Sunday, November 30, 2008

Hunter Herald November 2008

Hunter Herald
November 2008

Neil & Mike-
Trevor & Charmayne-
Haylee & Ryan-
Kalli & Terry-

Paij & Brent-All is well here in Mississippi. Another semester is coming to an end and we are very happy to be that much closer to graduating. For Thanksgiving, we went to visit Brent's brother and family in Pennsylvania and spent most of the time in Washington DC. That is such a cool city. This was my first time visiting and I think that place can invoke patriotism in anyone who visits. We loved all the monuments and free museums. We also visited Gettysburg and Hershey, PA for Chocolate World. It was a wonderful time and gratefully the weather cooperated nicely. However, we are happy to be home now and looking forward to our upcoming visit to CA for Christmas. Morgan is growing all the time and is sitting up and playing like crazy. We are hoping we can hold off any crawling until after Christmas but she has a mind of her own so only time will tell. Love you all. Happy Holidays!
Love, Paij, Brent and Morgan Collins
For pictures, visit (DC pic's coming soon if not up yet)


LaMont & Evy-Well, MERRY CHRISTMAS from the LaMont and Evy Hunter side of the earth.
This last month has brought much education and savoy to us. First of all, unlike we thought while going through it, there can be life after diverticulitis. We had thought it all ended right there. We were wrong and life does go on.
All of our kids are doing great. We had lots of fun watching volleyball games featuring Emma and Claudia. They are great players and always seem to be happy and set a great example on and off of the court.
Justin and Jana's little guy is doing some fascinating things like signing some 35 words,
blowing out candles, saying a few words, eating and swallowing, climbing on things and being a regular fun kid. It is great to see him smiling and progressing. The boys just finished flag football and Grandma and I weren't able to get to Reno to see them. Hope we can next year.
Paul and Jamyn and family are doing well. Maddi and Annie were in the Manteca Idle
competition where they did extremely well. They sing like a couple of meadow larks.
Aaron and Molly's boys are playing soccer and baseball still and having lots of fun with indoor soccer.
Tye and Melisa and their three magpies are doing well hope to see them before the end of the year. Their little on, Elise, has had to wear braces to help her hip sockets form correctly and is now out of them and loving life.
The old crows are doing well and feeling our ways through life. We cannot write a hundredth part of the things that have happened to so many people... We love you all and love it when you stop by to visit.
Love to all
LaMont and Evy

Chad & Nan-
Jaimyn & Paul-

Justin & Jana-It is fun to read how and what everyone is doing and up to. T he Reno Hunters are just great. The boys just finished football and played really well. Keathe is in the middle of our first run at home schooling. What a chore! She seems to have learned a ton though, and it gives her a huge taste of self initiative. Its going well. Tennyson is really improving and learning and growing. He can sign about 25 or 30 words!! very impressive. We are working on his verbal skills and he makes progress every week. He has been so healthy for almost a year now. We reaally grateful for that. Jana is still Primary Pres and whipping thos little Mormon kids into shape every Sunday. I am just working and trying to get a house built. It is actually moving along pretty fast. Take care!!

Love the Reno Hunters

Melisa & Tye-

Layne & Frankie-We had a great Thanksgiving.

Caleb - family and Kara - family came for a week. Seth - family and Rebekah - family came for a few days. Rachel - family came to visit each day but got to sleep in their own beds at night. It is very quiet here this morning. Layne is complaining because he has 12 more days of work before Christmas vacation. I will spend 12 twelve days looking for the things the little grandkids have put away for me :).

I hope everyone had as much fun as we had.

Rachel & Rob-
Seth & Rayanna-
Brandon & Laura-

Rebekah & Seth-
Hello from Bakersfield. This week we have finally left the 80 degree range. We actually hit 84 last week and broke a record of 82 set back in 1923. It has been nice. Our puppies are almost old enought to give away and we believe that their is a good home already selected for each. It has been really neat to have them. They are so cute and quiet. My children are, of course, begging to keep them but that is not going to happen. It is the most wonderful time of the year!!! Already!!! Wow time flies!!!

Gregory turns 12 on 12-31-08. Does this make me old? We planning on him being ordained during Christmas vacation.

Peyton is doing well and although he gave us a scare, losing 9% lung function in a matter of 3 months, he has now gained most of that function back and is striving to gain weight. He is so healthy, with so many odds against him, that one must realize that it is the priesthood blessings that keep him going.

Elliana is loving the puppies and enjoying learning to play the piano. She also complains of wanting a sister but none have been sent so she still complains.

Seth is trudging along at work and the bills are being paid. What a blessing at a time when so many are hurting.

