Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Hunter Herald February 2007

The Hunter Herald

February 2007

NEIL & MIKE-Well the best news is that they finally let Uncle Neil out of the hospital after 2 long weeks. The nurses were so entertained by him that they kept begging the Dr. to let him stay! He didn't come home alone however. His constant companion is a "wound vac" that takes out all of the fluids and pulls the wound together. It makes a very annoying sound so at times he has to be banned to the back porch with the cats. ( well not too often) This has been the nightmare shoulder surgery, but folks he will be up to throwing those horseshoes at the reunion in June!! Jarom was in Virginia during the month of Jan. in some kind of radar school. He is the weapoms supervisor on his ship. The day after he returned to San Diego he started another school for a week. Then his ship went out to sea for a week. He's trying to do some missionary work. Tom's basketball team hasn't won a game yet but they are improving so much each game that I'm sure they will surprize us all with a win one of these days. We had a fun family Valentine's party this week with Trev's and Kalli's family. We love you all, Aunt Mike.


LAYNE & FRANKIE-The month went by way too fast! We are still doing what we did last month, except that Jeremy and Leslie are here visiting for the week. We LOVE visits from family even if it is just to spend the night on the way to somewhere more fun. I usually will provide milk and cold cereal. We sold all of our very cute Australian Shepherd puppies. Pompi (our male dog) and Lady Red (Rachel's dog) have puppies also. They will be ready to leave home in a month or so. Yes, Pompi is a bigamist and we are proud of it.

Love, Layne & Frankie

Rebekah & Seth-Ellian gave us a scare this month. She stopped hearing out of her right ear. It looks like it is just fluid build up due to allergies but when the doctor tells your that your child cannot hear your heart stops just for a moment. As I am sure many of you know.

Peyton and Gregory are doing well and loving life.

Seth and Rebekah are chugging away at work and looking forward to the

CALVIN & DONNA-Okay. I see that there was a dearth of information on my family last month. I will write so as to make sure that tradition continues.

Let us begin at the bottom, age wise. With Sam. He is now the President of the Teacher's quorum... playing the trumpet like a 9th grade 'Satchmo... sort of... and is actually getting a little taller... than his mother. Not like that's saying a whole lot. Now when he eclipses his father's massive frame... (HEY! I'm talking about HEIGHT!!!) Then he can be proud. He just played at a Valentine's dance (attended by myself and my lovely bride as well as Natalie and Jared...) which was very romantical indeed... at least the way Nat and Jared were looking deeply into each other's eyeballs it seemed that way.
Alexandra has Donna waiting for the other show of adolescence to drop. She has been sweet and well-behaved. No arguing hardly. Lovely- nice...and beautiful especially since she has contact lenses in her eyes now. She's a Junior in High School- and in the musical "Bye Bye Birdie" this year. Cool, huh? Emma is still holding down the catalog desk at JC Penny's... and keeping the Shasta College bookstore in business. She's a mainstay at the student branch - and is really kind of fun to have around the house... much of the time! Really! Except for the whole "minor wreck in the van" thing. and the... Oh never mind all that. She's awesome! The aforementioned Natalie is marrying Jared somebody in May sometime in Oakland. The 19th I believe. Wedding dress purchased. Progress made. That's all I know and apparently all I will be told until there's the need for more cash. At which time I will be informed of just enough to get me to "tickle my wallet"... making it disgorge some hard earned dinars, pesos, or whatever the currency of the great state of Oakland will be by then. As for Sarah and Ryan - They can speak for themselves, as can Hillary and Jason, Cayle and ... uh... Cayle is doing well. He just got a car for himself, which will allow him to spend a little more time here in the north country. His car is running well. Damion and Casie will have a new grandchild in several weeks... otherwise you'll have to ask them how they're doing.

As for Donna and I... we're getting on famously. I've spent a few hours in Neil's hospital rooom. He keeps trading up his fake shoulder for a better model. In fact I think he's going home from the hospital today (Feb 12th) so as to be at his residence in time for Valentine's day... a move which put an screeching halt to Michalene's plans!!! :-) Just kidding. She's going on with her Valentine's plans anyway... even if Neil IS there!

