Hunter Herald
December 2008
Neil & Mike-Merry Merry Christmas to all of our wonderful family!!! I am in such a jovial mood!!!!! Great Great you know we have been dealing with the Jar/Iraq issue for a month and a half now. Monday Jarom is notified that he is going to Iraq and he needs to get all of his belongings into storage, make out a will and be ready to leave Sunday (12-14-08). They said he would get further orders Weds. He makes out his will does the Pwer of attorney thing and everything they ask to get ready. Hears nothing on Weds. Friday, after work they call him on his cell phone and say: "the navy has decided they don't need anyone from your ship", you may begin your Holiday leave!!!!!!!!! MIRACLE! it was a miracle. I am here to testify that faith, fasting, and prayer bring miracles. We are so grateful the Lord saw fit to grant us one. So Jarom comes Tuesday, Paij and her family, Thurs, and Haylee and her family Sat. I am so grateful that my children still think"there' no place like home for the holidays! So we've decked the halls, made everything chocolate we can think of , and will start wrapping presents soon.... I hope. It's even raining today so maybe our snowboarders will be able to hit the slopes. I so appreciate my dear son-in-laws and daughter-in-law who support all of our silly making all the boys/men sing Elvis's" I'LL have a blue Christmas!!! (it's Ryan favorite part!) Aren't we all so blessed to have these choice and wonderful families that give us the sweetest and most lovable grandchildren. I know you all will be blessed with great joy and peace this season because you love what Christmas represents and you bring the Christ Spirit into your homes by the lives that you lead. We love you all and will think of you all coming together as we are. Thank you, for all of your fasting and prayers in Jarom's behalf. We the Neil Hunter family are so thankful to be a part of the awesome Boyd and Gene Hunter family!!!! Good tidings we bring to you and your kin"! (Aunt Mike)
Trevor & Charmayne-
Haylee & Ryan-
Kalli & Terry-
Paij & Brent-
LaMont & Evy-
Chad & Nan-
Jaimyn & Paul-
Justin & Jana-
Melisa & Tye-
Layne & Frankie-
Rachel & Rob-Hello everyone, It has been so long since I wrote but we are all doing great here in California. Rob is working hard to finish our house so we can move in on December 20th. A little crazy with christmas but we have renters who are anxious to move into our mobil home. The boys are all doing supper in school. They are pretty much motivated to do their best. Cody is in 8th grade. He loves making thinks out of wood. He learns much from his grandpa. In January He should get his life rank in scouting and he is anxious to work on his eagle. I am so thankful for great scout leaders Alex is in 6th grade. Alex and Boyd both did soccer this year. They were both on great teams. I am glad it is over but next year Dale wants to play too. Boyd is in 3rd grade. He loves school and cub scouts. He also spends alot of time making thinsgs out of paper, tape, cardboard boxes, pretty much anything I'll let him use. Dale is in 1st grade. He loves to do puzzles, play on the computer and play with his oleder brothers. Elizabeth is 18 months old. She is officially in nursery. Rob is her teacher so it is and easy transition. She is busy learning and gorwing. It is fun to play dolls with her. Girls are alot of fun. It is a good thing because in April we will have another little girl. I was so excited to find out that Elizabeth will have a sister to grow up with. Well I guess that is all for our update. I hope everyone has a great Christmas. Love, the Fransen's
Seth & Rayanna-
Brandon & Laura-
Rebekah & Seth-
Caleb & Ashley-
Kara & Michael-Hello Family, We had a white christmas this year. It is beautiful but when I think of the song "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas" I dream more of a foggy or green one. I guess it is just what you grow up with that makes your dreams. We were going to go to Mikes' parents for the day but the snow storm kept us home. We did enjoy the quiet family time. Mike, Daniel and Joseph had a long day of Risk and the rest of the kids played with some of there new toys. In the early evening we went over to the church with a few friends and played with the Basketballs and had a long game of Volleyball. It felt good to burn off a bit of the Christmas snacks. We brought a few of those friends home with us and played Twisted Phase 10. I think that is going to be on my list for next year. We had a lot of fun. We missed having family around but if the weather is good enough we my have visitors for the New Year. We will just have to wait and see. Our ward party this year was a night in Bethleham. Mike was asked to be one of the wise men, and Joseph were Shepherds. We ate our dinners on the floor in the gym. I think the evening turned our very nice. Each of us were able to dress up in something. I hope our kids remember this activity as we make Christmas memories. We think of family often and hope each of you are doing well. It is so fun to read the updates in the Hunter Herald.
With love,
Kara, Mike and kids
Jeremy & Leslie-
Benjamin & Megan-
Mathew & Karali-
Calvin & Donna-
Damien & Kacey-
Meredith & Bill-Hello to our beloved family and friends! 2008 is quickly drawing to a close! We wanted to stop the momentum of our lives to acknowledge those who mean the most to us! We think of each one of you and know our lives are better because you are part of it. We know that miles and schedules keep us apart, but you are always close in our hearts. This year has been another eventful year for the Sutherlands, briefly,
First, we must acknowledge the service provided by Bill’s parents (Bill and Yvonne) for the missionary work in Cle Elum, Washington at the Ensign Ranch. I know that our lives were blessed because they were on the Lord’s errand. It brought joy to us to hear the peace and happiness in their voices. They are a tremendous example to us. We are glad they are home!
