Monday, November 30, 2009

Hunter Herald November/December 2009

Hunter Herald
November/December 2009

Neil & Mike-
I just wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Holiday season. As I prepared my Christmas cards and passed all of your addresses I thought, well I'll just say it in the newsletter. We the Neil Hunters extend all of our love and best wishes. We know in your indivuidual families you will instill in your little and big ones the true Spirit of Christmas and that the Savior's birth will be what is most celebrated. Our thoughts go way back to Christmas's celebrated together and wish we could have a reunion at Christmas time as well. May all of you be together with those you love most at this most blessed time of the year. We will have all of our family together for one glorious day. .. and we will be grateful for that! We love you all!!!!!!!!! Uncle Neil and Aunt Mike

Trevor & Charmayne-It's been pretty busy in our house this past month. We thought things would slow down now that we're done with soccer. However, we decided (Charmayne did and Trevor protested every step of the way) that having the three boys in one room wasn't working out very well anymore. They are just getting too big. They had their bedroom where they slept and changed clothes - wall to wall dressers and beds. They also had turned our family room into their play/homework room. So we gave Race his own room, but he has to share with our vinyl cutter and computer. We're also planning to resurrect the train table and put it up in there, probably after the holidays. Nick and Kinny are getting the family room. So it's taken us weeks to finish the move and their rooms look great. The rest of the house is still holding onto all the "OTHER" stuff we can't seem to let go of. Since our garage is also full we may have to do some soul searching and really decide what is important to hold on to and what is not.
Besides that, Trevor is staying warm at work with his new State provided Car-hart jacket. Too bad they can't stop the furlough days. He just got a new smart phone and is enjoying the modern convenience that comes with it. He's been helping the boys make candy canes for sale out of plywood for yard decorations. They are turning quite the profit. Charmayne is trying to work part time and still manage to keep the house up. She now has a new Chihuahua puppy. He's really fun and potty training is going so well...He's also a little thief. Steals anything you leave on the floor and runs as fast as he can to somewhere else. Race is enjoying his freshman year. At the end of the year, he's going to challenge his Chemistry and try to get AP credit for it. He's also finally found a subject that eludes him - Spanish! Nick's in 6th grade and just received his Arrow of Light, Religious Knot and his 20er patch for Webelos. Now he is officially a boy scout. His cholesterol tests are finally in the normal range, however his doctor would like him to grow a few more inches without gaining anymore weight. Kinny is the head of his 4th grade class in math and wants to challenge the fifth grade math test. He may be skipping that year, and is so excited to take after his brothers. He is now a Bear cub and Charmayne is counting down the years before she can finally get a new calling. After 6 years in Cub Scouts, she's ready for something like Genealogy Library Worker. This month is crazy as we look ahead to the next few weeks. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone.
Trev, Charmayne, Race, Nick and Kinny

Haylee & Ryan-

Kalli & Terry-Everyone is growing up so fast! Times flies when we're having fun. Wishing you all a warm and happy Chirstmas filled with loving family, great friends, and yummy food! Love, the Hills

Paij & Brent-Paij will be done with her master's in school counseling on Friday December 11th!!! We are so excited and I(Brent) am really proud of her. She has worked very hard and balanced being a full time student and mother amazingly well. Morgan is lucky to have such a loving mother and I am blessed to have such a capable and dedicated wife. It has been an eventful couple weeks here in the Collins home. I took the second part of my national boards and am grateful to be that much closer to being done with my program. I will graduate optometry school the end of April. It is hard to believe that Paij and I are both nearing the end of our student phase. We are excited for this stage to be over, yet grateful for the privilege and opportunities we have had to dedicate so much time to furthering our education. The Navy contacted us and informed us of the openings we have to select from for where we will be stationed next year. We sent in our list of preferred sites and are anxiously awaiting news of where we will be stationed. Unfortunately we do not expect to hear back from the Navy any time soon. Paij was offered a job for next semester at one of the schools she has interned this past semester. We are both excited that she will be getting paid to do what we have been paying for her to previously have the privilege of doing. The job is only a temporary position as we will be leaving for wherever the Navy sends us next summer. We are grateful the school offered Paij the position and that it will work with the limited time we have left here in Memphis. Morgan seems to learn a new word every day, which is usually only discernible to Paij and I. She is our pride and joy. She is at such a fun stage and we are trying to soak every minute of it up before she hits the dreadful terrible two's. We are looking forward to spending the holidays back in California with our families. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a new year that is full of wonderful memories and opportunities.
Paij, Brent, and Morgan