Donna is in charge of props for "Bye Bye Birdie". Anyone with older style (60's vintage) telephones? She has been a little under the weather, but has nonetheless agreed to share dinner with me on Valentine's day (causing her to change HER plans as well. This CUPID guy- he gets around!)

So it would be nice if there was something else to tell you about our family... but there isn't. Unless Emnma decides to write up a 'graph or two on the household.

Until next time.

Hillary & Jason-February- Just a lovely sunny month in California. We're looking forward to some birthdays coming up in March and a new niece or nephew from Damion and Kasie! Love to all! JASON, HILLARY, HUNTER, ELLIE, REESE

Ryan and Sarah McMullin- We just got back from our anniversary trip last night, which was a lot of fun. We went to the St. George temple, which was BEAUTIFUL, saw a Beatles Tribute band (The Fab Four) in Vegas, and stopped by the Hoover Dam on our way home. It was a blast, and we're glad to be back home safe and sound. In other news, I (Sarah) got my first law school acceptance letter this past week to St. Mary's University in San Antonio. I hope it's the first of many. Other than
that, it's business as usual around Provo. Hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day!

Emma-Dad just hosted a talent show and a masquerade ball. Mom is taking on tasks such as props-master for the upcoming High School Musical "Bye Bye Birdie" which Alex and Sam are also participating in (Alex being a member of the cast and Sam playing in the pit). I (Emma) am not doing anything that I wasn't doing since the last update, work and school. I may be looking for a different job though. And I'm looking for a new book to read, any suggestions? I'm very picky. It can't be lame. Love you all!


SHEILA & LYLE-Well.... Life just seems so uninteresting to tell. I work... mom works at other things. Bryce Smooches and Leisha plays... violin, etc. We did hear from Tanner. He is leaving for Peru today (Wed. Feb 21. He will be in the Lima MTC for a month then on down to his mission (Arequippa). He loves what he is doing and keeps mentioning how closely they work with the spirit. Bryce is still on for his April 7th marriage. We're trying to get the downstairs apartment ready for him. Sheila is still doing RS work. I'm still struggling with HTing. Work is going good though. Guess I better get better at HTing, huh? Still working with 11-year-old scouts. That's fun and rewarding. Working on a lot of fun stuff at work—Movies, music, artwork, temple pictures, Book of Mormon geography, novels, and one of my favorites (a book on Godly sorrow called Chosen. You'll all have to get it when it is published). Sheila and I are going to a gift show in Las Vegas this weekend, then Bryce's wedding, then a 10 day trip to China, then partying with Greg and Lisa in Hawaii. Greg, you can't back out now.
Jenna you can edit any or all of this out. It probably sounds dumb. Loveyoubye, Dad

Jenna & Kevin-We had a fabulous V-day. Kevin is so good! We drove up to Saguaro lake and he made the boys and me a fabulous dinner. I’m 14 weeks pregnant and starting to show a little. There are a group of girls in my neighborhood that started walking in the evenings. 10 of us went last night. Most are pregnant. It was quite a sight! J Hunter is turning 9 Friday. He can barely wait. I had a friend from Ohio surprise me and show up on Valentine’s Day. She will be her for a few weeks. It’s been fun reminiscing and spending time with her and her kids. Love you all! Jenna, Kevin and Boys

Adam & Moana-We've had a wonderful month! Moana's birthday was on the 1st, we all went out to dinner and had a great time. We went in for the 20 week ultrasound to monitor the twins and everything looks perfect! One is 11 oz. the other is 10 oz.!, and it's for sure 2 boys! We already have names picked out!!.... You will all just have to wait until they're born! :) The babies are growing fast, so Moana's going to get huge fast! Adam has 2 more months of school and he will graduate this Spring with his Bachelor's degree in International Business! yea!... Just in time! We love you all! Until next month..... Aloha*