Friday, July 31, 2009

Hunter Herald July 2009

Hunter Herald
July 2009

Neil & Mike-
Trevor & Charmayne-
Haylee & Ryan-
Kalli & Terry-

Paij & Brent-Time is flying for us here is Mississippi. Brent is almost finished with his rotation at the VA and will start another rotation in a private practice the first of September. I just finished my final graduate course and will graduate in December after my internship in the fall. Morgan is growing and fun as ever. We love watching her do the sign language we teach her and seeing the fun ways her little mind works. In July, we got to go to California for a week and spend some needed time with our families. We are so blessed and can't be more grateful!
Love, Paij, Brent, and Morgan Collins


LaMont & Evy-I can't believe it's time to let July slip away. If August is here, that means seminary will be starting in ten days. That doesn't mean too much to a Utahan who has release time seminary, but here in Calif. it is a major commitment for kids and teachers alike. Speaking of which, Jamyn is teaching the Sophamore Class this year. We welcome her to the teaching staff where from now on her day will start at 5:00 in the A of M.
and an hour later she will experience the happy attitude of 20 sophamores. We are all excited for this time of year when seminary gets underway. Emma and Maddie are in my Freshman Class. Super fun to see them each morning. We also have two kids starting Kindergarten this year. That would be Ashlan in Las Vegas, and Hailey here in Manteca.
Evy and I are having our 41st anniversary in Feb. We still owe each other a trip to Carmel from last year. Maybe a big catch up weekend is coming??
We love you all. Do it! Live is short!

Chad & Nan-
Jaimyn & Paul-
Justin & Jana-
Melisa & Tye-

Layne & Frankie-We just got in this morning. We visited family in Utah and Idaho. We even had a morning of yard sales with the Mortimer's.
When we returned from girl's camp on the 18th, the Central Valley heat was upon us so that is when we decided to leave the state. It gets just about as hot in Utah but it does cool down a little more at night.

It has been a great summer. I think Layne's fishing trip to Mexico was the highlight for him but I'm not sure. He does enjoy his kids and grandkids. We didn't make it to Alaska as planned but there is always next year. Layne is looking forward to school starting so he can get some rest.

Frankie & Layne

Rachel & Rob-
Seth & Rayanna-
Brandon & Laura-
Rebekah & Seth-
Caleb & Ashley-

Kara & Michael-We're still doing pretty good up here in Idaho. The weather finally decided to warm up, and our garden has really shot up. We have three cute little cocker spaniel puppys, and we've been busy putting up a shed in our backyard.

My Dad and Mom came up the past couple of days and helped get most of it in we have only to place the roof. It is so nice to see family, and we wish that work would allow us to live closer. But to this point, we are grateful that Mike is still gainfully employed. (We are a little apprehensive about the future, but then who isn't these days?)

Daniel and Joseph have been going to summer school for the past couple of weeks, and regular school starts up pretty soon. This year, four of our six children will be going to school (Daniel, Joseph, McKayla, and Karalynn). Adam and Emily will get to spend some one-on-one time with me at home. Life tends to keep us busy, but it is good. Our prayers and love go out to each of you and we hope that you'll let us know if there is anything we can do for any of you.


Jeremy & Leslie-
Benjamin & Megan-
Mathew & Karali-

Calvin & Donna-
Damien & Kacey-
Meredith & Bill-
Hillary & Jason-
Cayle & Katie-
Sarah & Ryan-
Natalie & Jared-

Sheila & Lyle-Hi family, Lyle Leisha and I went to Trek this month. It was awesome:-) It was hot and hard, but worth all the effort. BYU filmed it, to be shown at a later date. We were in Wyoming at Martin's Cove, Sweetwater, Devils Gate, and walked on very sacred, hallowed ground. I could feel it, and love our blessed honored pioneers. I'm so glad it was them and not me.
We also attended the Mortimer reunion. Grandma Mortimer is ninety-four years old and is showing the signs of aging. She has three hundred and eight progeny. That includes people who have married into the family. Wow!
I can't believe Summer is about over. We tried to squeez in all the fun we could, but all good things must come to an end.
Today is Lyle and my anniversary, thirty four years. Who would have guessed. We went to dinner at the Tree Room, up at Sundance Ski Resort, and went to the "Fantastics" at their outdoor Summer theater. Doyle and Kitty went also. (Lyles brother and sister in law) We saw Robert Redford, but he was just in a picture hanging on a wall. Ha Ha...It was fun!
Leisha is signed up for high school and beauty school beginning on the seventeenth of August. Tradition you know. She is planning on going to Utah State after graduation.
It was nice to see Rebecca and Seth the other day. Thanks for the almonds!!! I love them. Also Layne and Frankie came by. We hung out and went to a few garage sales on Saturday. Their great people!
Incase you haven't noticed we have a great family. We love you all. Everyone of you. Come see us. Calvin when are you coming?
Sheila, Lyle and family

Jenna & Kevin-Life is good in Springville! We are enjoying the beautiful summer weather! I watched the news the other day and they said, "no more days over 100 degrees this year!" What a change from AZ!!! Kevin and Kaden just got back from a long backpacking scout campout. They had a lot of fun! School starts soon! The boys are so excited. Hunter even said, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I MISS homework!" Don't worry's coming! :) Kaden is going into 7th grade...Jr. High!!! He's excited to get to start Algebra 1 with the 8th and 9th graders! Kellan is starting kindergarten.... sniff, sniff. I will miss him like crazy, but I'm excited for the 1 on 1 time I'll get to spend with Chloe! Gavin is the only one NOT excited for school to start! :) I think he got that from me! :) Well, I hope everyone is happy and healthy! I love my family!!! Love, Jenna

Spencer & Shanille-

Wendi & Aaron-
We have officially moved to Birmingham Alabama. We miss everyone in Utah, but we are happy we were able to spend the last year with them there. Aaron is in his second year of his residency here at the University of Alabama. He is loving the hours.
Anthony will be 4 in October. He loves to swim and play with his friends. Haden will be 2 in October. He is the sweetest boy. There is nothing better then being a mother!
We just bought our first house. We get to move in on August 7. We are so excited.
We miss everyone!

Adam & Moana-
Bryce & Jessica-

Greg & Lisa-
Beau & Shannon-
Zachary & Kaylee-

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