LaMont & Evy-
Chad & Nan-
Jaimyn & Paul-
Justin & Jana-
Molly & Aaron-
Melisa & Tye-

Layne & Frankie-Hi,

We have been busy clearing, cleaning, and hopefully de-junking. During November, we had visits from Jeremy, Rebekah, Seth and families. They were a great help as we tackled the garage and sheds. Rebekah braved the loft in the garage where rats have been known to live and terrrorize in the past. We finally have cats that our dogs haven't scared off. Unfortunately, I think the rodents just moved to a nearby shed.

Kara, Benjamin and Matthew - families will be visiting at Christmastime. They, along with the Bakersfield kids, plan to help us with our move to Selma. We have purchased a home near Rachel and Rob. The address is:

13602 Van Horn
Selma, CA 93662

Please feel free to stop by and visit. We won't make you work too hard.

Hope all is well with you and that you have a very Merry Christmas!

Love, Layne and Frankie

Rachel & Rob-Hello Everyone and Merry Christmas. The Fransens are doing good. We have some fun new neighbors moving in this month. Our children go over and help and then are sent back to borrow stuff. Their dogs have worried our other neighbors already too. We've had them over for dinner and they seem like great people. We hear they have lots of family that visits and are looking forward to seeing their family.

We are heading for Texas again for christmas but hope to see some of my brothers and sisters before we go. Alex is in wrestling. Boyd is starting the small GATE program they have here. Cody is doing well in High School. Dale is the best student in his class. His teacher says she wants to clone him. Elizabeth is a great sister to Hannah. They both keep mom busy. I guess that all til the New Year.

Love Rob, Rachel, Cody, Alex, Boyd, Dale, Elizabeth and Hannah

Seth & Rayanna-
Brandon & Laura-
Rebekah & Seth-
Caleb & Ashley-
Kara & Michael-
Jeremy & Leslie-
Benjamin & Megan-
Mathew & Karali-

Calvin & Donna-
Damien & Kacey-
Meredith & Bill-
Hillary & Jason-
Cayle & Katie-
Sarah & Ryan-
Natalie & Jared-

Sheila & Lyle-Dad (Lyle) turned 60!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Birthday Dad!!! We love you!!! The family surprised him by meeting him for dinner at Tucano's.

Doesn't he look happy to be here???

Jenna & Kevin-Hi Family!!!
We are counting the days down to Christmas!!! It's so much fun celebrating Christmas with little excited people!!! :P Kevin and I just celebrated our 14th anniversary!!! I'm sure I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have a man like him! Kaden turns 13 next week. He keeps reminding me that I will have a teenager now. He's had a bit of a growth spurt and finally passed me up! He's 5'5"!!! I got to go to Arizona with Chloe for a week. Kevin's sister has a cyst in her brain and can't do much, so I got to go help her plan her daughter's 9th birthday party. We decorated her house, and I moved furniture around until I was sore. It was fun, hard work!!! :) It made me count my blessings and be VERY grateful for good health!!!
I love you my family!!! I hope you have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!
Love, Jenna and Fam.

Spencer & Shanille-

Wendi & Aaron-

Adam & Moana-Hi Family,
Hope you are all having a great Winter season. Kenneth and Chandler are loving the snow. They built their first snowman!...with Dad's help of course. We've had a fun time celebrating Lyle's 60th birthday party and other holiday activities. We love you all and Merry Christmas!

Bryce & Jessica-

Greg & Lisa-
Beau & Shannon-
Zachary & Kaylee-