I still teach and complain, though I really can't it is a good job for my family and covers medical. Other than teaching Gospel Doctorine which is totally intimidating for me, life is good. We are well fed, housed, and loved by the Lord. Please don't pass through Bakersfield without stopping by or saying, "Hello".

Caleb & Ashley-

Kara & Michael-I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We are enjoying visiting with my parents this year. For the past two years Mike has been on call for the Holiday so Caleb and Ashley have come up for the holiday. This year we get to enjoy spending time with them at my parents house. I guess it is the best of both worlds.
I was looking for an up date on Jarom and if the Lord has seen fit to keep him in America.
Well, I hope this letter finds your families doing well.

Jeremy & Leslie-
Benjamin & Megan-
Mathew & Karali-

Calvin & Donna-
Damien & Kacey-
Meredith & Bill-
Hillary & Jason-
Cayle & Katie-
Sarah & Ryan-
Natalie & Jared-

Sheila & Lyle-It is nice to have Jenna and Kevin back in the area. Our whole family except for Tanner (in Peru) and Aaron (on call doctor) were able to be at our thanksgiving dinner. It was nice to see all the uncles and aunts from the Mortimer side.

We sent out 9436 invitations to our warehouse sale and had a blast. That's all the homes in Springville and Mapleton and we had a great response. It's like a wedding reception we got to see so many friends.

We've sent out 6000 invitations to Provo and Spanish Fork for this weekend. It will be fun to see who responds.

We've been busy running, reading and responding to calls. Bryce nearly has our new website finished. You can go online and look at the beta site at If you'd like to sell books, please let Bryce know.

We're having fun.

Jenna & Kevin-We are all moved back to Utah. It's good to be back. The kids are adjusting well and LOVE their new school! We had a fun Thanksgiving with the whole Mortimer clan. It was fun to see some cousins we haven't seen for a while. I have barely even started Christmas shopping, so this is going to be fun!
I'm thankful for my family!!!
Love, Jenna and Fam.

Spencer & Shanille-
Wendi & Aaron-

Adam & Moana-We had a fun and busy month. We got to go to Hawaii for the twins Great-Great Grandmother's 100th Birthday party! It was wonderful. We had a great Thanksgiving with all the family and are now getting ready for Christmas! We love you all and wish you the best!

The twins with their 100-year-old Great-Great Grandmother!

Bryce & Jessica-It’s all happening too fast! We have now moved. We are living in Mapleton. It’s only about 5 minutes away from Mom and Dad’s house in Springville. We’re renting from Jessica’s grandparents. They live on a 7 acre lot right up close to Maple Mountain. They have chickens, and cows, and a horse, so it’s been fun living on a “farm.”

Bryce is still working on his Pilot’s license. He flies today at UVU with his instructor. He has flown solo a couple times, and looks forward to getting his license.

Jessica is working on starting school again at BYU. She still doesn’t know exactly what she wants to major in.

Overall, we are doing well. We just got our new callings in sunbeams and really enjoy having snack and game time during church! :)

Tanner- Tanner REALLY needs some REAL letters before he gets home! It would be a fantastic FHE!!!!! Love, Jenna
Mission Address:
Elder Tanner Boyd Mortimer
Casilla 1884
Arequipa Peru

Hey family,
Well this week was good. We went to zone conference. It was really neat. We learned about growing our faith. I am sorry in my sentences or structured a little weird I am just forgetting English a little. So I am not trunky but do you all know that I only have 7 weeks left. Next week starts my last change in the mission. I am really set on being an example to the missionaries on how to finish you mission. I have known to many missionaries that trunk out the last few weeks of there mission. My companion and I are really working hard. Here at the beach during summer it is a little hard to touch the hearts of people but we can be there friends. Something I have learned during the mission is you can teach and teach and teach a person but the things they are REALLY going to learn come from the spirit. So I have found that one of the best ways to teach something about something is bare your testimony to them and let the spirit do the teaching. As missionaries we just get people in an environment where the spirit is strong and the spirit teaches them what they need to know. So when my missionaries ask me how can I MAKE people do what is right or at least have the desire to change. Well you can’t MAKE them do what is right but if you can get them to feel the sincere love that you have for them, if I’m explaining well. Get them to feel that you’re sad because you know that they are missing out on blessings. That’s when they’ll want to change there life. Because they will want those blessings, they will want the atonement of Christ to clean their life too. That’s what will get them to change.
The gospel is really beautiful. After a mission of studying of the gospel I am just now learning how to apply it all. You could say I am a slow learner but I like to think that is very complex.

okay well i think that is all

Greg & Lisa-
Beau & Shannon-
Zachary & Kaylee-