Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Hunter Reunion 2008

Aunt Mike's summary of the Hunter Reunion...
(Thanks Aunt Mike! )

Hunters' 2008 Hawaiian Happenin Reunion is over and some of you missed it. Those who did...WE MISSED YOU!!!! Many made great sacrifices to get Mike (Kara's husband) and Matt and Carali driving all night from Utah. Beau and Shannon coming from Ohio, Ben and Meagan and Sheila, Lyle, Leisha, Byce and Jessica, and Shae coming from Utah, Jenna and Kevin coming from Arizona, Jarom coming from Iraq, Kaylee and Olive coming alone until late Friday night because Zac's was in CHP Bootcamp, Meredith and Bill arriving at midnight Friday night. Kara coming from Idaho alone with her 5 angels. Lisa coming back and forth because she did a wedding at the same time. Sarah coming from Texas. Of course thanks to all of the rest of you who drove severals hours from all over Ca. Everyone felt like they were in Hawaii Friday night when they attended the Luau in their flowered attire and leis. It was quite a sight!!! The Kalua pork feast was followed by a fish pond, bean bag toss, and spectacular face painting by Aunt Sheila and Byrce and Jessica, (we did miss our hula lesson!!) Following the dinner there was the arrival of Cayle and his fiancee, Katy. Yes, folks she is as beautiful as he said she was! The variety show followed with such acts as Cody filling his mouth with 18 mints, Beau singing a whimsical song about certain famlly members and cholestrol, Sam's phenonminal mastery of "rubics cube", dancing ,jokes, guitar playing, more singing...."America who's got talent" watchout!.
Following those festivities there was mention of a "snipe hunt" and about 15 brave souls came forth with the always necessary snipe bag. There were no flash lights allowed only our fearless leader Jenna was allowed a tiny red head lamp. Marching ever so quietly through the woods we arrived at the lake/pond and prepared for "the Hunt"! After some time without even a single snipe sighting we determined to move on back toward camp. While approaching a bridge strange sounds were heard to the East of us. However, after a birrage of flashlights, all was still, very still. So we moved forward, our now antcy bunch. Then after crossing the bridge there was more sound coming from the eastwardly direction. We stopped, we clung, we watched, we slowly began walking again, quite a bit more anxious now. We had only gone a few feet when there was a blood curdling scream and we turned to see "Big foot" alive and flashing flourescent green eyes at us, standing in the middle of the bridge . Some cried, some freaked, some laughed. Without saying a word He jumped back into the woods and then proceeded to jump out at us at varying intervals, as we shakingly made our way hurredly back to the safety of camp. ....Then we all helped him find other victims pretending to be sleeping in their tents.
Sat. morning we all gathered at the "chapel" and Neil, Layne, Calvin, Sheila and Greg filled our hearts with precious memories of Grandpa Boyd and Grandma Gene Hunter. We enjoyed "their" visit with us. The family meeting was well represented with not only the "basic" sibleys but anyone else over 18 who wanted to attend.The voting was unanimous for a dues to be paid by all married couples in the Hunter clan, for this year in the amount of $20. This money would then be available for the family in charge to use the following year to pay for the reunion expenses. This amount is to be paid whether you were able to attend this year or not. It was voted to do this for one year only and then re-evalute at next year's reunion. Jenna was nominated as the treasurer and will be responsible for tracking the funds. She will let everyone know when she has the account set up. Please send your dues at that time. Everyone had positive things to say about "Zion's Camp" and that it would be a good choice next year or any year.
Special thanks to Kalli who was such a great help to me and 8 & 3/4th months pregnant. I must add here that today she gave birth to a 7lb. 4 oz handsome boy named Casen Cole Hill. He has red hair just like Tyden's! Adorable!
I love the reunion and I love all of you and always look forward to those few brief moments when we can reunite and build those "Hunter bonds." Let's all strive to make it a yearly family affair!!!! Love Aunt Mike

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