Hunter Herald
January 2008
-Trevor & Charmayne-January is moving right along. First were the birthdays and then pinewood derby, and now the CA mission. Busy, Busy. Trevor is enjoying his new job at the Dept. of Water Resources. He has to go to training once a month and half are down in Bakersfield. He's still doing business on the side when he gets a chance. The boys are having a great time in school. Race gave up basketball this year to be head of the science club. Nick gets to go too and loves being in 4th grade. Makes him feel older. Kinny just loves that he is the same height and weight as Nick (he's got the Hunter genes-short and stocky). So it makes it hard to tell him that he's not old enough to do something that his brothers are up to. Nick went snowboarding for the first time. He loves it and wants to do it again. So we're looking forward to another month in the life of....
-Haylee & Ryan-
-Kalli & Terry- Sorry, I didn’t get this in time for December’s newsletter.
Merry Christmas (a little late) and Happy New Year (a little early) from the Hill family. We live in our duplex in Biggs, CA but spend most of our days in Gridley (where the schools, jobs, and Gradma's house is). Terry is very busy running our new store (TH bike & board) and just loves it. He's a construction safety consultant on the side (that's what pays the bills for now). Kalli is busy teaching music (TaVaci), doing books for the business, and running the house. We're also expecting number 4 in June. Cypress (6) is in 1st grade and the star student! She's always reading and writing notes. She loves
riding bikes at our shop and being in charge of her brother and sister. Tayla (4) started Pre-school and
is so glad to get away from mom for a couple hours each day. She is making friends quick. She is
totally enjoying her new kitty (Teege) that she got for Christmas. She's going to be a famous skateboarder one day. Tyden (2) is always busy with something. Terry tries hard to keep him away from the girly things the girls got for Christmas :) He loves to draw/color and do puzzles and ride his skateboard. He's lately learned a new love for games. We are very happy and hope you are all as well!! Hope your holidays were full of love and joy as ours were. We'd love to hear from you all!!
Love, Terry, Kalli,
Cypress, Tayla and Tyden Hill.
-Paij & Brent- Well first and foremost in exciting news is that we are having a girl!!!Yeah, I'm a little more excited than Brent about that news but the idea is growing on him. We don't know what we're going to name her yet but we have some ideas.
Secondly, I did start grad school at the University of Memphis. I'm in my third week and so far so good. It's going to be time consuming for sure and I'm still working part-time for now so we'll see how long that lasts.
Thirdly, this is Brent's week to learn how to give shots and IV's in Optometry school. For those of you that know him, you know he gets queasy at the mention of a needle or blood so this ought to be interesting. He had to read his notes about it one page at a time with a break in between so he could put his head between his legs. Who knew optometrists had to learn to give IV's. Pray for him, he'll need it.
Fourthly (Can you say fourthly?) We love you all and love hearing your news. Rogerson's congrats on Max!
Love Paij and Brent
FC3 Hunter, Jarom
USS Germantown, OPS/OW FPO AP
San Diego, CA 96666-1730
Mission Address (needs 85 cent stamp):
Melnsila Iela 3-1
LV-1046 Riga
-Chad & Nan-
-Jaimyn & Paul-
-Molly & Aaron-
-Justin & Jana-
-Melisa & Tye-
-LAYNE & FRANKIE-We had a great trip to New Orleans before Christmas. Layne has now been to 48 states. Are there any volunteers to drive to Alaska with him? I think I would rather go on a cruise or fly but he is set on driving. He even bought me a new car so we can get there. I am trying to convince him to go to Hawaii first.
Most of our children were able to visit sometime around Christmas. Other than a few surgeries here and there, our family is doing great.
-Rachel & Rob-
-Seth and Rayanna-
-Brandon & Laura-
-Rebekah and Seth-School is half over. Enough said.
-Caleb & Ashley-
-Kara & Michael-Hello Family,
I wanted to write a quick note to let you know we are doing well. Karalynn had the surgery on her cheak a few weeks ago and is dong great. Dr Antabacka said all the test results were good. We had her lymph nodes on the left side of her face removed and there wasn't any sign of futher problems. So for now we just go back every few months to make sure everything is still healing and looking good.
The kids are enjoying the little bit of snow we are getting. I think Twin Falls much have a magic force field over the top of it. If you go 30 minutes in just about any direction around us you will find a lot more snow then here. I know I shouldn't complain but I think it would be fun to have one snow day this year.
Aunt Klyda called last week. She was asking how everyone was doing. It was so nice to be able to print up this newsletter to send to her. I will continue to try and print these each month to mail out to her. I don't make it out to Oakley as much as I should but it is sure fun to visit when I am able to.
We are looking forward to family reunion. I know it is still about 5 months away but each day it gets a day closer.
I am serving in Cub scouts with Daniel now. Our pinewood derby will have just happened when this new letter comes out. I already know how it is going to turn out. One boy will win and all the other boys will try hard to remember the sportsmanship talk we had before the night begun. You know the one where we say it doesn't matter if you win or lose it is just important that you have fun.
Well, I hope as this note finds it's way into you home and brings a smile to your face.
With Love,
Kara, Michael, Daniel, Joseph, McKayla, Karalynn, and Adam
-Jeremy & Leslie-
-Benjamin & Megan-
-Matthew & Karali-
-Damien & Kacey-
-Meredith & Bill-
-Hillary & Jason- Congratulations on your new addition!!!
Maxwell Jacob Rogerson
December 21, 2007 @ 4am
6 lbs. 12 oz. 19 1/2''
-Sarah & Ryan-
-Natalie & Jared-
-Jenna & Kevin- Hi Fam. We are all great. I have a new calling as the Family History Consultant in the ward. It’s really exciting. The church has a new program that makes the whole process a whole lot easier! The boys are all doing well! Kaden (11) is trying out for baseball tomorrow. Baseball is his favorite sport and he’s very excited! Hunter (9) will be 10 this month. He is very excited and keeps asking me to throw him a “surprise” party. How funny is that! Gavin (7) is quiet and sweet. He is always giving me a hug and asking me how I am. Kellan (4) is reading like crazy. Every day he asks me, “What day is it today?” I tell him what day it is and he tells me WHO he is that day. Example…Saturdays he is Rico. (From Hannah Montana) He points to his cheek so I can kiss him and he hurries and turns so I kiss him on the lips. He is quite the character. J How fun it is living in a house with a bunch of boys. Someone is always hugging me or massaging my shoulders. They take good care of their mom. I fall more and more in love with Chloe (6 months!!!) every day. She is definitely a momma’s girl, which I LOVE. J Life is good! I love you my family! Jenna
-Spencer & Shanille-
-Wendi & Aaron- Hello everyone, We are back to Minnesota
after spending the past two months traveling for interviews and
visiting family. We hope to be moving back to Utah for a year.
We will find out where we are going for residency this March.
Anthony and Haden are getting really big. We love being parents.
We miss you all!
Love, Aaron, Wendi, Anthony & Haden
-Adam & Moana-ALOHA!!! We started our year off right and came on a little trip to Hawaii! The boys are loving the ocean. Adam's loving the food and Moana's enjoying being in the sun again! In Utah the snow is dumping so we're glad to be in Hawaii. Life really can't get any better now, but it always seems to! We love you all. Take care!...
...Our Little Hawaiian Babies...
-Bryce & Jessica-
Mission Address:
Elder Tanner Boyd Mortimer
Peru-Arequipa mission
Edificio El Peral
Avenida El Ejercito 710, Oficina-703
Cayma, Arequip
-Beau & Shannon-
-Zachary & Kaylee-