William is a baseball all-star and has been playing in the All-Star tournament this week… and doing quite well.

Anyway, that’s Calvin’s version of Donna and Cal’s world. Sorry, Jenna. No garden on which to report. Poor soil and impatient gardners!

SHEILA & LYLE- This Summer has been crazy. Lots going on and it's half over. We enjoyed seeing you at the Hunter Reunion. Thanks for making the effort to come. It ment so much to us. Bryce has three companions that are here for the weekend, so the house is full once again. Tanner is getting his mission papers in over the internet. His birthday is the 20th of July. He'll be on his mission soon. Leisha is working half days at Lyles office. Grandma Mortimer is here for a week or so. She is 91 and works in our garden everyday (that Paij and Brent planted). We walk a mile in the morning, and she keeps saying "what can I do next". Shes a joy. We all sang at the Stadum of Fire on the 1st of July. It was awsome. Were picking up a beef we had butchered today. and going to the Rodeo tomorrow night. Lyles building is coming along. We are suppose to be in it on the 1st of August. We love you all. Sheila and Family p.s. It was good to see everyone at Uncle Jack’s funeral. We missed you Calvin and Donna.

Jenna & Kevin- Life is great! We have loved going to Utah so often! (REALLY!) We are looking forward to going up again for Tanner’s farewell! Here in Arizona we’ve been spending lots of time swimming at Brian’s house. Last month Kaden slipped on their rockslide and had to get 9 stitches above his eyebrow. He was scared about getting shots until we mentioned Cold Stone Ice-cream. Primary is busy, but good! We have over 250 kids now! We are working on filling 20 callings! Gavin’s 6th birthday is coming up! I can’t believe my little Gavi-Wavi is growing up! He wants roller-shoes like Kaden and Hunter’s. Kellan will only answer to me if I call him Sugars. He will be 3 in October. Kevin’s work is busy. We are enjoying our suburban. It’s nice to stretch out a little bit. BIG difference from the Taurus! J Well, love you all! Jen

Wendi & Aaron- What’s new in our world? Aaron is starting his surgery rotation today. He has to check out a room at the hospital where he will sleep for the majority of the next six weeks. He will assist in trauma surgeries, and he will be the first one to round on the patient after their surgeries. Aaron is also starting a research project with the ENT consultants. He will be reading cat scans and entering data into the computer on hundreds of patients. The doctor said if they find what they are looking for it will change some major procedures in ENT. Aaron’s name will be on the paper and it will be published world wide. Anthony has four teeth now and he loves to bite! He loves to play ball with mommy as well. Anthony pushes his ball and we both crawl as fast as we can to it. He can go so fast! He laughs the whole time. He thinks it is so fun. We got a pass to the local gym which has an outdoor pool. We go swimming a lot. Anthony loves little kids. Every time one looks in his direction he laughs and reaches for them. Aaron and I love Anthony so much. We are so glad we have him! I’m enjoying being home with Anthony. I quit my job about two weeks ago. I put an advertisement in the local paper to do family, children and senior portraits. I will do these on weekends when Aaron is home. The weather here is so nice. It has been a little warmer the last week then normal. High eighties with about 75% humidity. I really love the summers here. To bad the winters aren’t as nice. Well that is all I have for now. Love you all! Wendi, Aaron & Anthony


Aloha everyone!
Adam just started his Fall term at UVSC. He is now officially in the upper division of the school of business! He signs up for graduation in November! We can't believe he almost graduates!
We went to a really fun luau at the Tahitian Noni gardens! Jenna and Adam wore matching outfits! (picture)
It was Adam's birthday on the 16th of August. He got a remote control bird! He's so excited to fly it that he hasn't yet because he's scared it will crash! We also had a fun time at Tucano's with everyone for his birthday dinner. (picture)
Last weekend we went boating with the family at Deer Creek. (picture) Moana did a 360 on the knee board for the first time! Braxton, Loraine's son, taught her how.
We just got called to be Nursery Leaders in our ward! We are in charge of 25 little ones, they are all so cute! We love it. Lyle thinks it's a hint to get the show on the road! ;) Love you all!

GREG & LISA-Congratulations to Zach and Kaylee for making Greg and Lisa soon to be grandparents. And Congratulation to Lisa for surviving her mile swim! Lisa is working on the Temple pageant. We hear she’s a big wig there and Kalli is her right-hant man!