Bill has juggled so many tasks this year. We are so proud of his work at Caltrans and Shasta College, working with the 11 year old scouts, and mastering the Rubiks cube! For his 40th birthday, “Failure is Not an Option” from NASA was our theme. He underwent “astronaut training”, which included a test flight (a sight seeing tour in a Cessna), a space walk (Tour of river trail on Segways), a night of red carpet treatment on the town, and a surprise party where he was granted the title of “Astronaut Bill”.
Meredith spends her days reading and studying as a junior at Chico State. Her “spare” time is kids, family, carpooling, laundry, homework helper; cooking…you get the idea. She worked with the youth throughout most of the year and now serves in the nursery. Her daily run helps keep her sane. Now that we are on break, the kids report that the dinners are much better!
Anna graduated 8th grade and transitioned into high school smoothly.She was on the swim team during the fall, and participated in the Madrigal Dinner through music program. She is taller and more beautiful than ever. She likes attending early morning seminary. Her parents are proud of the beautiful young woman she is and the positive choices she makes.
Will is now in the 8th grade. He played all star baseball during the summer and soccer for the school team in the fall. He was invited to play on a competitive soccer team after a coach saw his skills with the school team. Will is energetic, witty, and smart.He plays the trumpet and marched in his 3rd parade with the school for the Holiday parade.
Thomas has become a unicycle rider! He also played on the school soccer team (with Will) and was later asked to play on the same competitive team. Thomas is currently on the 6th grade basketball team and was named team captain. He also held the role of Mike TeeVee in the spring play put on at the school, “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. He sang and danced on stage! Anna and Matthew were also part of the production. He is a good student and a confident young man!
Matthew held the role of Augustus Gloop in the same play. This character is known for his excessive eating, so Matthew was stuffed with pillows to create the look of this chubby character. He also played all star baseball this summer helping lead his team to a championship! Now in 4th grade, he has also learned to ride the unicycle!
A few highlights of 2008
Bill and Meredith – Hawaii
Meredith – Baseball Spring training Arizona
James and Ashleigh Sutherland wedding in May – Salt Lake City
Visit to Washington to see Bill and Yvonne – June
Lake of the Woods-Oregon
Cayle and Katie Hunter wedding - July
Disneyworld, Bahamas, and NASA – Florida
Bill Turned 40!!!! – November
We feel so blessed as we look back over another year of our lives. We look forward to the future with faith. We hope all is well with you and your beautiful families. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Abundant New Year!
Love, The Sutherlands
Bill, Meredith, Anna, Will, Thomas, and Matthew
Hillary & Jason-The Rogerson Christmas was most enjoyable. It was spent with friends and family. Our kids each got something they really had their hearts set on which enhanced the magic of the day. As overwhelmed as we have been feeling as of late it was a precious break from the chaos. We miss all of you and hope all family far and near had a great Christmas and a happy new year.
Cayle & Katie-
Sarah & Ryan-
Natalie & Jared-
Sheila & Lyle-Dear family, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! We sure enjoyed everyone being home, except for Tanner, but he did call, and it was so nice to hear from him. We had the whitest Christmas ever. The skiing and sledding are good. Its been in the 20's for the last few weeks. The roads are a little slick, but not bad. We also celebrated a few birthdays in December, Lyle's Kaden's and Kevin's. How dare they have a December birthday. Anyway lots of cake is good for you right? Here's a cute quote not sure of the author. "You didn't choose your family, it is a gift from God, your family will bless your life, just as you bless their's". Well it something like that. You have blessed our lives. I am very proud of all of you. I hope you all have a "Happy New Year" Don't forget to come and see us if you get a chance. Just don't come the middle of January, we'll be in Peru!! woo hoo. love you all, The Mortimers
Lyle and Kevin... I think they're in love...
Jenna & Kevin-Hi Family! We had a fantastic Christmas with the Mortimers. It's been fun to be back home. We found a house to rent in Springville and are excited to move there in January! Kaden turned 12 on the 23rd and got to have Grandpa Mortimer give him his 12-year-old interview. How exciting and fun watching your kids grow up. We are all excited to have Tanner home in January!!!
We are REALLY enjoying the snow!!!!
Front to back: Hunter, friend, Quenton, Kaden, Lyle, Sage, Kellan
Spencer & Shanille-
Wendi & Aaron-
Adam & Moana-
There's no place like home for the Holidays!!!
Left to right or right to left. Jenna can't tell them apart: Kenneth, Chloe, Chandler
Bryce & Jessica-
Greg & Lisa-
Beau & Shannon-
Zachary & Kaylee-
15 years ago