Sunday, May 31, 2009

Hunter Herald May 2009

Hunter Herald
May 2009

Neil & Mike-
Trevor & Charmayne-
Haylee & Ryan-
Kalli & Terry-
Paij & Brent-

LaMont & Evy-Hey gang, we hope everyone is planning a visit at the Hunter Family Reunion in Manteca this year. It should be fun. It could be a little pricey although we have tried to hold that down. It seems like it is going to be our lot to have to go to other camp sites than the girl's camp spots because of the early starts at girl's camp because of the numbers of stakes using the camps. We may have to start a couple of weeks earlier if we want those facilities. They certainly are cheaper. Well, anyway for this year we are where we are and it should be a good experience for all. Please beware of the h2o in your preperations. A river runs through it, not a lake.

Love to one and all we can't wait to see you there
Uncle Mont and Aunt Evy

Chad & Nan-
Jaimyn & Paul-
Justin & Jana-
Melisa & Tye-

Layne & Frankie-For all of you who looked forward to the calls from Layne lamenting the fact that he could not go to work for weeks, he now gets it from his kids. Rob, Benjamin, Rebekah, and Seth have been calling and complaining because they are so bored. Layne is counting the hours till school is over. Of course, it really has nothing to do with working because he works harder all summer than during the school year. He usually doesn't even have time for my honey-do list.

We are looking forward to reunion. Hope to see you soon.

Layne & Frankie

Rachel & Rob-Hello everyone. Things are going great here in Selma. Hannah Lynn Fransen was born on March 28. She weighed 8 lbs 13 oz. She was delivered by C-section because she was breech. She is doing great. She is pretty calm. Cody is graduating from 8th grade. He did very well in all his work and received the principal's medallion. About 30 kids out of 500 received this so we are proud of him. Alex finished 6th grade with perfect attendance all year. That even means no tardies or gone part of the day. I am pretty amazed. He is worried he will be sick all summer since he didn't get sick during the year. Boyd finished 3rd grade and received the Pricipal's award. Dale finished 1st grade and is the first one of my boys to join the 400 club (a math award). Elizabeth is learning so much. She copies me and tries to help with everything I do. I found her smearing diaper rash cream all over her cloth doll. We have to keep a close eye on her. Rob is still in nursery and I am in the primary presidency. Well that's our update. We hope to see you all at reunion.

Rachel Fransen

Seth & Rayanna-
Brandon & Laura-
Rebekah & Seth-
Caleb & Ashley-

Kara & Michael-We are enjoying our spring like weather here. The garden is mostly planted and the weeds are really growing. I hope to grow more plants then weeds this summer the problem is weeds don't freeze but my garden plants have already once this spring. Maybe the true trick to planting at the right time is watching when the weed start to come up. Then you know you are safe.

Tonight for family home evening we went to the Shoshone falls had a picnic and explored a little as a family. Earlier this year there was a lot of water going over the falls and it was truely magnificant. I really enjoy taking a few moments to reflect on the beauty the Lord has blessed us with.

My kids and I are really looking forward to reunion. Thank you for all the planning and effort that goes into having reunion. I know it is a lot of time and energy. We really appreciate all of it.

We were able to see Neil and Mike's family a few weeks ago we were so glad to be able to spend a little time with them. If anyone is ever passing through or by Twin you are always welcome to stay at the Hunter (Nichols) Hotel.

With love,
Kara and family

Jeremy & Leslie-
Benjamin & Megan-
Mathew & Karali-

Calvin & Donna-
Damien & Kacey-
Meredith & Bill-

Hillary & Jason-Hello Hunter Clan! the Rogerson branch is just counting down the days until school is OUT! We're looking forward to a summer with lots of family activities. We're hoping everyone is doing great and wish everyone well. Loves to all!

Cayle & Katie-

Sarah & Ryan-We had a great May! Ryan and I brought baby Douglas out to California for his baby blessing on the 31st, and it's been nothing but fun and family for the whole trip. Douglas has been a trooper with all the traveling, and more than one relative has asked if they can keep him forever. I can't blame them, he's a real charmer! (We have a few pictures of him in his blessing outfit up on our blog.) School is out for the summer, and we're looking forward to signing the closing papers on our house next week and beginning the long process of moving/decorating/etc. If anyone wants to slap a few coats of paint on the walls, feel free to stop by Houston anytime. We won't be making the trip back for reunion, and we're sad that we have to miss seeing you all. Enjoy your summer, everyone!

Natalie & Jared-

Sheila & Lyle-

Jenna & Kevin-What to say... Well, life is good here. Seems like we're just trucking along without any major happenings. (Which is a good thing!!!) We're really enjoying our little area in Springville. The 5k fun run is this weekend. We've all been working hard in hopes of not embarrassing ourselves! :) Kaden (12) has finally passed me up in height. He got straight A's and high honors and is more than excited for Jr. High!!! Hunter (11) also got a personal best in school! All a's and one b! I'm so proud of all of his hard work! At one point he had 23 missing assignments and made them all up in a little over a week! Good job Hunt! Gavin (8) also got straight a's! I'm so impressed with all of them. They are very self-motivated, and work VERY hard. Kellan (5) can't wait for kindergarten to start! He DOES remind me that he will think of me all day when he is gone! He really knows how to sweet-talk his mom! Chloe (21 mo.) is talking up a storm! It amazes me how much she understands! Time flies faster with her than with my others. I'm LOVING summer! We named our days of the week again! I love it! It really makes summers much more enjoyable for us! Monday is Family Day, Tue-Hiking day, Wed-water day, Thurs-learning day, Fri-friend day, and Sat-exercise day.
I love you family! I hope all is well with everyone! We will miss you at the reunion!
Love, Jenna and fam

Spencer & Shanille-
Wendi & Aaron-
Adam & Moana-
Bryce & Jessica-

Greg & Lisa-
Beau & Shannon-
Zachary & Kaylee-